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Everything posted by BowserBasher

  1. I have no shame for my actions on Felicity with the Farsight. That is all.
  2. These pretty much summed up my night.
  3. Taking bets on if one of @S.C.G’s tracks gets picked before he shows up.
  4. Yeah if it’s $130 that’s gonna translate to about £100 so still a good price.
  5. Looks awesome. Will definitely have that on my list. Looks like it could be similar in size to Piranha Plant so shouldn’t cost over £100. Lego suits that SNES blocky style perfectly
  6. Perfect Agent complete (with the help of save states) though I didn't really need them for the final boss fight. I died once and reloaded but that was all. Right, so on that last level there is a trick to getting double Phoenix guns. However I've always heard from the N64 days (and @Dcubed) that there is one pillar that you can't blow up yourself, and if it isn't one of the "target amplifier" ones then you just can't get them. Well, I thought I'd try it out, and Boom, it blew it up. Next go round I tried again and it didn't. So experiment time. From what I can tell you have to aim higher than the thick base at the bottom, (just ignore that second shot, no idea what happened there)I don't know what the threshold is, but it definitely can now be destroyed with the Devastator gun. And those Double Phoenix really do make that final boss a piece of cake, even on Perfect Agent. Onto Perfect Agent for the three secret missions, and then getting the cheats so I can just mess around with unlimited ammo and invincibility. Absolutely stunning game still to this day.
  7. Those times are utterly insane. Though it seems most are using glitches. Like what the heck did they do to get the hostages all released when they didn’t even enter more than one room? I can’t work out the devastator usage. I mean the first level in 5 seconds?! I know that’s the whole point of speedrun WR and I do find them impressive. I would like to see non glitchy ones.
  8. Agree completely. I never completed this on Perfect Agent on N64 and probably never got half the cheats. But I'm having a blast with this now and it's thanks to save states in the app. I know some may say cheat, but there's no way I'd do these without them. anyway, I'm uptown Pelagic II on Perfect Agent now. I have all the Agent cheats unlocked. This is insanely close time limit. I'm sure with the perfect run you must only have a few seconds to spare. But mine, WOW, I couldn't have been much closer. Yes that is the final time. Never thought I'd get this one. Lots of reloading save states to get this. Really proud of this just for the fact that I always found this level to be a maze and I would always get lost in it, no matter what difficulty. the fact that I have also just beaten this on Perfect Agent with next to no issues (I did make a save state but never needed to use it) shows just how easier it is now. Still took me over 10 minutes though. Onto the rest of Perfect Agent, get WAR unlocked and see if I can do them. I want to get the mode unlocked which is the one you get after beating Perfect Agent, not WAR but the one you get to adjust the guards accuracy and such just like in Goldeneye. then I can play the full PA levels without being shot to death in 3 seconds when two guards find me,
  9. Well that was certainly a fun and laughter filled time. Seemed fairly even with wins across all of us too.
  10. Watch @S.C.G Turn up at 7:30 for once and wonder why we aren’t there.
  11. Well that went well. @S.C.G Shame on you for not using fly-by-wire along with the rest of us. I think we need a proximity mines only match one day.
  12. Oh No Mercy was the best. I’m sure there’s mods of that still about today adding new characters all the time.
  13. Just jumping in to say I still have my N64 and Beetle Adventure Racing. If I ever am able to set up a games room that will be in the console again. I loved that game.
  14. Simple. PlayStation and XBox. Being a Nintendo fan since the NES and GameBoy days I just had no interest in them and there was never really anything on those consoles that would warrant me buying one. The closest I probably came to a PS was when the WWE games stopped on Nintendo consoles. I think they were at the Smackdown! stage of names and I really wanted to play one. But I just never got around to it. I have been having an urge again as once again no WWE games are hitting the Switch and I’m in desperate need of a F1 racing game or any other realistic ones for that matter (GRID Autosport scratches the itch a bit) and I have been looking at options. I feel like the PS5 and Series X are just way too much for what I’d get out of them. I’ve thought about the Series S (is it that) but it’s digital only and I just don’t want to go that route. So I’m stuck hoping the Switch 2 will start getting those games. I did have a friend who had SEGA consoles so played a few of them.
  15. OMG that went on way longer than I thought. I can only imagine what the voice chat was like.
  16. Won’t be able to do tonight after MK but free from tomorrow onwards.
  17. Crap. I knew that. Roy’s the one I prefer to use from all those Marths.
  18. There's a couple of eerie things like that in AC, I know that one of the fossils, the head looking thing, it's eyes will glow at 3am. Also the Spooky Wall or similar will have a figure moving about when you turn around. I think you need to turn the lights off. I think I heard of the TV one... Yup, looked it up 3:33am every Saturday on your in game TV.
  19. Right so the other moments are at the 1h15m mark in the stream. I just thought I'd try that move and finish it off. Second is this match I saved. I'm Marth and @Ike was Luigi. The ending was great but I loved the Drill KO
  20. @RedShell Apologies for that disgusting win in our last custom stage match, I was behind going into that last stock and just used the bellows to blow you off the stage for the win. I've got to wait for @S.C.G the stream up for a second cheeky win against @Ike (home run bat and the sun thing. And will have another one to show once I upload the replay to the Smash site. (It was Marth (Me) vs Luigi (Ike) on WiiFit stage.
  21. @Ike I have the room open as Glen is having issues
  22. We got problems tonight @Glen-i? Second disconnect.
  23. @Glen-i We have willing victim.....I mean player for a Mario Party session. Would be great to get you in a game and see how friendships are ruined.
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