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Unlikely Dislikes


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Who make fun of you?


Some of my friends joke around about that, though what bothers me is the waiters not even knowing cheese-less pizza exists. I'm certain they think I'm pulling a prank.

Needless to say, I usually just end up eating something else

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Some of my friends joke around about that, though what bothers me is the waiters not even knowing cheese-less pizza exists. I'm certain they think I'm pulling a prank.

Needless to say, I usually just end up eating something else

Well screw your friends, it's your pizza...I've ordered cheeseless pizza in quite a few places, and no problems thus far. After all, it's not a hard request to fill, is it? Judging on some of the waiter reactions, haven't probably been the first one to ask for that either...Also, I don't think it's that weird anyway...just think of all the lactose intolerant people etc.


Only once have I gotten a pizza with cheese on it, but even that was because of a new-looking employee who got half of my order wrong anyway :D

Edited by Ville
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Definitely discos.

Very much over-rated and you're basically expected to like them. When I tell anyone that I don't really feel comfortable at those types of places they all reply the same with "Ah, sure you'll like them when you're older"


Ugh, I'd much rather go somewhere interesting like London, Italy etc. then start clubbing for my 18th. :(



Red meat is another one. Yeach! Oh, and damn you non-coffee drinkers. Hasn't Godot taught you anything? :p

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@Dannyboy: I'm one of the beer-haters as well. It tastes horrible and I don't see the appeal in getting drunk for the sake of it.


Well screw your friends, it's your pizza...I've ordered cheeseless pizza in quite a few places, and no problems thus far. After all, it's not a hard request to fill, is it? Judging on some of the waiter reactions, haven't probably been the first one to ask for that either...Also, I don't think it's that weird anyway...just think of all the lactose intolerant people etc.


Only once have I gotten a pizza with cheese on it, but even that was because of a new-looking employee who got half of my order wrong anyway :D


It's still not that common, though. Besides, I'm already used to not eating at pizzerias, I pretty much only enter if the whole group is also eating there.

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Don't see the appeal in getting drunk for the sake of it? What other reason is there to get drunk, other than the sake of it?? I do struggle around non-drinkers sometimes, but I'm totally cool with it and think it's a good thing, I just then feel bad drinking around them for some weird reason.



Also, I don't like alot of straight dairy, and people who've known me forever always seem to be shocked at this fact.

I don't do butter.

I don't do milk, except in tea(or cereal, but I haven't had cereal for years). Only a little when I do. I have to put my own milk in my tea. It's worse if it isn't skimmed.

I don't do cheese, BUT as everyone points out, I do do and love pizzas.

I don't do cream or alot of ice creams.

I don't do yoghurt. Except munch bunch. Though that was when I was 5.


Most dairy/buttery stuff, if I can taste it, I feel sick. I don't think I'm strictly lactose intolerant or anything, but I'm convinced I'll throw up off straight dairy. I'm very hard to make a cup of tea for, and resultantly look incredibly rude, especially if it's made crap after someone insists they make it and I don't drink it.

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@Dannyboy: I'm one of the beer-haters as well. It tastes horrible and I don't see the appeal in getting drunk for the sake of it.

It's not that I don't like getting a bit drunk to have fun, but I hate the taste and thickness of beer. I get nauseous even before getting drunk! So I drink cider and other stuff when I want to get drunk 'cause I simply can't drink enough beer to produce that effect.

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I don't like a lot of fruit - I like bananas and grapes (as well as a few others which generally aren't considered as fruit but technically are), but that's about it. I hate apples, peaches, pears, strawberries, pineapple, melons, etc...


Edit: I do however, love fruit-flavoured drinks and stuff.

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Many peoples idea of a good night out... Getting pissed and clubbing.


Show me a pub, a couple of pints, a pool table and some good conversation!


Have to agree with this. Haven't been to many clubs but when I've been, I hated it, unlike everyone else I was with. Granted, I'm not that into dancing or the kind of music they play in clubs but I'll give it a go and have a small dance if I'm in the mood but it's just a god awful idea for a night out. As you say, a pub, some drinks along with a pool table and some conversation sit with me much better as well.


The only other unlikely dislike I can think of is anything by Guns'n'Roses. I've been told on multiple occasions by people that I should listen to them and when I tell them I have and that I dislike their music, people are genuinely shocked as they think that that is the kind of music that I'm into.

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Salad Cream. It's just disgusting, the smell is pure nose rape. I just can't stand it.


I also hate tuna, smells vile, looks like cat food.


I'm with you. I hate salad cream. In fact, i hate all salad dressing apart from Caesar, which i can just about tolerate. Tuna i am a bit funny with, but i like Tuna Sushi for some reason. Probably because i drown it in Soy sauce.


Coffee is another. I hate the stuff. It tastes like sweat. I only just came round to tea after working in an office for 3 years. I figured i'd have to try and like it in order to get in on the 'cha break' chats. I think i taught my tastebuds to like it. But i have to have loads of sugar.


Apart from that, i'm pretty good with food these days. I guess in the last five years i just changed my opinion and started trying foods i usually wouldnt touch when i was younger because it looked or smelt funny. It's a stupid reason not to eat something to be fair, and i've found myself liking loads of new stuff. Mushrooms and Salmon are two examples. I wouldnt go near them with a bargepole in my teens, but now after giving them a chance i think they're pretty good.


Travelling has also broadened my pallette. In China especially, i love eating Donkey. It's delicious!!! Though there are some foods i havn't managed to muster up enough courage for - chicken feet and cockroaches (or any other kind of insect for that matter) being amongst them. It's just wrong.


I dont quite understand people who dont eat typically regular stuff though without even trying it. Like i say, i used to be a little like that when i was younger, and i regret it now because looks are decieving. I had a mate at uni who ate the same thing everyday - fish fingers, chips and beans. I'm not even joking. Every. Damn. Day. Unless we dragged him to Maccy D's, in which case he would only have plain hamburgers. He wouldnt try anything else because it looked odd or because it was different. Madness!

Edited by Jav_NE
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Travelling has also broadened my pallette. In China especially, i love eating Donkey. It's delicious!!! Though there are some foods i havn't managed to muster up enough courage for - chicken feet and cockroaches (or any other kind of insect for that matter) being amongst them. It's just wrong.


This is the same with me, when I went travelling around Mexico, in some hostels we were given things like Goat and even Snake which were actually really nice. Though I did draw the line at Dog burgers :S.


As for unlikely dislikes, I cannot stand tea. I'll drink coffee, black, all day, but I can't bring myself to drink tea. I'm so un-British.

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Those tiny weird bikes that everyone seems to be riding on, I dislike them.


but even then I don't really dislike them with a passion, I just like shouting abuse at those who ride them.


one time one of them heard me, BOY WAS MY FACE RED.


it wasn't really, I was amused. :p


Nothing really, to dislike something I'd have to care and that requires too much effort!

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Coffee is another. I hate the stuff. It tastes like sweat. I only just came round to tea after working in an office for 3 years. I figured i'd have to try and like it in order to get in on the 'cha break' chats. I think i taught my tastebuds to like it. But i have to have loads of sugar.



I'm guessing instant? People who say they don't like coffeee after only having instant...well they've never actually ever had a cup of coffee.

Instant is vile stuff. I can't stomach the taste at all- it makes me gag. Real coffee though- the stuff actually made from coffee beans- is delicious. It's rich, full of flavor and infinitely changeable from cup to cup.

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Don't see the appeal in getting drunk for the sake of it? What other reason is there to get drunk, other than the sake of it?? I do struggle around non-drinkers sometimes, but I'm totally cool with it and think it's a good thing, I just then feel bad drinking around them for some weird reason.



If you get in the right place of drunkness though it's really quite fun.


Drink is however ridiculously over-priced when you are out, at least where I am.

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I cannot stand mushrooms. They taste rubbery, they look like rubber and...they're just nothing. I may as well be actually eating rubber itself. They're horrible. You can't pay me to eat them. :heh:


Anything thing is this Tim Westwood culture of crappy dance music. Especially when teenagers drive past in their cars with the music blaring out of their speakers. Also, people who sit on public transport with their mobile phone speakers blaring the music out. And, when they use headphones, the music is so loud anyway that you can easily make out what they're listening to. Stopppppp iiiiit.

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