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So, I went into work the next day and I decided that I would make a poster/sign to be put outside my classroom door, just to set some rules about homework (to help sort out the confusion). Head of Department and a few others thought it was a great idea, so I did that.


After-school, the parent said she wanted to have a chat with me, and apologised! She said that it wasn't her intention to cause offence and that she was happy with how things were going. A bit unexpected, but nice nevertheless. She seemed to catch some vibes that I wasn't happy about her actions...wonder what gave her that idea.


It was my friend's birthday from work, so there was a little intimate group of three others who went to her place, where we ordered some yuuuummy Indian food and played some games all night. Tried some Kinect, which was a bit of a laugh because we all looked retarded whilst doing so. We managed to squeeze in some Guitar Hero, which was awesome. :D Got to show off some basic skillzz.


I was a bit hungover the next day, but gymmed it off and was fine for the rest of it. No Saturday wasted. :D Fuck yeeah.

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I want the ocarina and the pin (I collect them!)


Had a lovely day at one of my best friends' wedding. Such a great couple.

Going to a roller disco birthday party tomorrow, then back up to London to start uni for my final year!


Life is hectic!


You collect ocarinas? Niche.



I'm listening.....what would one have to do to proposition this from you?


One doesn't have to do much to proposition me to take my top off. Shame its a large, if it had been me-sized I may have actually worn it out. Will be used for lounging.



Last night was the hot tub party! Fun times was had by all. And thankfully not too much mess (and what was messed up was contained to the kitchen mostly) so all tidied pretty quickly this morning. Now I want to die on the sofa ^_^


Oh and hot tub massage circle. That was interesting...

Edited by Ashley
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Got up at 7am today... to do a car boot sale! Lugged a big suitcase of dvds and books up a massive hill... and for 4 hours of hawking I managed to get just over £40! Very surprised, considering it was fairly quiet there, too.


Not going to let the fact that I owe £90 dampen my day at all :P

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A while ago I moaned about how I can't go see my favourite band because I have no-one to go with, but strangely enough 2 different people have asked if I wanted to go see them at their university gigs. Unfortunately both are during the week and because I have work I wouldn't be able to train it there and back in time.


Still, the fact they asked without me saying anything makes me happy :).

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Friday I was at a party at my uni course, and I spent god knows how long just talking about Sherlock Holmes with the tutor I may or may not have a crush on. We just hit it off so well, but I'm still pretty clueless about whether I'm actually crushing on her or if I'm just excited about getting a new, great friend.


It's nice all the same. :D

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Ahhh long day is overrrr.


I pretty much spent my entire Sunday afternoon/evening working. First had my normal Sunday job, then straight after that went to do another job: cleaning up books from a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge book selling event.


Basically was there from 17-23 packing away lots and lots of books haha. I first had to do the manga comics (actually saw some I wouldn't have minded having myself) and then the crosswords/puzzle books. Those were annoying to fit in the carts because of all the different sizes haha.


Anyway I won't get paid much for this, but I guess it was nice to do. Too bad they couldn't let me work all week though, would've been nice (money wise hehe).



Now I'm in bed with my hot cherry pillow for my aching back and a big bar of chocolate. Whoo! =)

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I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but i got 2 numbers from people i "apparantly" know. I'm in a situation where i can't ask them where i know them from, in the case i offend them. I probably know them, but can't recall them from memory. Even more remarkable, i can't recall talking to any females on the weekend.

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The DICE team




Erection? why yes I do....

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I've been helping out in the Visual Marketing department (design work basically). I'd sort of been told that I might be moving through there eventually. My work place being as it is, I only ever took the potential movement as an empty gesture that might happen some time if I get really lucky and probably would have to sleep with a manager.


But apparently I'll be a graphic designer after Christmas. My boss and her boss (who is also my boss sort of) were talking to me about it and they said that it would be next summer. The senior of the two said maybe Christmas time, then my boss sort of told him to shut up. It was sort of as if she didn't want to make that promise yet or didn't want me to go that soon or something. It was a bit odd.


I was talking to the senior designer and he asked if I knew what was happening with me and VM. I said I hear a few things, but never really take any of them seriously. He told me that VM have been promised me for just after Christmas. The head of VM is the sort of person that's quite stubborn when he's been promised something.


So yeah, I'll be a graphic designer in a couple of months. Good job too, I was getting a bit sick of my old job. Although I will miss the powah of basically being in charge of my own department (Currently a senior lab technician). Pretty much going from being a big fish in a small pond to being a small fish in a big pond. The lab has always been a bottom rung job though. It's bitch work basically. If the company wants lab staff to work evenings/weekends we kind of have to.


My boss made an official announcement about this today. I will indeed be a graphic designer by Christmas. If there is time, I'll be going through to VM for one day a week, gradually working up to full time by Christmas.


Oddly enough, I remember wanting to be a graphic designer when I was in secondary school, but gave up on it pretty quick as I never really considered myself creative. Now I've pretty much stumbled into it by chance. Awesome.

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My boss made an official announcement about this today. I will indeed be a graphic designer by Christmas. If there is time, I'll be going through to VM for one day a week, gradually working up to full time by Christmas.


Oddly enough, I remember wanting to be a graphic designer when I was in secondary school, but gave up on it pretty quick as I never really considered myself creative. Now I've pretty much stumbled into it by chance. Awesome.


Probably a good thing you never took Graphics at our school, it was pretty crap and put me off. No computer design either.

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Probably a good thing you never took Graphics at our school, it was pretty crap and put me off. No computer design either.


Do you mean our school as in Chenderit or as in the college you went to? Did Chenderit even do graphics?


It weirds me out that you're moving up in the world, Goafer. Pretty soon you'll stop spending your time in abandoned buildings and start driving a real car! :sad:


Bollocks to that. I stand out like a sore thumb in VM and I plan on keeping it that way! Although I do get on really well with the others in there. Everyone in the whole building (bar a few) are pretty laid back.


And it weirds me out too. I've never really made much effort to "progress up the career ladder", just worked hard. I've never really been one to "brown nose" either, nor have I ever asked to be moved into VM. It's just kind of happened.


I always have been lucky I guess. My luck stat must be 10 or something.

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Really enjoying my work. Balancing stock counts, accurate money counts, thousands of customers and a team of staff that have a different skill-set each week. Then there's two other kiosks to liase with, and I've started doing my manager's job a little bit by taking up the challenge of making sure all three kiosks are properly stocked, and setting off to other parts of the stadium to try and amend problems.


My last shift I was 2nd out of 16 kiosks in terms of financial accuracy (money count vs. actual money/takings, etc) -- by 5p, and I knew about 20p that was miscounted but didn't realise we were keeping score. I'd've been 15p better than the top kiosk, earning a grand minus of 39p! Plus the top kiosk was one that is a bar for the players and their families, so they only have like 100 customers versus my 2k.


previously I was fairly slow on finishing up -- ending my shift at midnight when other leaders were out by half 11 or earlier. The reason being is that I'm actually doing the paperwork. Today I finished everything up by half 11, and could've finished earlier if a genuinely massive cock-up hadn't happened.


So yeah! Great having a job with responsibility, and doing well at it.


A friend of mine also told me there's a part-time short-term admin job at her Comet store - she texted me out of the blue about it, so felt good that she thought of me. Should hear about it tomorrow.


Fingers crossed, I should have Major Life Plans set in motion this time next week, too!

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