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You guys are crazy, but its probably best you don't get splash back in your eyes...


I passed my work probation, which means they now cannot sack me within 24 hours - woohooo! In all seriousness, its a lot more comfortable for me because I'm doing well and hit the 6 month mark. After last month, its a welcome relief.


My boss has also asked me if there's some new work I'd like to take part in which would make my life a lot more calmer whilst feeling a bit less like a peon, so I've accepted. Joys! :D

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Went to lunch with some friends, one of whom I haven't seen in what seems like an absolute age so was really good to see her and hear how she was getting on. Still pissed it cost me £5.10 for a glass of white wine (and it was most likely the cheap stuff as well, swindling bastards!).


Then went for what was supposed to only be 1 drink with my bestie, which turned into 2 drinks, then 3, and 4 and so on until we eventually called it a day after spending 3 hours in the union. So much money spent but always worth it as I absolutely love spending time with this girl. Means so much to me and always good to have a gossip and moan about people with someone who is pretty much on the same page as me. Well apart from finding out her favourite singer is Celine Dion. Almost a deal breaker that one.

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Congrats! :D I look forward to being able to say that. :heh:


It's a good feeling, a little odd though. So far it's been a case of going about the day as normal, and then occasionally thinking 'What should I do now? I should probably rev.....I CAN DO ANYTHING!!'


And then remembering I'm skint so my options are in fact limited after all :heh:

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plus side tings! Got to stay positive.


I've taken on a new job-thing, and it's been great on one hand because a lot of people now have breaks with me at the same time and have been all "I recognise you!" "yeah I've been working in the far corner for 4 weeks" and generally networking with a lot of people better. I also got my payslip, and it seems I've been paid more than I should've by about 10%. Rumour is this is partly a little share of the commission for the department I was working in (they just introduced it when I started) and also a little bonus for saving the company a bunch of money by spotting a mistake. It's always nice to see a larger pay amount (even if it still doesn't cover costs incurred last month, let alone the month coming up!).

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Finally got wireless in the basement. Risking my pc by carrying it out, then up, then inside the house to get Internet hasn't been fun, and the noise of my steph mother and little sisters have been driving me crazy at times. I almost considered abondon Internet all together..

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Woohoo! So work has been really stressful for everyone recently. But I'm currently testing another game with work and its been pretty fun - its only temporary, but I've been enjoying myself.


As a new thing, work have now decided to make sure that every payday we have beers in the afternoon, so at 4pm every payday we get to go and network and chill out. Then leave at half 4. Yipee!


We used to get beers every friday, well, not really, it basically became really on and off, so its cool they are sticking to it. It was really nice to see the runescape guys that I was going to work with <3. Maybe in the future I'll be grabbed :).

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Guys, I think this is probably the best thing I have ever owned! My cousin and her fiancee went to Florida for two weeks and went to Disneyland and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (which I am seriously jealous about but she's taken photos so I can just visit it in my dreams or something :p).


Anyway, something very surprising happened. She got me a present. We never usually do holiday gifts or anything but I think she knew I was a huge Harry Potter fan and would have probably adored something from there so...






Seriously love it! I love it to bits! :D

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