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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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It's a PlayStation branded PC! :p


Yup. Looks like a mini PC tower. Surprising that it's quite angular as Sony's recent console designs are generally rounded off.


When is the Xbox conference, tomorrow?


Yup. Expert timing on Sony's part!

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Im just gonna ignore it until we get an official announcement. We still have enough time left that any prices could change anyway. Who knows, this could all just be a ploy to get MS to announce their prices first so Sony can get undercut them.


This conjecture does amuse.

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Im just gonna ignore it until we get an official announcement. We still have enough time left that any prices could change anyway. Who knows, this could all just be a ploy to get MS to announce their prices first so Sony can get undercut them.


Given that the leaked specs were spot on. No chance of that happening. PS4 is the expensive hardcore box. Xbox One is the every persons box and the WiiU is for Nintendo fans.

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Helsinki, Finland, May 23 – Housemarque, the award winning developer of downloadable hit titles such as Dead Nation, Outland and Super Stardust HD, announced they are hard at work on a (still unnamed) “spiritual successor” to the Super Stardust franchise. The game will be released as a PlayStation®4 (PS4) exclusive.


That's literally it as far as details go but I'm glad they're reverting back to a more Stardust styled game, despite Dead Nation being good in local co-op.


Edit: they've actually got two PS4 games in the pipeline apparently




Also - It's funny how often reviewers bring up the competitive nature of high scores in games and how we build rivalries with friends because of them. That doesn't happen. The only time I remember taking note of high scores was when we compared them on the forum for SS:HD, which was kinda fun for a bit. Nobody really cares though.


Btw I was on Motorstorm Apocalypse the other day and after finishing one of the courses I noticed that I'd beaten everyone on the forum by a full 40 seconds, and it was my first attempt at it too. Imagine what I could've done with more practice.


Just something to think about.

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Btw I was on Motorstorm Apocalypse the other day and after finishing one of the courses I noticed that I'd beaten Cookyman by a full 40 seconds, and it was my first attempt at it too. Imagine what I could've done with more practice.


Just something to think about.


Fixed for you.

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