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Such a gorgeous day... and i had to WORK. I wanna be a lazy student bum, its not fair. :heh:


I came into my office in the morning (portacabin style fail) and it was freezing, then it gets to 12/1ish and its suddenly SO SO HOT. URghhhh


And the roof leaks (a lot) in the rainy season.... which, in northern ireland, occurs frequently.


EDIT: My boss was back at work. Her hubby-to-be was on his stag do, and got beaten the fuck outta. He has massive bruising on his brain (blood lying in his brain), and fractured skull and face. He has to munch painkillers to get through the day >_> Just lucky they had it two weeks in advance of the wedding, or else it would have all been called off! Shocking stuff, can't believe someone would do that to a human being

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i know what you mean...my uncle collapsed a week before his wedding, during his stag night. All is well now though.


Aye you hear all the antics they get up to on stag nights, its a bit scary! This was someone not with their party that did it. They were hassling these girls and the fella stepped in, and he got knocked out for it. :/

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haha well it's meant to be a con-k rather than con-ch, but nobody bothers with that. It's a really nice piercing considering I don't have much anatomy on my ears to get much else done (except my double tragi..but nvm).


It is painful, though from what I've been reading if I can put up with two tragi..i can manage one conch!

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My weekend was well Motley Crue. Just got back from ATP vs Pitchfork and it was fucking incredible, best ATP yet. Harmonia and Glass Candy were just beyond awesome and our chalet was by far the most disgraceful of them all.


Just disappointing it's over.

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Last official dayof year 11 for me. Considerably less upsetting than I imagined. "Now begins the hard work" seems like a cliche now though.

If you do Salters for OCR A-level chemistry, it peaks during your A2 year... on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 beng the hardest:


Primary and earlier: 1

Pre-GCSE: 3


AS: 6

A2: 7

OCR Salters chemistry invidual investigation: 10

Natural Sciences (Cambridge): 9


First year natsci is purportedly the most stressful year of any degree, but it's nothing compared to that chemistry coursework. I'm being quite serious.

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Jsut went to tescos with shorty and his better half, and now I'm going out to get a bit pissed for no real reason whatsoever besides avoiding work. Should be good.



Oh oh oh! Aaaand Article Get [published]!

That's not a bad read - certainly the sort of article n-e should promote and encourage. There's a lot of characters out there whom conjure such questions - as mentioned in the comments there's Tingle for sure. What about Samus for stereotype-breaking? You got a lot of these lined up?


Gah. been trying to top up my poetry folder for Thursday, but I'm feeling so wound up for some reason. Gah!


Any chance we can have a gander at your stuff?

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That's not a bad read - certainly the sort of article n-e should promote and encourage. There's a lot of characters out there whom conjure such questions - as mentioned in the comments there's Tingle for sure. What about Samus for stereotype-breaking? You got a lot of these lined up?



There is some interesting stuff coming from the staff soon, keep an eye out.


I certainly hadn't thought of doing a sequel to the feature, but as you say there are a lot of potential tools for analysis. Perhaps I could make it a 10th edition special...in fact a whole series of gender analyses could be done.


Enjoy your drinking jay :D I think I may have a G&T later just because it is (was...) sunny.

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Today has been odd. :)


School was meh. Then i got a psychology mock i did back and I got a C...


I was hoping for a B not sure whether i can pull it up in four days. I'm almost out of energy now. @_________@


I'm confused as to what to do go to Uni not go to Uni? I don't feel like I'm good enough.


Anyway I'm not revising tonight which seems a bit of a waste but oh well my exam is only in four days :p


Then my day got awesome when i found out I'm going to see:


JUSTICE!!!! :yay: i only started my love for them yesterday!

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I had a lovely weekend.


Went to Devon to see my girlfriend friday night and on saturday we got the steam train and ferry to dartmouth and walked around the town, went to the castle and had cocktails on the beach, was lovely.


Saturday night we went for a big fat curry then I dragged her to see Iron Man hehe. The we went back to hers and had some wine whilst watching the first series of Gavin and Stacey.


Sunday we lazed around a bit then went and played crazy golf and had a walk along the beach and had a nice pub lunch before I made her watch United win the title!


The I had to head back to London at 6.......


But still only a month left and she will be back in London, with me for good! wooop.

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Things still not too good :(

My mum is still ill - and I'm still in major shock that she nearly died and never told me. Seriously, you;d think that if your doctor told you to get things in order telling your son would be quite high on that list...

I realised today that I have no option but to move. I have no idea where to, I just know I can't afford to live on my own any more, I got a very nasty letter from the bank demanding £1250 by the end of june in the post today. I just don't know what to do. I'm going to arrange to see the bank manager on my week off, and continue spening no money. I really don't like the idea of a houseshare with strangers, I wish my mates weren't so lame and were willing to move of of their parents places.

Plus i'm feeling depressed for a multiude of other reasons.


I keep dreaming of pay day withdrawing my whole pay check before anyone gets hold of any of it and running off to a 3rd world country and hiding for a few years. Sadly I don't think I get paid quite enough to do that. Plus I suppose I would miss my friends.


Maybe I need to have a car crash. Someone should jump a red light, and either cripple me so I can sue them for injury, or just die and get the whole sorry mess sorted out. But i'd make such a mess on the road, and some poor idiot would have to clean me up. I don't like the idea of my remains being swept up by some brummie traffic cop.

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My whole day can be summarized very simple.


Studying math and practicing the moonwalk.

Eventful indeed.


Mine was very similar!


Add geography revision, finally learning how to do screens on the N-Europe news, and a nice dollop of Mafia-wrangling, and my day is described perfectly!

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funeral tomorrow :(


i am.. keeping it together - if only for daddys sake.. plus i hate crying in front of poeple and recently i have just wanted to be left alone



my wonderful boyfriend has been just amazing as are my wonderful friends (both online and offline) - esp the snowman who kept me company when i had to go into town (which i really didnt want to do but it kept my busy)


still hasnt f ully set in yet about everything but even my doggys are so sad.. one of them (the springer spaniel) has just been so mopey.. she panics everytime daddy leaves the house as i think she thinks he wont be coming back :( (like mummy)


prob should get an early night but i just cant sleep :(

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Guest bluey

uuuurgh. i was almost surprised today to find an email from one of my friends saying thank you for the letter and little gift i sent her from japan. i've sent a few of my friends little presents ... and while i dont expect anything in return but at least a simple "thank you" ... i havent even gotten THAT from some.


i'm surprised. and kind of upset. its not like they havent been online, either... i've actually spoken to one of my friends on msn and he said nothing... is a quick email too much to ask? what the fuck... :shakehead


stoopid friends... :sad: why did i bother?

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