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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Advert during the CL Final aye... Wonder if it'll actually show the console itself or just be sort of a basic but smart "PS4 Coming Soon!" type advert.


No-one will ever know...everyone will be at the bar.

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I can honestly say that I'm happy with my Wii U but obviously I'll be happier with it when Pikmin 3 etc comes out for it, those games won't come out on any other console so it's a fair trade-off.


When it comes down to which I want out of the Xbox 720 / PS4 however, it's looking more likely that the next console I buy will be another Sony one, the only thing that would persuade me to purchase the next Xbox at launch would have to be something huge like a new Banjo Kazooie / Killer Instinct game from Rare, otherwise I'm really not that bothered. :/

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You're a terrible person and that's why I like you.


Terrible people are the only people worth bonding with.


I can honestly say that I'm happy with my Wii U but obviously I'll be happier with it when Pikmin 3 etc comes out for it, those games won't come out on any other console so it's a fair trade-off.


When it comes down to which I want out of the Xbox 720 / PS4 however, it's looking more likely that the next console I buy will be another Sony one, the only thing that would persuade me to purchase the next Xbox at launch would have to be something huge like a new Banjo Kazooie / Killer Instinct game from Rare, otherwise I'm really not that bothered. :/


I just think there's a massive gulf between the WiiU and PS4, it's like they're from different epochs. Also, why would Banjo be a game-changer after we were 'blessed' with Nuts and Bolts?


On a different note, I've now made use of my Plus subscription - downloading Joe Danger 2, Motorstorm Apocalypse, Okami HD, LBP2 (because I can, if for no other reason) and inFAMOUS 2 (to do an angry cunt run-through). All this for £20 and I'm only a month in. Daylight fucking robbery!

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I just think there's a massive gulf between the WiiU and PS4, it's like they're from different epochs. Also, why would Banjo be a game-changer after we were 'blessed' with Nuts and Bolts?


They are, but it's not a bad thing.


A new Banjo platformer making full use of the latest tech would have the potential to be amazing, Nuts 'n Bolts was excellent in it's own way but I'm sure there are many people who would love a true sequel to the original games.

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They are, but it's not a bad thing.


A new Banjo platformer making full use of the latest tech would have the potential to be amazing, Nuts 'n Bolts was excellent in it's own way but I'm sure there are many people who would love a true sequel to the original games.


Nuts and Bolts was excellent in its own way... excellent at being shockingly monotonous, having clunky controls and altogether delivering something so far removed from previous BK titles that Banjo and Kazooie really shouldn't have appeared in it. A real let down.


The only fun thing Rare made this gen for me this gen was Viva Pinata. I wouldn't hold out on anything good ever coming from them again if I'm being honest.

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The only fun thing Rare made this gen for me this gen was Viva Pinata. I wouldn't hold out on anything good ever coming from them again if I'm being honest.


It would be so easy for them to make a 'safe' game that they know everyone wants though, I've never understood why they don't bring back something like Killer Instinct as a fighting game of that standard on next-gen hardware could potentially be amazing.


But even though it pains me to say it... Rare really are a shadow of their former selves. :(

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Pretty sure we've been told Rare are continuing working on Kinect for the 720.


Reason enough for me to avoid the next Xbox like the plague!


It's going to have to take something REALLY fucking special to convince me that the Kinect was ever a good idea because despite the possibilities offered by utilising two cameras, the games all feel so two dimensional.

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A nice Mark Cerny interview from Gamasutra is HERE


Cerny approached the design of the PlayStation 4 with one important mandate above all else: "The biggest thing is we didn't want the hardware to be a puzzle that programmers would be needing to solve in order to make quality titles."


To design the PlayStation 4, Cerny didn't just rely on research, or postmortems of the PlayStation 3. He also toured development teams and spoke to middleware partners to find out precisely what they wanted to see in a next generation console.


The benefits of this powerful hardware will be seen in the PlayStation 4's launch games. But Cerny maintains that, in the future, they'll shine through in totally different ways.


Here are a few of my favourite bits, but I would encourage everyone to have a read of the full article.


"The launch lineup for PlayStation 4 -- though I unfortunately can’t give the title count -- is going to be stronger than any prior PlayStation hardware. And that's a result of that familiarity," Cerny said. But "if your timeframe is 2015, by another way of thinking, you really need to be doing that customization, because your competition will be doing that customization."


So while it takes "weeks, not months" to port a game engine from the PC to the PlayStation 4 according to Cerny, down the road, dedicated console developers can grasp the capabilities of the PlayStation 4, customize their technology, and really reap the benefits.


Making the machine accessible and developer friendly as possible is something all of the big 3 should be aiming for and i'm happy that Cerny seems to get that.

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I can't believe Cerny is only 31.


It's promising hearing how Sony have made this console so open to interpretation by developers (it also seems to have the potential to be the first really comprehensive 'computer in the living room'). It's something I think Microsoft and Nintendo don't realise; the 'big three' aren't the centre of the games industry anymore, they are just part of a much bigger picture. The PS4 seems to be the antithesis of the Wii U, in that respect...and God know what Microsoft are planning. You can't make hardware a certain way just because it suits you, it has to suit the content makers and you have to give them options and flexibility. Waving a tablet controller infront of their faces is meaningless.

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Much more interested in the headset that you can plug into the controller.


I will certainly be a mono one. I'm expecting a small, snazzy design - an ear clip rather than going right over your head - like a bluetooth headset but with a wire.

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