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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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PS4K is looking like a sure thing at this point. A guy on Gaf has been sitting on this info and was just waiting for Bish and company to verify his sources and give him the all clear to post the info.


Related info from a meeting we had yesterday was waiting for it to be approved before posting.


Price is currently $399.99 they were discussing a better CPU which would raise the price to $499.99 we were guaranteed the price will be no higher than $499.99 (He mentioned the CPU upgrade quite a bit almost as if they haven't really decided on a final spec could be a pricing issue.) also there is currently no plan for any type of trade in program for current PS4 users but that could change.


They stated that the GPU is twice as powerful as standard PS4 and much faster. They did not say exactly how fast but that is was running at a higher clock speed while being much smaller than the original.


It will have a 4k blu ray player and will upscale games that are not natively 4k.


Also there was talk of some sort of VR lounge for the media player app which is supposed to be getting a substantial upgrade.


It was stated plainly and with no room for interpretation that there are developers that already have development kits for the PS4K and that they are making games that will directly target and take advantage of the higher specs of the PS4K. It was also stated that these games will in fact work for the PS4 but with considerable sacrifices made to performance.


It was also made very clear that current games would not be getting any type of performance upgrades by being played on the system and any benefits to older games would come via patch per game and per developer. When asked if this was going to happen the response was "Its a possibility but doubtful with the exception of a handful of games."

We were also given a list of games that will be available at launch that will directly take advantage of the PS4K where the differences are and I will quote him "Significant."


For the PSVR


Eve Valkyrie


GT Sport


For the PS4K


Deep Down (Thought this was dead)

GOW4 (This was the exact abbreviation on the sheet I can only assume its god of war 4)


There were more games on the list but these are the ones that stood out to me.

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To me it just seems like a situation where someone has a medium spec PC and someone has a high spec PC. The games will run on both, they'll just run better on the high spec. Doesn't really bother me to be honest.

Console games have enough bugs running to one set of specs. I very much doubt developers will want to waste time and resources making and testing their games to two sets of specifications.

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If games run "significantly" better on the upgraded console then I'd feel like I miss out on a better experience. Smoothly running games vs non-constant-30fps is a big deal. Especially when developers might put more effort into the PS4K versionm.

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I'm going to wait to get some firm information so that I know what we're dealing with.


As long as this doesn't fuck up my current situation, I'll be happy. I won't be pleased if games suddenly start becoming New-PS4 only, but I can't see that happening. I do wonder what this does mean for the future of gaming hardware, so I'm curious to get more information.

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WTF are Sony doing!? They're winning by a landslide, so why are they pulling a 32X here!? Who asked for this!?


But they're not going to look worse than current PS4 games...?


They will if they stop optimising the games for the lower specced model first and foremost...

Edited by Dcubed
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They will if they stop optimising the games for the lower specced model first and foremost...


Sony might have an agreement in place that equal priority is given. Kind of like how Nintendo have a mandate that 3DS games should not need to use the 3D to play the game.

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Sony might have an agreement in place that equal priority is given. Kind of like how Nintendo have a mandate that 3DS games should not need to use the 3D to play the game.


From the sounds of things, they look like they really want to put the PS4k's "significant" enhanced visuals front and centre...


I get the feeling that they're not gonna be giving equal priority here... (They're obviously desperate for content to sell their 4K TVs with and Sony have proven that they're not afraid to sacrifice their console market share to push other Sony segments; just look at the PS3...)

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Don't forget "the sound of things" is unsubstantiated rumours. It's like last week with Nintendo.


And what do you mean about the PS3? If it's the Blu-ray at the start, they learnt from that mistake quite clearly both during its life and the PS4.

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WTF are Sony doing!? They're winning by a landslide, so why are they pulling a 32X here!? Who asked for this!?



They will if they stop optimising the games for the lower specced model first and foremost...


Coming from someone who liked the new 3Ds...?

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It sounds like a crazy upgrade! If this is all accurate, then I'm happy to wait until next year before I take the plunge and get a PS4.


As someone on GAF pointed out, I can't see developers using the extra horsepower purely to achieve a higher framerate. And I there must be plenty more power for developers to use, even after you take into account the power used by the social and VR aspects.


Will be interesting to follow the developments, but it does feel like they're shortchanging current PS4 users somewhat.

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They do on PC and you don't see them complaining.

Well that's PC. The whole point about console is that it's not PC; its audience are not the kind who care as much about specs hence they console game. Console gaming has always been about optimising games to a particular set of hardware instead of making games function at multiple levels for different hardware. Even the N3DS doesn't have more enemies on screen or a higher resolution in games for the same retail games across both hardware revisions, so do we really expect this will? A total waste of time and resources to double up optimisation efforts. Unless it's something really simple like load times, but we have these benefits already if we are willing to pay (SSD).



WTF are Sony doing!? They're winning by a landslide, so why are they pulling a 32X here!? Who asked for this!?




They will if they stop optimising the games for the lower specced model first and foremost...


No, it's almost certainly not a successor or a revision that will receive proper PS4 games that the original console can't play (unlike the N3DS). I am actually a little amazed that some people think that could actually happen.


It reckon be more like Kindle Fire TV 4K model versus the original. Except even less important, because gaming is the PS4's main focus. In this case, the 4K Fire TV model is a niche product that only a small proportion buy into; it's not the kind of thing to really hurt your average gamer who wants a PS4 to play games.


As for the announcement/leak itself being a bad/stupid idea due to its effect on current sales...I really doubt this information will stop or even significantly slow the sale of PS4 systems within the next few months. Is that what you predict will happen? Because we can very easily see how 'stupid' Sony are for letting this slip by looking at sales the next few months. ;)

Edited by Sheikah
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You guys are crackers, losing your marbles over rumours.

It is actually pretty funny how people are jumping to the most extreme conclusions!


The PS4 is one of the most successful consoles of all time, yet some people seem to think Sony are soon releasing a successor? K.

Edited by Sheikah
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I'm going to wait to get some firm information so that I know what we're dealing with.


As long as this doesn't fuck up my current situation, I'll be happy. I won't be pleased if games suddenly start becoming New-PS4 only, but I can't see that happening. I do wonder what this does mean for the future of gaming hardware, so I'm curious to get more information.


Tbh I'm of a view it won't really affect me either, but that doesn't stop me thinking, possibly to Ronnie's delight, that Sony are absolute fucknuggets for doing this if true.


It doesn't even really bother me personally as a consumer, but I think it's a crappy business move. It'll net them some cash in the shorter-term, but I can see it alienating people longer term. What the balance of those will be given the rather large install base, well I guess that's the ultimate consideration.

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I really don't believe these rumours, especially after the NX one, its too fantastical and user base splitting


It's a bit different with this though because the guy who posted the info on GAF has been verified by the moderators, so it's pretty solid info. It does seem like a crazy decision by Sony though, because when you read that the GPU is double the power of the standard PS4, it does make the mind race about how big the improvement will be. If games start to be hugely different between versions, then Sony could be making a huge misstep.


I'm really torn because I was going to get a PS4 in a month or so, but I'll have to put that on hold until E3 at least to see if it's worth waiting until next year, instead of spending the intervening time working through the glut of great PS4 games.

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Well lets see. I dont like the idea of a more powerful b version of a console.


MS have different plans. There will be xbox platform compatible hardware by PC partners judging by the powerpoints that were shown on neogaf. No doubt with all sorts of flavours of hardware.


e3 should shed light on what is happening.

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I wanted to bump the Arkham Asylum thread, but the last post was in 2010...even I have limits, ahah.


I'm playing this through PS Now. I'm having a fantastic time with it. It's just very simple, streamlined and no added bullshit. It's amazing when you compare this to Arkham Knight and you can see how much the series has evolved. I'm planning to go through the series, from Asylum to City (which I played on WiiU) to Origins to Knight (which I've played on PS4). Not really fussed about 100%ing the game, I'm really in it for the main story.

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