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Seems Winter has finally arrived, boooooh.


It's snowing outside and everything is covered in a white layer. Which is fine, as long as I don't have to go out in it. =P

We're also gonna get temperatures of -10° etc. Do not like! I hate cold. =(


*eagerly awaits for Spring to arrive*

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Person who was supposed to come and do my experiment cancelled on me an hour before he was supposed to come along :nono: Got up early to come into Uni for nothing, although at least he rearranged for tomorrow (although at 10am... *sigh*).


So now sat in the lab twiddling my thumbs, as I've no work to do and said person was the only one who booked for today, and just waiting for the reception staff to come back from lunch so I can return the room key. Think I'll make the best of a bad situation and head for the pub.

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Hahaha. You have to give the man props, though. Taken to 5 sets in the match with Murray, resulting in less time to recover/prepare for the final, and with Nadal and he still managed to hold on to win. Definitely the best player in the world right now, even with the gap between the top ranks and those below closing fast.


And you have to factor in Nadal had a day extra to recover from his semi final. I think, had they had the same amount of recovery time, Djokovic would've walked it.



Another interesting fact is that Azarenka, the women's champion, played a total time of 10 and a half hours over the course of the tournament. Djokovic played more than that in the semi-final and final alone.

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Absolutely gutted by the marks I got back for a postgrad module today.


I got 64% for the module overall... and for the main component of the module.

I put SO much fucking time and effort into it and the group I presented to before Christmas really liked it. Tutors comments are utter bullshit.


It's actually just made me wonder what's the fucking point... which isn't the attitude I need right now during another really busy workload... but this is gonna me pissing me off for a good few days!

Edited by Retro_Link
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We're also gonna get temperatures of -10° etc. Do not like! I hate cold. =(


*eagerly awaits for Spring to arrive*


Hahah, that's cute. Here we've had temperatures of about -27° to -30° now for a couple of days and seems it still going to continue. Don't really mind the cold myself but it's kinda annoying that you can't be sure if your car will start or not.

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Absolutely gutted by the marks I got back for a postgrad module today.


I got 64% for the module overall... and for the main component of the module.

I put SO much fucking time and effort into it and the group I presented to before Christmas really liked it. Tutors comments are utter bullshit.


It's actually just made me wonder what's the fucking point... which isn't the attitude I need right now during another really busy workload... but this is gonna me pissing me off for a good few days!


Me saying this doesn't help, but it doesn't hinder either, so;


Fuck them, you're incredible.

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Good day for my mums birthday but once again my sisters boyfriend pissed me off. First thing he said to me when he walked in the door was "Can I go on your pc?". I just told him no and when he asked why I said "because its my mums birthday". He then spent a while sitting and sulking until he wanted to turn over from the tennis that my mum was watching, once again I told him no so that was another few hours sulking. Final thing was him getting my mum to make him a sandwich tonight then not saying thankyou when she gave it to him, just taking it and carrying on reading his phone.


......Cannot stand the guy.


Seeing as it's your mum's birthday, I'd try and avoid any confrontation - she'll probably not want the fuss even if it's for her sake. I think you should do the grown-up thing and tell him to get some manners and grow the fuck up or get the fuck out of your house.

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Me saying this doesn't help, but it doesn't hinder either, so;


Fuck them, you're incredible.

haha, cheers.


I guess I just have to take the positives from it.


OK so it might not have ticked all the tutors marking boxes (though I still think this is bollocks)...


But I walk away from the module with a couple of kick ass Photoshop Visualistations and a wicked Bolsa Wood Model Bridge... both of which will look good in my portfolio, and that's probably more important than the actual marks.

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i had a VERY VIVID filthy filthy dream about my colleague last night.. i had to sit beside him with that very vivid image in my mind...all day.... awkward....


He's cute an all but im not particularly attracted to him... which made it a bit odd to say the least!!


Maybe it's telling you something. You should "accidentally" leave this playing loudly on your headphones near his desk and see if he gets uncomfortable.

Broadcast Yourself
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hahahaha nice idea ;D there have actually been jokes made about us and it doesn't seem to phase him... think he's just a really nice/unawkward type of guy =P




maybe he's gay!!




unfortunately i had another annoyance today as well, my freakin clutch has started to die... another cost I can't afford!! Argh!

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Sudden onset of low mood led to accidental overeating, subsequent nausea, and ceased productivity (was studying). Attempting to remedy by listening to Be Your Own Pet and doing something with my sister's art supplies.


Oh, and vintage clothes shops in Dublin are disappointingly boring and stupidly overpriced.

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Was so ill/feverish/shaking/weak last few days. Now that's all gone, my mouth is in intense pain. What I thought was just an annoyingly placed mouth ulcer has now spread it's insidious influence around my mouth leading me to think it's some sort of...gum infection (my teeth aren't sensitive or sore at all)? It's really painful and I can't eat properly without food touching one of the sensitive areas in my mouth and making me internally crai.


I tried having a mcdonalds today and ended up having one and a half chicken selects and half a pack of medium fries. Managed a banana an hour or so ago too. First bite was agony though.


I NEED an appointment at the uni doctor's tomorrow, I don't care what the rude bitch behind the desk says about same day appointments. I'll punch her in the mouth then she'll know how I feel.

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