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About LazyBoy

  • Birthday 04/21/1989

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    Sheffield, England


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  1. Happy birthday!

  2. I just can't find any time to play this at the moment and it's killing me. What little I get to play is of such a high quality, I can't believe how much of it they've managed to pack in.
  3. Part of me wishes they removed fast travel from this game. As much as it would have pained me, the idea of being stuck in some of the areas I've found myself in until I could git gud would have made for great stories.
  4. I've got loads of good Int stuff, but I'm saving it for my next run where I'll spec properly. I just want some fun tools to mix into my build
  5. Can anyone hint me in the direction of some arcane dependent gear? I just haven't found much yet and would like to build some fun stuff into my kit. Playing a bit too traditional at the moment.
  6. Its funny, we had a similar disagreement when we were discussing BotW. I think you ended up winning that argument, because when I pointed out that you can just go and try your luck on the end boss (thus justifying the need to 'level up' in the world first), you said you did, and you beat it. Now if you did that in Elden Ring you'd really be showing off. However to give you some credit, I had doubts when I was just out in that first open world section. As you highlight, I was just running about in the open world, riding away from areas I found too hard, and just doing the 'easy' bits. This weakened the experience, along with other doubts that were starting to seed. Where the game really came together for me was that first proper dungeon, the first checkpoint and first 'wall'. I implore you before you give up on this game to ride up to the gates of Stormveil Castle, and try your luck. I won't say anymore, but please come back to us if you do try it and let us know whether your opinion changed.
  7. That'll be because I've been playing it every second I can spare from caring for my newborns (and I'm pushing that close to neglect). I'll be writing up my extended thoughts soon, but suffice to say not only is this a masterpiece, but it gives me hope that it can inspire the next generation of AA/AAA games to improve, after what I thought was a very, very poor generation for blockbuster games. I can't review it yet, because fuck me is this game massive. And not in the Assassins Creed - here's 100 hours of c&p quests - kind of massive. Its mysterious, challenging, rich and constantly surprising, and all I want to do is play it. More thoughts coming soon. Praise the sun.
  8. On the difficulty question - and I'm posing this at those who haven't played these games before - yes these games are difficult, and don't let anyone tell you different. They are punishing to a fault, not because of the need for rapid input or reaction times, but because the game demands respect. It does not want to be beat by mindlessly button mashing. The one thing you absolutely need to enjoy this series is patience. The fact that the game even makes demands is the thing that sets it apart from so many modern games which seemly bend over backwards to help you 'win'. The difficulty of these games is cut in half when you understand the rules it lays down. It will still be tough, but you'll at least understand it, and thus can plan accordingly. It can help if you have someone to train you for an hour or two in the basics. I'm always willing to make myself available if anyone would like a bit of tutelage.
  9. I knew it was going to review well, but some are putting this in instant masterpiece territory, which really does get my bits tingling. Blackout now for me until tomorrow night. Can't wait.
  10. First time at launch for me, but with massive FOMO from the previous entries. There's so much to discover in these games and I really want to be part of it this time round. Will be making notes as I play.
  11. Can't remember the last time I was this excited for a game. In fact the best comparison may be the Infinity War/Endgame releases for a similar level of excitedness. I've got 3 days blocked out, and I intend to absorb all of it.
  12. PlayStation, so add me - WangJiLin is the tag. The online element is huge for me. It's not like I'm any good at the PVP, quite the opposite, but the emergent gameplay, the tension, the culture. Love it. And now with the open world? Ooh I can't wait.
  13. I haven't watched any of the most recent previews, though I hear Vaati's is fairly spoiler free. Most important news to come out is that they have upped the difficulty from the network test and scrambled the items, so no unfair advantages. I did allow myself to see the starting classes. Suffice to say I've picked the one best aligned to my planned Sekiro/Musashi build. @Julius you playstation or xboX for this?
  14. Alright the review sold me, though I may wait until I’ve gotten a bit more value out of Slay the Spire.
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