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Stalin - Zeikfield - 04


Stalin - Demonmike64? - 07


Yeah, I was thinking Demonmike too. He's going through a proxy, so it's obviously a double account. We just need to find out who it is/get some proof before doing anything.


(or change the rules to say you can't use webbased proxies)

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Why shouldn't I be defensive? I'm being asked about some of my most intimate thoughts and feelings; if I felt like sharing them I wouldn't have to be defensive.

And this doesn't even really have to do about relationships; I said food is better than sex, not better than a relationship (and to me that's two different things). But to be able to understand my reasoning behind me not liking it, you'd have to know everything about me and my psychological being. And I'd rather not share it, so please just drop it.


Well said Eenuh. Jordan: If the joke was funny it wouldn't've been a problem :/


FLINKY! Your girl problems sound more like friend problems; sounds like it's the Ed Factor which is all that is bothering you. Maybe have a serious chat with him, sort of letting him know that you think you and the girl might hve something special and that it would be unfair to not give it a go just because Ed's gonna sulk.


MY DAY! Well my last few days... Went to Huddersfield to see some mates, went to the Camel Club, got nearly 800 gamer points in two days on halo and dead rising on their xbox360, ate poorly, came up with some further ideas for my stories. Yesterday I also happened to have another two-hour conversation with my ex-girlfriend, which as always provided lots of new, helpful yet hurtful information and left me feeling rather depressed. Glad she's realising what a tit she was sometimes. Sad she thinks we might still be soulmates.


So now! Reading week of FUN FUN FUN READING! More work than regular weeks, this.

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Flinkyton - I really like one of my best friends and she knows it and we're cool about it. It shouldn't make any difference in your relationship if you're both mature about it.


Although my situation is probably a little bit different as we've been together on 2 different occaisions and apparently she did like me at one point (but still wouldn't go out with me?).


Anyway, just act completely normal around her and you'll be fandabbydozy.

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Well said Eenuh. Jordan: If the joke was funny it wouldn't've been a problem :/


and what i said wasn't supposed to be a joke as Ash took it.


I said it wasn't meant to be a joke...

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Yeah, I was thinking Demonmike too. He's going through a proxy, so it's obviously a double account. We just need to find out who it is/get some proof before doing anything.


(or change the rules to say you can't use webbased proxies)

I am using a proxy because I if anyone finds out about my secret love for Nintendo my reputation will be ruined. I can assure you that I am not 'Demonmike' and that this is my only account. I hope that helps.




Joseph xx

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Pretty good thanks. I started driving lessons after about 3 years of "yeah, I'll do it soon" and seem to be pretty good (did stall the car a couple of times) and spent sometime chatting with the New Zealand couple couch surfing with us who have now gone out to look for some work, the girl is a stripper which is interesting, not sure how nice the strip clubs are in Birmingham though.

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Ugh...now in the gruelling process of Uni applications. I hate doing this. Anywho...gonna go for English at either: Durham, Warrack, York, Manchester or Birmingham. To be honest, I'm more interested in the student life than the degree. Can't say that in my personal statement though...nor the fact that I've basically been sitting on my ass this year.

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Not a bad day really.


Got home from the Foo Fighters at about 1am, was an amazing gig and i was near the front too! Was soooo close to getting a drum stick too.


Then I had to go to Lincoln with me mum and dad to see if my brother was alright. Last night he saw a guy with his hands around a womens throat so he was like "WTF?" which made the guy start on him. Anyway me brother got a couple in and broke the guys nose and put him in hospital. Turned out he was a druggy just out of prison, and with the looks of it he'll go straight back in.

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FLINKY! Your girl problems sound more like friend problems; sounds like it's the Ed Factor which is all that is bothering you. Maybe have a serious chat with him, sort of letting him know that you think you and the girl might hve something special and that it would be unfair to not give it a go just because Ed's gonna sulk.



Flinkyton - I really like one of my best friends and she knows it and we're cool about it. It shouldn't make any difference in your relationship if you're both mature about it.



I just don't know what to do about it, tbh. Gonna have a chat with a friend about it tomorrow and see where I can go from there.

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unch means: The entire crotch area of a human being, with emphasis on the lower part of the genitalia. Meant to refer to the entire experience of the crotch and its contents.



Hmmm. :wtf:


I took it to mean. UN CHA, UN CHA. As in the sound the clocks make in 24 when the split screen comes up.


I'm clearly wrong though.:heh:

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I took it to mean. UN CHA, UN CHA. As in the sound the clocks make in 24 when the split screen comes up.


I'm clearly wrong though.:heh:


Lol, a perfectly fair assumption I think.


May day's been okay, I have reading week this week for English so had no lecture this morning, and skipped Philosophy this afternoon because I lost track of the time/have all the notes I need. So I've been sat watching South Park today, and talking to my girlfriend who I will be off to see tomorrow! :yay:

Now I'm just about to get free food at the bar, then I imagine back on here to argue about Macs with Jasper again! Can't wait.

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Last night took an unexpected turn for the best. Got home at 4, got out of bed at 1 and slept in spurts in between.


And today has been alright. Watched Devil's Rejects in a lecture and discussed torture porn. Now I'm ironing and should fill out an application form but too much like effort.

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Spending the day in my 5" heels to get used to them for Saturday night.


Im afraid Im going have to say:


pix or didnt happen.



My day:

I missed the bus, so got a lift with a person who happened to be driving along. Her name was My-leen, or something like that.


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Im afraid Im going have to say:


pix or didnt happen.



My day:

I missed the bus, so got a lift with a person who happened to be driving along. Her name was My-leen, or something like that.



The bus driver didnt wait for you like yesterday. :sad:

Eh how nice of My-leen. :wtf:

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