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bad stuff thread.


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Holy shit dude. No wonder you're talking about depression. You've gone through several life-times worth of Hard Shit.


Do you have people to talk to? Family, friends, sure - but trained talkers?


What can we do for you? I want to help. What can we do to help you take your mind off things (if that's what you want) or to give you a place to talk and get your head where you need it to be?


I tried to find you on Steam but your steam ID brought up no results.

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Thanks for the reply. I'm in the n-e steam group if you can see me there?


Yeah I have people I can talk to, but I'm not that comfortable talking to someone face to face, I never have been about anything really, just how I am I guess.


I think being in hospital forces me to think about it, and with the lack of distractions, I can't help it. I think I'm going home tomorrow, so that might be better.


I've felt like I've handled it really well up until the last few weeks, I don't know what has changed that has changed how I'm thinking.

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Found you.


Sometimes the relentlessness of something can make a change. Think about how a dam can put up with all that pressure and keep holding it back -- but eventually it erodes, right? And the moment it does isn't a quiet one.


I've sent you a friend request. We can be your faceless people :)

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Would never have known from your posts that you were going through so much. Thoughts are with you, I really hope that you're alright and are on the mend - you can beat this! Massive respect for you for staying strong through this, it's only natural to get down over your circumstances, but don't let it beat you. I know we're pretty anonymous internet people, but we're for you mate, keep us updated on things (if you want, of course) because we care :) All the best dude.

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@MadDog I had no idea you'd been going through such a bad time of things :( I hope they manage to get everything sorted for you as that's a really rough hand to be dealt.


Here if you want to talk about it but I completely understand if you don't as it's an extremely personal thing to be going through, I wish you all the best either way.

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Long story short. I was diagnosed with bone and lung cancer April last year. Since then I've had months of chemo and had my right leg amputated above the knee. Past month I've had two ops, one on each lung to remove as much of it as possible. I've been in hospital for the last 10 days and it's just really got to me recently. I just can't stop myself thinking that it might not be ok.


Mate, that is the most shocking thing that I've ever read on here. Would never have guessed that you were having such a bad and difficult time from seeing your posts here, which I think says a lot for your strength of character. I've noticed others saying the same things in the posts above here, too.


You've got every right to feel depressed because you've been through a lot. But the most important thing is that you're still here. Everyone here wants you to get through this and you'll get tons of support from here. Take care.

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Bloody hell, I think you might be the strongest person I've ever come across if you've been dealing with all that shit.


But yes, if you weren't feeling a little bit low after all of that, you would be a superhuman. This place is perfect for talking to people non-face-to-face, so yeah, go ahead! Or PM one of us if you fancy something more private?

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Christ @MadDog had no idea. Says a lot about you as a person that no one could have twigged you've gone through such a difficult times. At the same time it's good to let people know, just letting things off your mind can be a great reliever. I've had a few health issues over the years that I don't tell anyone about and although not a patch on anything you've gone through, there's days where it all gets a bit much and It would be good to talk to people.


Keep strong lad!

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I feel like I'm gonna sound like a broken record here, but Jesus Fuck, MadDog, that's an insane amount of shit you've gone through; no wonder you're feeling down. Hell, it's an incredible feat that you've stayed so strong until now that nobody here realised anything.


Utterly needless to say, we're all here for you if you need to talk, be distracted or ... just be. Take care, man.

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Not feeling great :blank:


Tomorrow is an exam. It would be my third attempt. If I fail that I will have to take an oral examination which I would have to pass, otherwise my studies would be over...


But I'm having doubts whether I'll pass the exam tomorrow. Mostly because I feel that I'm not prepared enough (and I haven't been lazy as I have been with the previous two attempts; I think it comes down to me not managing the time for studying well enough). And then there is my mental state, which has always been great under pressure but this time my confidence wavers and I don't know why.


I'm contemplating getting a sick note tomorrow and resitting the exam in a year...

I may take a semester longer then if the circumstances will be less-than-ideal, but I think this is a better move than risking it tomorrow...



There's someone at the university who helps with those kind of problems (time management, confidence in learning and being confident before and during an exam, etc) and I will definitely arrange a meeting with him.

Edited by drahkon
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Long story short. I was diagnosed with bone and lung cancer April last year. Since then I've had months of chemo and had my right leg amputated above the knee. Past month I've had two ops, one on each lung to remove as much of it as possible. I've been in hospital for the last 10 days and it's just really got to me recently. I just can't stop myself thinking that it might not be ok.


That's crazy man, had absolutely no idea you've been going through that so I second it as a testament to your strength that we didn't even know. However - I hope you don't feel like you need to be like that! If you wanna chat or vent or just whatevs feel free to send me a PM or something.

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I haven't seen your post until now @MadDog


Man, that's awful :(


You are one of strongest person I know. Dealing with all the shit life has thrown at you... As everyone here already said: your situation didn't come across to any of us.


Stay as strong as you are.


And if there's anything we can do, we're here. :)

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Long story short. I was diagnosed with bone and lung cancer April last year. Since then I've had months of chemo and had my right leg amputated above the knee. Past month I've had two ops, one on each lung to remove as much of it as possible. I've been in hospital for the last 10 days and it's just really got to me recently. I just can't stop myself thinking that it might not be ok.


To think I'm feeling down in the dumps about having my wisdom teeth out. Thank you for having the courage to share this with us can't have been easy writing it down and telling us all. Everyone has already said it but remember we are all here for you in any way shape or form we can help.

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Fuck me MadDog I would never had known you were dealing with that. I'm actually quite taken back and shocked by your post. I'm not really sure I know the right words of comfort but I have huge respect for the way you've handled yourself here on N-E. I sincerely wish you all the best and hope you pull through. Stay strong pal.


Lads we need to get MadDog down to Anfield to cheer him up.

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Oh my god MadDog, i'm very shocked to hear about this. Respect due for sharing this, but no-one would have guessed based on your posts that you were going through this. Much respect indeed, i don't really know what to say without sounding more like a broken record.

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My problems seem like absolutely nothing after reading that.


A few nights ago, not long after midnight, someone backed out of the neighbor's driveway, and into my car. Except they didn't just back into it, they managed to scrape along it, taking out the driver's side mirror and headlight, and reducing the whole side of the car to one massive dent. Then they kept going and managed to hit another parked car down the street as well. The driver ended up not having a license (actually not having one, not just not having it on her), and the car she was driving actually belonged to the the neighbor, who's out of town right now. Apparently, she's the girlfriend of the neighbor's border or something like that. It took ages to get all of this information out of her, and in the end, I had to file a police report (since that's the law here when an accident occurs involving an unlicensed driver). Multiple times now this woman has tried to get into contact with me to try and make an underhanded deal, and even committing fraud to avoid her getting in trouble, and when trying to exchange details with her, her boyfriend tried to give us someone else's passport instead of hers when he went into the house to get it (she's some sort of foreign student or something apparently). They gave a pretty dodgy story when explaining why they were using the car in the first place. Anyway, my car is almost certainly a write off since it's about 15 years old. I can afford to replace it, but just can justify it for a while since I normally take the bus to work.

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My problems seem like absolutely nothing after reading that.


A few nights ago, not long after midnight, someone backed out of the neighbor's driveway, and into my car. Except they didn't just back into it, they managed to scrape along it, taking out the driver's side mirror and headlight, and reducing the whole side of the car to one massive dent. Then they kept going and managed to hit another parked car down the street as well. The driver ended up not having a license (actually not having one, not just not having it on her), and the car she was driving actually belonged to the the neighbor, who's out of town right now. Apparently, she's the girlfriend of the neighbor's border or something like that. It took ages to get all of this information out of her, and in the end, I had to file a police report (since that's the law here when an accident occurs involving an unlicensed driver). Multiple times now this woman has tried to get into contact with me to try and make an underhanded deal, and even committing fraud to avoid her getting in trouble, and when trying to exchange details with her, her boyfriend tried to give us someone else's passport instead of hers when he went into the house to get it (she's some sort of foreign student or something apparently). They gave a pretty dodgy story when explaining why they were using the car in the first place. Anyway, my car is almost certainly a write off since it's about 15 years old. I can afford to replace it, but just can justify it for a while since I normally take the bus to work.


Hmm, what a bitch.


Are you able to try and get insurance claims from that?

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Multiple times now this woman has tried to get into contact with me to try and make an underhanded deal, and even committing fraud to avoid her getting in trouble, and when trying to exchange details with her, her boyfriend tried to give us someone else's passport instead of hers when he went into the house to get it (she's some sort of foreign student or something apparently). They gave a pretty dodgy story when explaining why they were using the car in the first place.

Sounds juicy. What have they been trying to do? What was the dodgy story?


Either way, make them pay for a new car/repairs/get monies. Then fuck them over, just for getting up in yo' grill.

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Hmm, what a bitch.


Are you able to try and get insurance claims from that?


Yeah. I haven't had time to make the claim yet, but what will likely happen is that the insurance company will pay market value for the car and take it off my hands, since the repairs would obviously be more than the car is worth at this point.


Sounds juicy. What have they been trying to do? What was the dodgy story?


Either way, make them pay for a new car/repairs/get monies. Then fuck them over, just for getting up in yo' grill.


Something along the lines of they were clearing the driveway to "play a game". At 12:30 in the morning... Obviously I can't prove this, but I think it's much more likely they were doing some sort of booze run. I definitely smelt alcohol on one of them, but I wasn't sure which it was.

As far as the fraud goes, she wanted to find a licensed driver to pretend they had been the one driving the car instead of her. I just told her the police report had already been filed and she'd have to deal with them now.

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