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Nintendo 2015 Predictions


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- Mario Strikers for Wii U, including Amiibo support with a new series of figures :smile:

- Animal Crossing unveiled for Wii U :blank:

- Metroid Prime IV revealed for launch in 2016 :yay:

- Amiibo-centric game developed to work across Wii U and 3DS

- Super Mario Sunshine HD remake for Mario's anniversary

- Advance Wars shown for 3DS, with exclusive content on New 3DS

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More revived third party projects

We've had Bayonetta and we're looking forward to Devil's Third. I expect Nintendo to make no less than two more such announcements during this year.


More 'mature' Nintendo IP's

For the first year, third parties at least gave the Wii U the absolute bare minimum: Fifa, Call of Duty, Assassins Creed and Arkham. Now third parties aren't even willing to do that much for the console.

Whether Nintendo develop such games in-house or employ other teams to do it, I don't know. But I do predict that Nintendo will make sure that the console will receive a bare minimum of sport titles, racers and first person shooters.


Retro Studios title announced

Note I'm writing announced, not released.


Wishful thinking: Nintendo GT

17 years after the original release of Gran Turismo, Nintendo finally manage to get their thumb out and create a game that will make their console a plausible choice for racing fans.

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I gonna add another one to my list.


Eternal Darkness Returns


There were rumours about this last year and the copyrights were rebought or something like that. Would be great to see a return to this franchise and I imagine some crazy stuff could be done with the GamePad. I wonder what Retro are doing now...

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Fire Emblem Path of Radiance & Radiant Dawn will be ported as New3DS only games in 2015.


Really been wanting to replay Path of Radiance so this would be perfect. Dug out my GC copy recently and it's kinda ugly.


Japan will see the release of Yokai Watch 3, with full Amiibo support (illegal amounts of money is printed as a result!)


Speaking of Yokai Watch, seems very likely we'll be getting a game this year. Level 5 International were strongly hinting it around the new year and apparently the anime is getting localised, which also looks pretty good.

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So 2015 has arrived and here's what Nintendo have said will be in store for us this year.













So, what does everyone else think will be on the cards this year? Will all of these games make it? What surprises will be in store throughout the years Nintendo Directs and E3?


1. Either Xenoblade X or Zelda Wii U will be pushed back into 2016.


I just can't see both of these launching this year. If they do then great, but i'm not optimistic. Out of both of them I imagine Xenoblade will be the one to miss the boat.


2. A new Metroid will be shown and be exclusive to the new 3DS.


Nintendo are going to have to give people a reason to upgrade to the new model. As it stands it doesn't offer anything substantial in terms of getting people to buy the machine again. I think a new Metroid would be perfect. It could even have first person sections now that the 3DS has to sticks.


3. Diddy Kong Racing will return.


There were rumours of this being in development last year. Of course nothing surfaced and it could have all been rubbish. Still, I think it's a fair shout that it may still happen but I would probably think it's a 3DS title given that Mario Kart 8 is still going strong and will continue to do so with the second batch of DLC.


4. Nintendo still won't do voice chat properly.


With Splatoon heading our way soon, this is another chance for Nintendo to allow gamers to actually talk during an online game. With Splatoon being the kind of game that it is, it looks like it will require team work, which requires communication. Anyone who has played online shooters, or even something like Monster Hunter, know just how important talking to your team is.


I think they will either not allow voice chat, have some messages like in Mario Kart or allow voice chat but has to be through the GamePad which just wouldn't cut it.


5. No new hardware news this year.


I'm talking gaming stuff, not QoL rubbish. The new 3DS is launching this year for the western market so I can't see Nintendo talking about their next handheld yet. The Wii U seems to have a pretty good line up so far and I think we won't here about their next console until at least next E3.


So, there's a few of mine to get things started. Anyone else care to look into their crystal ball and spit out a few predictions?


I said I'd come back seriously, but I honestly have to say looking through the thread and catching up - I think I agree with Flink in HoT's predictions being the most I'd identify with expecting myself so far. I don't think X will get pushed to 2016, Zelda MIGHT, or either of them will end up hitting right at the end of the year(whilst the other comes out a few months earlier, likely X to not get delayed).


Of course I still have a vested interest in one little thing....the GC adapter! I reckon(or am hoping) stock will start hitting shelves towards the end of January and through February, staying short until about March(partially due to scalpers). I think WiiU sales will pick up just a bit as they reach the market(maybe with some earmarked for Smash+GC bundles), but I think it won't be as good as it might otherwise have been around Xmas and nowish.


I'm not sure the 'New'(urgh) 3DS will do as well as expected(by Nintendo), it'll be a bit like the XL etc and it'll being a model that doesn't fly out the gate but sells slow and steady. I think actually similar to the slow WiiU sales due to market changes, the 'new' 3DS won't do so well and even amongst the 'fans' many will hold back for either a.)not seeing enough 'new' and b.) wondering how quickly it will be outdated again. It'll break the million mark by year end, and maybe even end up close to the 1.5million mark, but it won't get it in 2016(UK market). That's still quite an adventurous target in my mind despite me saying it, too.


Give me 'Lego Nintendo' and I'm happy :)


Not a prediction, but that would be awesome if they teamed up and made a whole Nintendo/Lego line to go with a Game. Not sure what they'd do for it story/gamewise(not played many 'lego' games) but I love the idea of Ninty legos. Much of the following just makes me feel strangely kiddy and giddy :D



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- Mario Strikers for Wii U, including Amiibo support with a new series of figures :smile:

- Animal Crossing unveiled for Wii U :blank:

- Metroid Prime IV revealed for launch in 2016 :yay:

- Amiibo-centric game developed to work across Wii U and 3DS

- Super Mario Sunshine HD remake for Mario's anniversary

- Advance Wars shown for 3DS, with exclusive content on New 3DS


I think I'd like to add a couple more predictions to my original list, the latter or which I would consider the least likely of my suggestions..


- New Wii U model with smaller Gamepad revealed for Winter 2015 release.

- Pac Man VS becomes available to download on Wii U eShop.

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I think I'd like to add a couple more predictions to my original list, the latter or which I would consider the least likely of my suggestions..


- New Wii U model with smaller Gamepad revealed for Winter 2015 release.

- Pac Man VS becomes available to download on Wii U eShop.


I too believe in there being a slimmed Wii U pad. It needs to look "sexier" to appeal to the masses.

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These are going to be more what I'd like to see, rather than actual predictions. :hehe:


Wii U:

A big creative game. Obviously we have Mario Maker on the way, but I mean something more like the Mario Artist suite on the 64DD, combined with the game making aspect of WarioWare: D.I.Y.

Basically a really vast, in-depth application where you can create 2D artwork/sprites, 3D models, compose music and create various types of games using a simplified code system like that of WW: D.I.Y.

An app to finally give the Wii U Gamepad a decent workout.


Animal Crossing reboot. AC is going to show up on Wii U sooner or later, but I get the worrying feeling it's simply going to be a HD version of New Leaf. I'd really like for there to be big improvements made to the customisation aspect of the game, players should be given much more freedom and control for user generated content. Visiting another town should actually feel like visiting a completely different place, rather than just a slightly rearranged version of your own town.

As for visiting others, that's another area that needs an overhaul. Online traveling should be seamless, no more waiting for the train to arrive and everyone stop what your doing while someone enters the town. People should be able to come and go as they please, without it effecting anyone else.


Improvement to the Virtual Console & eShop. Would be nice if they'd finally get N64 and GCN titles up, not to mention released at a steady pace. I'd also like to see a replacement for the Nintendo Network Premium programme, plus more frequent and substantial sales.


Make use of 3DS connectivity. I still can't get my head around why Nintendo don't utilise this feature. It has so much potential, can be used for a variety of applications and could also be a great way to encourage additional hardware purchases. I think it's something that is going to receive a bit more focus next gen, but there's really nothing stopping them from making use of it right now, especially since the NNID was added to 3DS.




Flipnote Studio 3D. Seriously Nintendo, WTF? :blank:


VirtualBoy games on the Virtual Console. This is another one that boggles my mind. Perhaps they just want to put the whole VB thing behind them, but I still reckon they should get at least a few VB games (not that there are many in the first place :heh:) up on the 3DS eShop.


New 3DS exclusive software. This is one where I'm predicting rather than hoping (really don't fancy buying yet another 3DS :shakehead). But yeah, Nintendo are surely going to have to come up with something a bit more compelling for the New 3DS when it comes to exclusive software... a port of Xenoblade really isn't going to cut it.

Will be interesting to see if they do actually have a lot planned, or if the New 3DS will end up like the DSi, with just a handful of exclusive titles.



And finally, a prediction that I'd love to be wrong, but pretty damn sure it won't be...

The Wii U General Discussion thread here on N-E will continue it's longstanding tradition of being the worst Wii U general discussion thread on the internet.



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Someone on that thread just said that Mario 3D World is terrible even though they haven't played a single second of it. That shows you the depths that thread has sunk to.

I think pointing fingers like that isn't particularly clever. Let's try avoid this kind of discussion anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wishful thinking: Nintendo GT

17 years after the original release of Gran Turismo, Nintendo finally manage to get their thumb out and create a game that will make their console a plausible choice for racing fans.


Ah yes.


Feels good to be back, haha.


Never change Hogge:bowdown:



A Few Predictions



*No More Heroes 3

*Sakurai's new project well become known

*No mention of Advance Wars

*After Yoshi and Kirby, we might see Wario again in a glorious sidescrolling game. Can't be no NINTENDO without no sidescrollers


When Star Fox is first shown people will be pissed. Mark my words. Lack of character and Miyamoto focusing on how cool the use of the GamePad is.


*Metroid by Retro Studios. I'm almost certain.

*Somebody gets struck by common sense and decides it's time to make Endless Ocean 3

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Ah yes.


Feels good to be back, haha.


Never change Hogge:bowdown:


Play the same numbers on the lottery every week and sooner or later you will win ;)

I do realise myself it isn't likely. But it's what I'd like and it would likely be a good business decision.

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Nintendo will finally announce a full localisation of the Mother series for the Americas and Europe, followed the next week by an announcement of intention to file for bankruptcy, only to be snapped up by Microsoft and general smiles all around the video game community.

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*Metroid by Retro Studios. I'm almost certain.


God, I hope not. Unless it's a 2D Metroid, I'm hoping they work on something else.


Like a Wario game! I sure wouldn't mind Retro taking a stab at that Wario platformer you suggested, it's been years since we last saw one.

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God, I hope not. Unless it's a 2D Metroid, I'm hoping they work on something else.


Like a Wario game! I sure wouldn't mind Retro taking a stab at that Wario platformer you suggested, it's been years since we last saw one.


This! I want to see Retro work on something completely different!!


Those guys have been stuck making sequels within established series for far too long! Either get them working on something original or something that has plenty of room for re-imagining and experimentation (like Wario! Or Startropics, or Kid Icarus, at least before Sakurai beat them to the punch anyway :p )

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I'd not mind Retro working on Metroid, be it 2D or 3D, although I'd prefer a 3D one... maybe in 3rd Person though.


I don't want them to be working on a platformer that's for sure, the WiiU has too many platformers released and yet to be released, let's have something different please.

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