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About Will

  • Birthday 11/11/1983

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    Games, Driving, F1, Internet
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  1. The country is just a total mess right now. I do like the approach he's taking with being quite open about things but it really does put in perspective just how bad things are. The Conservatives have done a great job of pitting the poor against each other while the rich get away with murder. It's really no wonder we are where we are. Tax raises will fill some of the holes we have but it doesn't change that much with the situation we are in. I think they need to go further and fundamentally change the way a lot of things work if we're actually going to succeed long term. Certainly will be interesting to see what happens. We're at a point where we may stay here or may go elsewhere and what happens in the next few months will play a big part in what we decide to do.
  2. Sounds like Star Wars under Disney to me. I really enjoyed The Acolyte for what it was, but there just didn’t seem to be any point to it. Keep in mind that I’m definitely more on the casual side of the Star Wars fan base but it just seemed to me like a story going nowhere and with none of it really set up for me to actually care about getting more of it. It didn’t really expand on anything I’ve seen before or give a new angle to things, the characters are kind of cool but also don’t seem to play into anything. Ultimately it just felt like there was really no reason for this story to be told.
  3. It looks kind of fun but I wouldn’t say there was much they showed that would make this an essential visit for me. I’m hoping that the stuff they didn’t show will be the more exciting stuff and once we see reports from people who have visited there will be a bigger reason to go.
  4. Oooh nice, I'd totally forgotten about this thing. If this is done right it could definitely be a must-see for me.
  5. You get up way to early.
  6. Will


    Should have made this thread a year ago really but life got in the way. Has anybody else been playing/collecting Lorcana stuff? For anyone not in the know it’s a trading card game featuring Disney IP and is actually really good fun. At the time it came out I was thinking I wanted to get back into TCGs but didn’t really want to try and catch up with Pokémon or Magic and then this appeared - great timing. I currently have a pretty decent deck and try to play as much as I can, only problem is most of the people I know who will play only have starter decks so it’s not much of a matchup. There are also some decent online tools to help things along. You can see all the cards and build a deck on DreamBorn and then import that to Untap to play. If anyone is interested I'd love to have more people to play with!
  7. I was tempted to buy a PSVR2 in the recent sale so borrowed one first just to check it out. Basically I wanted it for Gran Tursimo and that was about it. I played it and it was absolutely amazing (I have a wheel/seat setup already) apart from one thing… the damn tightening bolt on the back meant you had to hold your neck forwards to the point that it made me feel sick. Real shame it’s not like the Vision Pro, I’d almost certainly have picked one up if I could sit comfortably with it.
  8. With Disney it does not surprise me at all that they would go to this level of insanity to get what they want. Will be very interesting to see the outcome and whether something like a service agreement can be so far reaching.
  9. That football one where the ref takes the hardest hit and is up immediately vs. the players rolling around on the floor in agony is great. Most of those I wouldn't really think of as bloopers though, just sport.
  10. Oh that sounds good - you should post some of your works!
  11. Our weather has turned today and it’s wet and cold. I’d definitely trade it for hot and humid.
  12. Have you managed to read much of these? Look very interesting.
  13. This sounds absolutely awesome! We never get weather that good here.
  14. I was totally annoyed by the BBC coverage the whole way through, issues compounded by the fact my Dad only mentioned he had Discovery+ on the last day of it. Still we got one day of decent coverage in the end. What we did get to see I absolutely loved, the Olympics is definitely one of my favourite sporting things. Watched a lot of canoe stuff, the new 4 person slalom race was excellent. Got into modern pentathlon a bit (without the horses it’s something I’d love to do myself) and then of course the athletics as usual. Caught a fair bit of the velodrome action where it seemed they’d brought the referees in off the street because they’d forgotten to get anyone in that knew how the sport worked? Looking forward to the Paralympics now!
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