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    • Put 15 hours into this with a couple of friends over the last week, across three sessions (last Friday, Tuesday, and yesterday).  Goes without saying from the fact we played this on a Tuesday: game is incredible. Super fun, easy to adjust the difficulty so we can weave in and out of casual talk on lower difficulties and zoning in on higher difficulties, really funny to just mess about and kill teammates "accidentally" with friendly fire, sentries, stratagems, etc. Needing to put in a Konami code styled input for stratagems is genius, just enough to take your focus away from what's going on around you but fast enough to be worth it.  Couple of bugs here and there, including a game where me and my two friends disconnected in-game but could continue to the end, despite party chat and everything else still working? This was at the end of a mission when trying to extract, so on my side I had to keep at bay hordes of the alien zombie dudes, whereas my friends had no-one on their end to keep at bay. Absolute pandemonium and I pulled it off  but we still have no idea what actually happened!  Appreciate the Warbonds, so far I've stuck it out without shelling out more for the Premium stuff, and am on Page 6 of the free Warbond you start the game with. There's always cooler armour/weapons/whatever to aim for, which is really neat, and right now me and my friends are playing a game of "chicken" to see who caves first in picking up a Premium Warbond before the others follow suit  Bugs are probably my least favourite enemy so far? Bit chaotic, them diving at you can be rough, but their missions have been easy so far (played up to Medium I think). In the middle are the Terminator dudes who are probably the easiest to take on, so we've taken on some bosses (through Challenging), but the sound design is so cool! My favourite enemy is honestly the alien zombies I mentioned before, the small city streets, the sheer number of them, etc., all calls for far more strategy than the other two enemies – even on Medium it's proved a sufficient challenge for us so far. There was one mission where we only had 10 minutes left on the clock and had a main objective left (escort civilians, which can be painful! And yes people got shot by our sentries, before you ask) but it really got us pumped up and focusing, and we managed to extract in overtime. Awesome stuff.  Can't wait to get back to it  oh, and I love how varied the locations our too, just visually, very Star Wars-esque! And the music is stunning also! 
    • Is this not set in the future? I thought that's what the whole bit at the beginning was about - the growth of technology and the holograms etc.
    • Yeah I did expect the Legends line to be set at different times in the past.  I assume the legend in this instance is AZ but even so, the previous Legends game felt unique because of its setting and this 🤷‍♂️
    • Right a few from me. Also great races. Some very close ones.   There was no need for that @Dcubed   Just incase. @lostmario fell off the ledge because of the lightning. When Lakitu put him back on track at the bottom, him being bigger, squished me.   Got you back good Dean OK, this was such a close finish that I had to look just how close. Two different views in MK TV and a screenshot.
    • Bomberman 64: Arcade Edition   JP release: 20th December 2001 EU release: N/A NA release: N/A Developer: Racjin Publisher: Hudson Soft N64 Magazine Score: N/A In Japan, the Bomberman 64 games were called “Baku Bomberman”, so when this compilation of Bomberman games was released in Japan, it was simply called Bomberman 64. To distinguish them, fans have dubbed this as “Arcade” edition. This Bomberman game is a collection of four games. Bomberman The main mode is a traditional Bomberman campaign. Blow up all the enemies and find the up and down exits to choose the next stage to progress to. It’s as fun as ever, and also features the classic multiplayer with a few options (although not a massive number of stages). It’s a really good version of classic Bomberman. Panic Bomber Panic Bomber is a colour match minigame where you place blocks (consisting of different colour Bomberman heads) to clear lines, and has been released on various consoles, including the Super Famicom and Virtual Boy. This version just features a score attack mode, so no story or multiplayer. SameGame SameGame is a puzzle game which originally released in 1985 under the name Chain Shot!. It has no previous association with Bomberman, so its inclusion is a bit random. You click on sets of coloured Bomberman heads to remove them from play, with the main objective to clear as many as you possibly can. Bomberman Park Bomberman Park is sort of a port/epilogue to the PS1 game Bomberman Land. It’s set after Bomberman has saved the park, and he has simply returned to have some fun. You get to explore the park (with some areas locked behind needing medals) and take part in a load of minigames. The series has had multiple games throughout the years. The minigames are all quite simple, but most are also enjoyable. There’s some duds, like sliding jigsaw puzzles and following a ball in a cup (or a bomb in a pipe for this version), but ones like sorting bombs or having to slice targets (and dodge bombs) are a lot of fun. This was the last N64 game in Japan, and also the best Bomberman game on the system, with a well made classic Bomberman mode and a great selection of extra games. Great   Remake or remaster? There’s a finished fan translation that helps with the language issues, although an official English re-release would be nice. Official Ways to get the game There is no official way to play Bomberman 64: Arcade Edition.
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