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Nintendo Direct : 17 / 02 / 21 - 10pm (UK time)


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1 hour ago, LazyBoy said:

Alright I'm making up some bingo cards for playing/drinking along. I'll randomize a 3x3 grid for anyone that want one

Help add to my list:

New Mario Game
Metroid Prime 4
New Peripheral
Cringe banter
Pikmin 4
Dating Sim
Remake of a Wii U game


New Kirby game
"Please understand... delay of game X"


Zelda 3D All-Stars

2D Zelda Remake

Skyward Sword HD

Zelda 35

Metroid Prime Collection

2D Metroid Remake

Final Fantasy Collection (pleaseeee)

Confirmation of 25th Anniversary Pokémon Direct next week


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26 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

I don't know if I agree. Physical announcements (like an E3 showing) are dead, at least in Ninty's eyes. So what's the alternative - breaking it through a media outlet first, releasing a press release? You say dedicated a reveal, but wouldn't announcing it as a dedicated reveal be a reveal in itself? 

Sorry I should have phrased it better, I just mean they're likely to announce hardware the same way they usually do, in it's own Youtube/social media/PR announcement, for maximum attention, rather than in a Direct surrounded by lots of other news.

17 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

Alright I'm making up some bingo cards for playing/drinking along. I'll randomize a 3x3 grid for anyone that want one

Silksong release date
Mario Golf
2D Metroid

Edited by Ronnie
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16 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

Alright I'm making up some bingo cards for playing/drinking along. I'll randomize a 3x3 grid for anyone that want one

Help add to my list:

New Mario Game
Metroid Prime 4
New Peripheral
Cringe banter
Pikmin 4
Dating Sim
Remake of a Wii U game


New Kirby game
"Please understand... delay of game X"


I ain’t giving my bingo cards away! You’re gonna just have to wait and see my ones later on tonight ;) 

BTW: Make sure you add a selection of crazies in there too; it’s no fun if you’re guaranteed a bingo :p 

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1 minute ago, Dcubed said:

I ain’t giving my bingo cards away! You’re gonna just have to wait and see my ones later on tonight ;) 

BTW: Make sure you add a selection of crazies in there too; it’s no fun if you’re guaranteed a bingo :p 

You can do it, save me a job, though I'll keep the list updated for now.

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Wow an actual direct AND 50 minutes! hell yeah all about the hype train


I expect a lot of Zelda, BOTW2, an anniversary collection

It would be real nice to see the Oracles/Seasons coming on the Links awakening engine, but i think thats a long shot

Hopefully some Metroid

I'd love a switch pro announcement but doubt it

Is it too much to hope for a 2D Metroid too? and some F-Zero? Star Fox?

Hopefully some good third party offerings

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Since it's Zelda 35 next week, I think something Zelda-related is a given. Either a remake of an older title or at least a new trailer for BotW2. 

Other than that, who knows... So many series could do with a new game so anything could happen. 

I wouldn't expect anything about a hardware revision. I would expect that to have its own showing, much like @Ronniesuggests. 


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35 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Since it's Zelda 35 next week, I think something Zelda-related is a given. Either a remake of an older title or at least a new trailer for BotW2. 

Other than that, who knows... So many series could do with a new game so anything could happen. 

I wouldn't expect anything about a hardware revision. I would expect that to have its own showing, much like @Ronniesuggests. 


Would love a Four Swords Adventures remaster. 


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Nintendo Direct 17/02/21 to be broadcast tomorrow

Up on the main page.

We'll have the full roundup article with the press release etc up on the main page shortly after the event airs tomorrow. :smile:

Personal expectations? A release date for Metroid Prime 4, obviously.:indeed:

Realistic expectations? A character reveal for Smash, some sales data, and an Indie sizzle reel. ;)

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Oh nice! :yay: It's been such a long time since the last proper Nintendo Direct that I can't even find my hype Corgi GIF. :heh:
This'll have to do instead:


Anyway, very much looking forward to it.

Also, please let the next Smash Bros. character be good... Once, just once, I'd like to get hyped for a new fighter reveal.

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8 hours ago, Agent Gibbs said:

It would be real nice to see the Oracles/Seasons coming on the Links awakening engine, but i think thats a long shot

• I thought the same initially, but actually the more I think about it the more it seems feasible. I think it may happen, albeit with no other gameplay changes.

• Zelda collection seems likely, although with the NES games on Switch Online I can see it being an Ocarina of Time / Master Quest / Majora’s Mask compilation.

• Skyward Sword HD.

• Could they port Twilight Princess onto a 4th console? Possible but I’m going to guess no on this occasion.

• My prediction of other games in the Direct are Pokemon Snap, Monster Hunter Rise, Mario Golf, Silksong, Two Point Hospital expansion, No More Heroes 3, Crash 4.

• Mention of but no gameplay of BotW 2 (cutscene only) plus Bayonetta 3 (no gameplay or videos, just a fleeting “still in development, don’t forget about me”)

• Smash character reveal: Crash Bandicoot.

• Mother 3...... oh who am I kidding!

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*deep breath*

As per my theory, the next Smash reveal will either be Lloyd Irving, or deconfirm Lloyd entirely otherwise. I am now even more nervous than usual regarding a character reveal.

As for the rest, I'm looking forward to it, and keep an open mind. I'll predict that... a Zelda collection will be announced... a new Kirby game will be revealed as well... Bravely Default II will make an appearance fo'sho... and - more as a personal wish - I predict we're getting a Three Houses prequel. Yup, that's what I'm going with.

EDIT: Oh, and an official reveal for Grand Ace Attorney

Edited by Jonnas
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Alright, I'll try to keep it fast and loose. We'll see how that goes :p not so much predictions, but more just me speaking out loud about expectations and wishes, and trying to figure out what I think is likely. 

Final Fantasy I - VI Collection. I'm just going to say it until it happens, even if it's more likely now that they just wait until next year for the 35th Anniversary. Some decent pixel art too, none of this sickening smoothed over mobile business you've got going on. 

In terms of Zelda, I do think we're getting something, because of the 35th Anniversary being this Sunday, but I'm just really not sure what that is exactly. I think they could spend a good 5 - 10 minutes on it, to be honest, because there's so much that they could potentially have in the works.

I think a Zelda 35th Anniversary Collection like 3D All-Stars makes a lot of sense, and focusing on the 3D games makes a lot of sense too...but I'm not even sure what form that could take, if I'm being honest. Ocarina of Time / Wind Waker / Twilight Princess, leaving Majora's Mask to be like Galaxy 2? Or do we see Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask in a collection which releases shortly in say March or April, and then another collection (which they may or may not announce here) for Wind Waker / Twilight Princess which releases later on in the year (I'm thinking summer)? I mean, Nintendo has to feed the kids somehow :p

Beyond that, though, I still think there's the potential for more Zelda stuff. I'm always optimistic when it comes to events like these anyways (unless it comes to Square Enix porting over legendary games to make them accessible), and so I do think that the Breath of the Wild sequel turns up here, and I think what they say - and what the end of the trailer says - will be very indicative of where they're at with it. Personally, I think we get a title reveal and the trailer ends saying "2021. More info this summer." because they don't quite want to nail down a release date, just because of COVID and the potential for delays, which brings me onto a Skyward Sword remaster...I think it's their fail-safe for if they can't get BotW2 out this year, a nice ace to have up their sleeve. I'm in for a remake of a 2D Zelda game too, so I'll throw my two cents at a remake of the Oracle games (like others have suggested, in a similar style to the Link's Awakening remake), as they're a great and logical shout (Minish Cap somewhere down the line I imagine); I know some have said A Link to the Past elsewhere online, but with that already being on SNES Online, I just can't see Nintendo wanting to touch it, in the same way I can't see a modern remake of Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time (unless decades from now things go down the drain, then that's their big red button idea). Only other 2D game I think could see a remake would be Zelda II, just because from what I've heard, it could probably benefit from a modern update the most. Zelda 35, some battle royale thing set in the original Zelda, probably seems like an easy enough idea for them to implement it. Commemorative amiibo are more likely than us seeing the sun rise tomorrow, so count on that. Screw it, I'll go all in: the announcement of a LEGO Legend of Zelda set. Why not? And if not here, I imagine we get all this bold stuff at some point in the future anyway. 

Outside of Zelda for half a second to talk about Smash...where I will go back to Zelda and suggest we get CD-i Link :D okay, but in all seriousness, obviously a trailer for the next Season Pass character. It'll be Captain Toad, he unfortunately will not be wielding a sword, but he will announce a Captain Toad sequel. I'm thinking Temple of Goom...ba. I haven't even played the first (for some reason, seems like it'd be up my alley) but it looks charming enough where I'd want it during these dark times. Do the right thing Nintendo. 

In terms of Pokémon, maybe a new trailer for New Pokémon Snap? But in all likelihood I'm expecting minimal Pokémon news here and for them to just give us confirmation of a Pokémon Direct on 26th February for the 25th Anniversary, which will include a better look at New Pokémon Snap and plenty of other reveals. 

A new Mario game would be cool, as would a new Mario sports game, but you know what I think could be even cooler? They mention giving an update on some of their already released games like Smash Ultimate, so how about we finally see some DLC for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe? They have some 33 million units out there in the wild, and I think it would be a waste to not tap into an audience of that size, but even more so because of COVID, I just think it'd be a great thing to put some DLC out for something they clearly don't plan on replacing anytime soon and doesn't require buying a totally new game to experience it. On a similar train of thought: Ring Fit Training DLC expansion

Honestly, it's a little tough to not turn around and just say everything with an anniversary this year is getting a collection and/or sequel, because that's kind of what I would want them to do. Heck, if it were up to me, they'd have the logos of each franchise with an anniversary this year and straight up say "We know we have a lot to celebrate this year. We're focusing on a handful of them today, we have the Pokémon Direct next week, but rest assured that there is still plenty of time left in the year for more surprises", but that makes too much sense. So, instead, we'll get bits and bobs: a remake of Metroid: Zero Mission and not hear anything about a Metroid Prime Collection, which they'll save to announce in August or September. They'll announce a new Fire Emblem, which will be a remake of Genealogy of the Holy War, but there will immediately be outrage just because of some of the questionable content I've read about in passing about the original game. Imagine Intelligent Systems have probably modernised the tale a little bit. 

The Switch Pro doesn't turn up here. I don't doubt it's coming towards the end of this year, but considering that the Switch Lite had a little over two months from announcement to launch, and that the original Switch as a new platform had what turned out to be six months from reveal to launch (and once again, two months from release date announcement to launch), I think the safer move with COVID in mind is to hold off for now. Save the announcement of it for shortly before a Nintendo Treehouse in the summer, where they can show live gameplay footage from BotW2 off on it. 

Think the last thing I'll mention will be what's going on with Switch Online, and that's that while Game Boy and N64 games are coming to the Switch, it's not at all going to be what you expect: Game Boy and N64 games will be released separately a la Virtual Console, with Switch Online membership providing you with discounts when new games launch as part of their legacy catalogue (20% for handheld titles and 10% for home console titles). Though they'll skip ahead a little bit to Game Boy Advance next week when FireRed and LeafGreen get dropped for the 25th Anniversary, those won't be counted towards this, as there's too much money to make. They've seen the green from 3D All-Stars and are about to get greedy with it. 

But, actually, speaking of Mario, that will be the thing I end on instead: Super Mario Galaxy 2 is coming, and 3D All-Stars is here to stay, just digital only and sold separately. They will give us the whole "we heard you" spiel.  

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I'm the only one hoping for Age of Calamity DLC?


Anyway, Smash Bros alone has me excited! Anything else is just a bonus. I'm very easy to please! The timing of this not long after the confirmation of Crash 4 coming to Switch is totes suspish.

Failing that, I'm still sticking with Monster Hunter getting in there. @Dcubed's in crazy fantasy land if he actually believes Arthur is #1 on Capcom's list. (Could be one of his long shots on his Bingo card, mind)

Edited by Glen-i
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