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30 Day Video Game Challenge Thing.


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Previously missed:


Super Smash Bros Brawl


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


Super Monkey Ball

Moving on to Day 19 - Melee Combat:

Batman: Arkham City

Everything was just so fluid and the combos so satisfying.  You were put in many situations where you had to fend off a mass of thugs, and it didn’t get tiresome for me.



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Day 19 - Melee Combat

Soulcalibur II - It might not be the most balanced fighting game out there, I think it's probably the most enjoyable close combat experience I've had though. There was a nice variety of moves that weren't difficult to learn and the parrying was very satisfying when pulled off properly. 


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Melee Combat

I really wanted to give this to Guacamelee! 2, as it's so fresh in my mind and combat in that game is so fun and rewarding, but in the end I've gone for God of War, which mind be a bit of a cheat given half of it is ranged combat, at least until mid way through the game and you upgrade weapons. You can tell a lot of thought went into the Leviathan Axe, really satisfying to use when throwing it and for the purpose of this category up close. The gorgeous graphics help too when you take down enemies, whole thing feels really satisfying, especially with the special moves


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Day 19 - Melee Combat

Ninja Gaiden II (Xbox 360)


I think the above video amply demonstrates just how brilliant Ninja Gaiden II still is to this day, the guy who made the video has clearly spent a lot of time playing the game and mastering it, also, this video was made in 2015, the game came out in 2008... it looked great then, apparently it looks even better on an Xbox One X as well, so there's that too.

But just the mechanics, settings, bosses, combos, all of the different weapons and difficulties, plus lets not forget the hidden areas as well, they were true tests at the time; other series such as Bayonetta and Devil May Cry are brilliant in their own ways, but to me, nothing matched the feeling of playing Ninja Gaiden II at its time of release. If you've never played the game, then there really is no better time. :D

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Day 19 - Best Melee Combat

I was close to choosing Smash or Bayonetta, like Dennis. But this gets the vote from me. Some of the most amazing boss fights in gaming. Requires an immense amount of skill and dexterity to beat the later bosses. I don't think I have it in me to beat this game 116%, but I love the fact that this game isn't afraid to make lofty demands of the player.

Hollow Knight 


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12 hours ago, will' said:

Spheres game on Sonic and Knuckles.

Oh man, this is an excellent one too, especially since I elected Sonic 3 over Mania precisely because the latter took out the Sphere game at one point.

Anyway, for Melee combat...

Soul Calibur II


More spheres!

@Mandalore already mentioned it, and it's because it's true. Soul Calibur II is an incredibly fluid and fairly fast paced fighting game, where the basic fundamentals of movement and attack are intuitive and easy to learn. Sure, characters have pretty big movesets, but with solid fun bases, it's easy to gradually learn these moves, and eventually their nuances.

Plus, it's a total joy to watch, seeing the 3D movement, the dodges, the guard impacts, the grabs, the flashy movements... Future games in the series would make animations less natural, add bright special effects up the wazoo, and remove clothing in ways that took you out of the game, but Soul Calibur II just gets it, you know? (SCVI is also the first entry since then to also get it, imo)

This was a tough choice between SCII and the Tekken series (3, 5, 7, and Tag 2 are wonderful in different ways), but I think SCII is easier to learn and get into, which is something I value quite a bit.

  Previous picks (Hide contents)

Earliest video game memory - Tetris or Sonic
Opening section - Final Fantasy IX
Local multiplayer - Snipperclips
Favourite villain - Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time)
3D Platformer - De Blob
Most relaxing navigation - Wind Waker
Favourite ranged combat - Worms Armageddon
Best musical moment - One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII)
Scariest moment - Doki Doki Literature Club
Best Credits sequence - Super Mario 64
Best Town - Windfall Island (Wind Waker)
Best "bad" game - Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Best open world city game - Chaos on Deponia
Best 2D Platformer - Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Best story - Tales of Symphonia
Best collectible - Super Smash Bros. Melee
Best racing game - F-Zero GX
Best mini game - Pokémon Stadium
Best melee combat - Soul Calibur II


Edited by Jonnas
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Best Melee Combat

For me this has to be Fighters Megamix on the Saturn. I was a huge fan of Virtua Fighter and Fighting Vipers so mixing the two together was always going to be a winner for me. The mixture of gameplay was done perfectly and the amount of extras was, for the time, quite incredible. It’s another game I must have put 1,000s of hours into.


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Let's play Catchup...


Day 17: Best Racing Game

I know that this is a bit of a boring answer, but I have to give the gold medal to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


I'm Excited! Hooray!

It's Mario Kart at its absolute best.  It's the perfect game.  What more needs to be said? Other than to join us all on Thursday at 20:00 every week! The League has been going 6 years strong and it shows no signs of slowing down any time soon! :D 


Day 18: Best Melee Combat

I bet that you're all expecting me to choose Bayonetta 1&2 here aren't you? Well, they would be fine choices of course... but no! My vote goes to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


Fight for Real!

No other game has ever given me quite the same thrill as the 1:1 motion controlled sword fighting of the greatest Zelda game of them all!  That moment where you first start slashing with the Wii Remote Plus is fucking magical! And your first fight with Ghirahim!? OH MY GOD!!! Fucking TRANSCENDENT!


There are lots of games with great melee combat, but none have ever felt quite so thrilling and real as The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword :D 

All done!

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Day 20 - Saddest Moment

Haven’t seen too many of these, and while films make me cry often, I can honestly say a game never has.

That being said, The Walking Dead The Telltale Series Season 1’s conclusion is memorable. (not the death per say, but the loneliness that follows).


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Saddest Moment


Leaving Japan - Shenmue

There are probably more hard hitting sad moments, but Shenmue had such a real, believable world that leaving it behind felt like leaving home for good. It was a real, relatable sadness that didn't rely on character deaths or a huge shocking event.

Edited by Goafer
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Day 18 - Minigame

Tetra Master from Final Fantasy IX. I spent an unholy amount of time with this card game back in the day.

Day 19 - Melee Combat

Soul Calibur 2. Maybe the best fighting game in existence.

Day 20 - Saddest Moment

The Last of Us. Those who played it will know what I mean.

Edited by drahkon
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Saddest moment for me was going to be something silly like Peppy's sacrifice in Starfox Assasult, but I've just played RiME and the ending to that probably seals it for me, really touching story and surprisingly emotional.




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Saddest Moment



I didn't particularly enjoy it, in fact it almost made me turn the game off, but the opening plot of Firewatch is all to do with your wife dying slowly and painfully from some disease. Really starts the game off just right, you know?

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Day 20 - Saddest Moment

Sonic the Hedgehog 2


I don't know what it is, but the combination of the music and the ending, it's the saddest moment in the game for me, it always has been and still is to this day. :hmm:

It seems I'm not alone in this either, a few comments down on the above YouTube video (which is a recoloured version of what was originally a monochrome ending at the start) someone states that "the song is sad for me" so there must be something in it. ::shrug:

It's easily one of the best endings to a videogame for me personally. :smile:

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Saddest Moment

I'm kind of stuck between two moments. But I get the feeling someone might actually say the same moment as one of them, so I'm going with the other, which is from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. And I guarantee @Julius will have a good idea of what it is before even clicking the spoiler.

BTW, this is a spoiler from the content that's only from the extra episodes you get in Explorers of Sky, if you played Explorers of Darkness/Time, but not Sky, don't click that spoiler. It will ruin the best bit about Explorers of Sky, you've been warned.



Couldn't find a screenshot, so fan art (not by me) will have to do.

No, I'm not explaining it, if you're clicking this, then you're saying that you've already played it and don't need an explanation.

Explorers of Darkness/Time already made me tear up before, but this moment in Sky managed to get me crying all over again.

EDIT: Hey, I actually found a screenshot! Found it in my Miiverse posts.


Ah, screw it! I'm gonna mention the other moment, it's too good of an example to leave hanging.


The Luna ending is utterly heartbreaking! The music, the situation, going into detail on a character that has been nothing but nice throughout the whole game. (Luna is the only character who never votes betray in the Nonary Game)

Everything about it is just tear jerking to the extreme. What is it with Chun Soft!?


Edited by Glen-i
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Day 20 - Saddest Moment

The ending of To The Moon. I would say this is the closest any game has ever come to getting me to tear up. I won’t go into any detail but as the entire game’s premise is you going through a man’s life and trying to grant his dying wish on his death bed I’m sure you can figure it out.


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Day 20 - Saddest Moment

Another toughie, somehow the medium of video games doesn't hit me as hard as books or movies. So I'm going for one I experienced quite recently. It's in Valkyria Chronicles, when


Isara gets killed. Was not expecting that one.


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