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Tomb Raider


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This game's amazing.


Don't really care for the collectibles. I just pick up the ones I see. Not going to search all.


Just following the main path is great enough : peace:


Floating flashlight :p





Ha, that happened on the 360 version in the exact same area, thought they would've fixed it by now.

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Finished this over a year ago, really enjoyed it in the end and looking forward to the next installment. Also slightly surprised by how many of you skipped this one last generation!


Well, I was under the impression that Tomb Raider had become generic (it had a load of other games since its original PS1 titles that were so so). By the time I heard people liked it, I was busy with other games and just never got round to it.

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  • 2 months later...
This game is currently 80% off on Steam, so I must ask: how is the DLC for this game? Anything meaningful (like extensions of the main story), or is everything map packs and weapons?


There's one tiny, insignificant tomb. The rest is costumes and multiplayer maps.

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So finished this a few days ago.. Great ride overall, with some great looking setpieces. Controls were great, but gameplay overall, well, was fine, but I wouldn´t rate this game a Game of the year (of last year..). I enjoyed the rollercoaster ride, although I wouldn´t have mind if they went a little less over the top. It´s unbelievable how Lara keeps finding herself in more trouble.. Then looking at the skeletons and streams of blood under the monastary I believe.. I mean, how many people get stranded on that island? Looks like a small country had been sacrificed :rolleyes:.. Reminded me of something like Resident Evil 4 with all the over-the-top-ness. After all the talk about Metroid influences, I was hoping more of that, but the game´s still quite linear. There´s no real need to backtrack. I have no real desire to pick up the rest of the collectibles after finishing the game.


Anyway, I enjoyed it and I´m looking forward to the sequel (and film perhaps), but I´m done with this one.

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  • 3 months later...

Bought this online just now for PS4 and plan to pick it up in store shortly. Already own it on PS3 but I need an excuse to play this great game again + prettier graphics, and Sleeping Dogs doesn't seem to arrive before Monday. Do people still play it online? Never got the platinum on PS3 because of it but considering trying now if people still play online on this.

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Is it bad that I really enjoy taking enemies down with the bow? Or hitting them in the head with the pick axe? I feel like some horrible, brutal murderer, but I am enjoying it so much!


The game is very over the top by the way, but once you accept that and the millions of ways in which Lara can die, then it isn't too bad. =P

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Those weapons are put in there for pure satisfaction. Accompanied by those crunchy sound effects, the overly gratifying pull and release of a bow and the additional skill required to land a kill with a single arrow over a spray of bullets - it's all about feelgood factor. Just shows they've done it right.


That said, I would be concerned if you suggested field archery lessons and bought a pry axe off the back of this experience.

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Is it bad that I really enjoy taking enemies down with the bow? Or hitting them in the head with the pick axe? I feel like some horrible, brutal murderer, but I am enjoying it so much!


The game is very over the top by the way, but once you accept that and the millions of ways in which Lara can die, then it isn't too bad. =P


No, i did such that myself. Prefered using the bow over guns, more stealthy and more satisfaction.

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