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About dwarf

  • Birthday 11/22/1991


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GB, N64, GBA, Cube, DS, Wii
  • Other Systems Owned
    PS2, PS3
  • Favourite Game?
    Metroid Prime/Fallout 3
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  1. The first couple of hours are quite testing because you don't know who you are yet and the most abrasive characters in the game give you shit for it. Not saying it isn't a melancholic game thereafter, but it does settle down a little and there are plenty of beautiful and touching moments that make it more than worth persevering with. Would be a shame to miss out on a once in a generation game like that 🥺
  2. Arrived to this game late but smashed through it in a week. It's so good it makes you depressed at how bad the writing in every other game is. Like... before playing it I was dimly aware that games weren't satisfying my desire for good storytelling, but afterwards I realised I've been starving my whole adult life. Perhaps, given that capitalism disincentivises creative projects like this, I should be grateful Disco exists at all – particularly since it has such radical (if cynical) lefty politics 💕 I like to imagine David Cage playing it drunk and then killing himself.
  3. Yeah it's kinda crazy from a publisher perspective, but people can always summon other players or use a beefed up mimic tear to make things more manageable. You can tell they've thrown a lot of money into advertising the game. I've played a lot of the DLC and it's great so far – it's basically another helping of the main game. With it being an add-on, I was concerned it would be quite small and not feel very open-worldy, but the Land of Shadow is MASSIVE and has plenty of branching paths to pull you in various directions. I suppose that's to be expected given the price tag and how long From have had to work on it. Master stroke of Miyazaki to suggest it would 'only' be the size of Limgrave. Edit: lmao at them patching Torrent into the Elden Beast fight... take your time lads
  4. This aint it fellas. The gameplay and graphics are from a bygone era and it doesn't seem to have a clear identity, which isn't a surprise given all the development complications. Prime remains in my top three games of all time, but I made my peace with the series after the disappointment of Corruption - very glad I didn't have any emotional investment in how the series would pan out!
  5. @Sheikah – interested to hear your thoughts on the game
  6. Also, genuine, non-trolling question - I don't play much of anything these days: how should I sell on my Switch? I've got the console, Zelda, joy cons and a pro controller. Would I get more money by selling Zelda and the pro controller as two separate items on eBay? Thanks for any tips.
  7. Kinda crazy how hard this game fucks. Like it's actually too good.
  8. I've not even played it and yet I want to throttle that Eurogamer reviewer. Don't temper my hype, you bounder!
  9. I recently finished Elden Ring, which dominated by life at various points over the last 6 months... and now this big chungus is about to drop! Re-listening to some BotW soundtrack today - man it's taking me back. I had a brutal manual labour job at the time and playing it was such a release, one of the few I had. What a magical game. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. With the foundations from the first game already laid, they've had 6 years to build on all the core concepts that made the original so good. Surely the result has to be amazing?! Like I get the hesitation about them re-using the same map (more-or-less), but if anyone deserves to be trusted, surely it's these guys. Won't be watching any more pre-release footage.
  10. Completed this just now. Fiddly controls and repeated mini-bosses aside, absolutely loved it. Only a half-formed observation which might not stack up, but I feel like Dread bucks the trend with other Metroid/Nintendo games in the way it rewards precision - particularly through the 360-degree aiming. Super satisfying to clear a room quickly by exercising that extra level of finesse, even if it's rarely necessary.
  11. Was terribly bored this evening and realised I hadn't played anything in a while. Decided that I might like to try out the Hitman games. As it turns out, one doesn't simply try out the Hitman games. Figuring out what entry to buy, alongside which DLC, in order to get a reasonable price for the main content... I honestly just gave up. I feel like I'd sooner hack into MI5 with a Nokia N-Gage. IO Interactive, if you're listening - you can get in the bin. You'd have my trilla if you weren't such bastards about this whole affair. Ye just don't deserve it, DO YEE!?
  12. Reviews are saying this is rock hard, which I wasn't expecting but it definitely piques my interest as that's what I liked about the originals. And it's also good, apparently. If it was £30 I'd be tempted but £50 is steep.
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