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bad stuff thread.


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My neighbours are building a fence in our shared garden and it's raising my blood pressure.


They're disregarding who owns what and they are taking our land. Landlord doesn't care either so there's nothing we can do except sit and watch them take the space.


They haven't spoken to use about it, they've just done it. Whenever we've asked them about it, they've always done worse than what they've said.


Also, we need to clean out the chicken coop and run this weekend and we can't because their tools are all over the place. On a positive note at least they are working in very, very smelly conditions.

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£13.50 for a haircut that's shit. God I hate Oxford.


I paid £33 for my haircut before last.


Given you've met me in person you know how short my hair is. I had to ask my local hairdressers if they had a cheaper rate because its insane. Thankfully they put me with the new girl who is surprisingly good.


But it still costs me £19. :indeed:

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I paid £33 for my haircut before last.


Given you've met me in person you know how short my hair is. I had to ask my local hairdressers if they had a cheaper rate because its insane. Thankfully they put me with the new girl who is surprisingly good.


But it still costs me £19. :indeed:


AT home I get it done for £6, and It's never been bad (the worst has been acceptable, and the best was great, but usually it's good; it all depends on who's done it).

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AT home I get it done for £6, and It's never been bad (the worst has been acceptable, and the best was great, but usually it's good; it all depends on who's done it).


I pay £18 for mine and go to the same guy religiously as he's absolutely fantastic. Always come away with a cracking hair cut. He takes 45 minutes over it and gives me great advice on what to do with it and how to style it well.

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A small but significant loss: HR Giger, the artist who created the famous "xenomorph" for Ridley Scott's movie Alien, has died from a fall aged 74. RIP. :(


I was particularly saddened to hear about this earlier today, especially as it seems that his death could have been preventable; RIP H.R. Giger. :(

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I handed in my final assignment for my PGCE about two weeks ago (well before the deadline on the 10th) and I just got an email from the teacher saying that an ENTIRE SECTION IS MISSING from the essay.


I checked and yep, I forgot to copy/paste the section in to the main body from my notes. CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP.


I have sent him the updated document and the missing section, but OHBOLLOCKS this could mean that I fail the module.


Which KIND OF FUCKING HIGHLIGHTS THE POINT I MADE TO THEM BEFORE: They teach us that there are numerous different means of assessment - essays, reports, continuous assessment, coursework, oral testing, presentations... and yet everything on this course is pass or fail on a final essay. If there had been some kind of continuous assessment of our work, then I would at least have evidence that I'm not a complete an total MORON WHO FORGETS TO PASTE SECTIONS OF AN ESSAY.


It's 9:15pm in China, and I know I am not going to sleep because of this.




EDIT: Just got an email back from the Lecturer: He says it's okay because it won't have a huge impact on the final grade. Which has gotten me worried.

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Over the last 3 days I've walked over 30 miles, ~15 of which were yesterday, in either old shoes or vastly inappropriate suede Chelsea boots.


Today I had a much needed foot soak.




Also I forgot to put suncream on and got sunburnt. So now my face and neck are a vibrant shade of pink, whilst the rest of my body is the usual pale colour.


My (fore)arms are a decent colour though (by ginger standards). Farmer's tans are cool, right?

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Farmer's tans are cool, right?


Only on you, darling. Only on you.




Gah... It's 3:20am and I've not slept since 11pm, thunderous diarrhea. I've been to the bathroom five times already. There can't be any water left to poop out...

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Basically, I just found out today that a 19-year-old who never hits targets and isn't available for overtime a lot of the time has just been promoted to Supervisor over me; who not only exceeds targets in all areas but has received numerous awards and accolades over sales and customer service and has always done overtime no matter what time it was (sometimes on a moment's notice).


Not that I'm peeved with the guy who got promoted, I think it's awesome that he has, I'm just pissed off with this logic considering I've been on supervisor training for months and he's not even started it. There is another supervisor position that's 16-hours and the manager hasn't spoken to me yet so I'll hold fire but seriously...


Ugh! Guys! :(

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I know that mentality. I've seen it time and time again. The reason always seems to be that its easier to mold someone who is 19 and not very good, over someone who is an adult, very opinionated (in a good way) and very good at their job.


In this case I'd be surprised if you were promoted, if you're not, start looking elsewhere. There will be some company who appreciates you and wants you as a supervisor I can guarantee it.

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