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good stuff thread.


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So recently I've decided to learn programming and today it struck me how great working at a university can be; I have access to a library, I can register myself to modules and look at learning materials and the department would pay for courses.


Also finally went for a drink with someone that we've been trying to arrange for about 9 months. He's been hopping between London, Milan and LA so it's been difficult. He was on a directing course at the same uni as I was and we discussed ideas, technologies, the industry etc. Hope to work with him some day but at the very least I'm sure we'll bounce ideas off each other.

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I've had a week off work, my first since October, therefore it's all been good. The best bit has been staying with my girlfriend for 5 days, that was just plain awesome. Not having to worry about leaving like I always do after one night was so relaxing.


Don't make me go baaaack..

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Finally managed to catch up with my dissertation supervisor, who acted all nice when I went to see him after my last email. Got the all clear to start running my experiment so hopefully get that started on Monday. Just hope people are willing to come along. The incentive to win 1 of 4 £20 vouchers should do it (only need 32 participants so that should tip people in favour of coming as the odds of winning one aren't that bad).


Also managed to complete most of my introduction for my dissertation as well today thanks to a large amount of coffee being drunk. Coffee shakes aside, don't think I've ever typed as fast/been as focused as that in a long time. So very productive day. Think I'll go off and splurge some money on something as a well done.

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The mill I work in is currently quite empty, but I've found out that there's going to be a call centre opening up with around 200 staff. It's apparently an NHS call centre, so it will be people of some intelligence, too.


lol... think you could be disappointed with that one



*works in nhs call centre*

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- Signed a contract for a waiting job. Not a fulltime job, but it’s a start.

- Enrolled in an English course. The guy who processed my registration seemed cool. After our introduction he may have a job for me making a logo. And he was heavily implying my teacher is pretty hot (didn’t get that hot French teacher by the way, but oh well, can’t have it all)

- Oh and yeah, some guy came over to fix my central heating, so I can take a hot shower again, haha! Just a few days alone, and I manage to break the central heating in the house. For 2,5 days, not only was this house empty and quiet, it was pretty cold as well.. But it is fixed now.

- Got a call from my family. Can’t wait ’till they get back.

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Wooot! Had a busy week at work, including my 121 on Wednesday which went very, very well.


Got told just before leaving that I'll be learning an admin task next week - New Accounts. Absolutely awesome news, because A) its a massive task to learn, B) its unusual for someone (of 6 months) to go onto admin at all, let alone new accounts.


Only downside is, my mate who joined just under a year ago has only done one (easier) admin task so far, and technically speaking (although of course, my amazing performance is a big part of it) partly its because my manager is AMAZING and fights for me to get work/training in this regard and because his manager is a cunt. Seriously shes a bitch.


But meh, good for me!

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... Did you just insult your own intelligence? :p


Well yes and no...


working in an nhs call centre doesn't indicate someone's intelligence, you just have to have an EXTREMELY good memory to hold all of the endless rules/restrictions/exceptions/what you can and can't say.. Clerical staff never make decisions, they follow protocol... We're not paid enough =P


i'll have you know I am actually very clever, I just don't demonstrate it very well the great majority of the time ;D

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This morning I told a Jehova's Witness there is no God and that we are all an insignificant part of the vast beauty of the universe, but we can still be important to each other. He was very polite.


On my way to work I saw a Batmobile made out of a Robin Reliant pick-up.


My thighs look fantastic right now.

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This morning I told a Jehova's Witness there is no God and that we are all an insignificant part of the vast beauty of the universe, but we can still be important to each other. He was very polite.


On my way to work I saw a Batmobile made out of a Robin Reliant pick-up.


My thighs look fantastic right now.


Best post EVER in the good stuff thread? Yeah, I think so.

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Good night for a colleague's birthday, went to a fantastic little curry restaurant where you brought your own booze if you wanted any with your meal - the food was both reasonably priced and utterly fabulous. They also order out, which is a service I dare say I will utilize in the near future.



Edited by gaggle64
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Two holidays were booked this week! :D


Going with the lads to Magaluf again in July, which promises to be absolutely hilarious and generally awesome.


Also found out that the I'm going with the family to Cyprus at the start of September, so good times all round.


Now I just have to get through the Winter/Spring and get on with this bloody university malarky. One of those moments where I really just wish time could fast forward.

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D'aww Dyson, what is it you're doing these days?


Still working at GAME, but getting to the point where I'm ready to call it in. I want to move in with my girlfriend in London which is seeming more and more likely at the moment, but I need to find work up there first. Ideally I'd transfer but a full time Senior Sales contract is hard to come by sadly!

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Did my taxes today, I was expecting a huge bill as I got a massive return last year (quirk of moving countries mid-way through the tax year), but actually I got a $200 refund - nice.


My mate rented us a Mustang for when he visits in the March, SF-LA-Vegas road trip is going to be immense.

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Did my taxes today' date=' I was expecting a huge bill as I got a massive return last year (quirk of moving countries mid-way through the tax year), but actually I got a $200 refund - nice.


My mate rented us a Mustang for when he visits in the March, SF-LA-Vegas road trip is going to be immense.[/quote']


Do you go and watch any of the sports out there live at the arena's and such?

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