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About Ginger_Chris

  • Birthday 10/09/1985

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Ultimate, ballroom/latin dancing, sleeping, drinking etc
  • Occupation


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    NES, SNES, Cube
  • Other Systems Owned
    PC, commador 64
  • Favourite Game?
    Metroid Prime/Battlezone
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    JC Denton
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    6500 1117 3235 0806

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Traveller/bearer of Christ - Polite/Courteous (Considering I'm not religious I'll take the Polite Traveller option)
  2. Wow, they found a way to make real life look more like half-life 2.
  3. I love my laminator, I use it all the time to laminate students work for the wall so it doesn't get tatty, or laminate those colour printed resources you've used your entire printing budget to get. Plus its unbelievably soothing to sit down after an annoying day at work (even more common this year as every last period is now 1/2 hour teaching PSHE to my wonderful form) with a glass of wine, watch TV and breath the soothing laminator fumes as the pages slowly roll through.
  4. Send me a copy. Give me something to do between mark coursework.
  5. I recommend throwing yourself in the deep end. Join a beginners dancing lesson and force yourself to dance with people you don't know. You don't really have to talk to them, because your concentrating on the dancing.
  6. Another Antec 900, This one doubles as a dust/pollen filter for my room. Also, night shot. Annoying green printer light ruining the LED co-ordination.
  7. Depends on the mass and aerodynamics of the fash drive in question, I suppose if two pigeons were carrying it, tied to both their legs, they could go faster.
  8. It's not really fair. The pigeon is only half duplex rather than full duplex. And latency is appalling. If I filled and lorry full of hard drives, I could send hundreds of terrabytes of data in a few hours anywhere in the country, faster than anyone can send data via existing networks. Even throwing a 8gb flash drive across a room is faster than networks can send it. Pigeons routinely fly an average of 30mph over long distances during races, 40mph if well bred. 60 is far too fast.
  9. This year is amazing, I get to set and invigilate them rather than doing them. Bonus.
  10. We had one of those when she was in the big brother house.
  11. Shopping only, about £30 for myself. However If I taking into account any take out, or other meals I buy during the weekend (pub lunch etc) probably comes to £60-£70 a week.
  12. I really want it to snow, and you got my hopes up that I'd have a day off on the first day back. Snow = no work. Damn this warmer south climate.
  13. Assuming that is a polynomial sequence, I'll take whatever is number 174. On my menu that is giant prawns in Hong kKong sauce, eww. Much prefer duck in plum sauce.
  14. 6000 words. That's what, a weekend?
  15. Promotional Oblivion Alton Towers Condoms (which actually existed): "Don't look Down"
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