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Just rang them and they said that they either want a receipt or proof of purchase. As we got it as part of a weekly shop, it won't show up on the bank statement.


I'm shocked that the product stopped working so soon after being bought. Meh.


Quite clearly a breach of contract with Sainsburys. Will inbox you on my dinner on what to do next.

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Quite clearly a breach of contract with Sainsburys. Will inbox you on my dinner on what to do next.


Cheers, braaaaah.


If you know exactly which purchase it is on your statement, they can check that against their records and see what was purchased. (I may be wrong about this)


Or you could buy a new one that's exactly the same, and then return the broken one using that receipt.


I'm not sure about the first part. We'll take a look, but as we used some nectar points at the time to reduce the cost of it, it's skewed the statements in the sense that it doesn't stand out on the bank statements. If it was a £100 shopping bill that week, we'd know it was that one. So, from memory, it'll be difficult to place when we bought it exactly.


I did contemplate doing what you suggested. Is that a dick move, do you think? Could I get caught out doing that as the serial number on the old kettle will be different to the new one?

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@Zechs Merquise, @jayseven. The solution is simple for me, find another job. Which is again a huge challenge, due to the lack of decent jobs out there. I say that, i found 7 jobs yesterday and 3 direct transfer jobs on the internal job system yesterday. All much closer to the city, all cheaper to get to and above all else, all with a hell of a lot better working hours.


I do take everything you both have said into mind, and i thank you both for your contributions. I also thank @Charlie, @ReZourceman and many others as well.


Hang on, this is postitive in a negative thread.

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I did contemplate doing what you suggested. Is that a dick move, do you think? Could I get caught out doing that as the serial number on the old kettle will be different to the new one?


The only way they could catch you out with the serial number is that if Sainsbury's keep track of the serial numbers of products they sell from Morphy Richards. This is unlikely. If they did you would be able to prove when you bought it and also be able to prove that its within the warranty period.


What box you return it with and with what receipt doesn't really matter if its within 12 months. It makes no difference to Sainbury's as they will return it for a refund as well as the item was faulty.

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What box you return it with and with what receipt doesn't really matter if its within 12 months. It makes no difference to Sainbury's as they will return it for a refund as well as the item was faulty.


It especially doesn't atter if as you say you cleaned the inside of the kettle meticulously, how are they to know it's months old not like a week (or even a few days).

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@Zechs Merquise, @jayseven. The solution is simple for me, find another job. Which is again a huge challenge, due to the lack of decent jobs out there. I say that, i found 7 jobs yesterday and 3 direct transfer jobs on the internal job system yesterday. All much closer to the city, all cheaper to get to and above all else, all with a hell of a lot better working hours.


I do take everything you both have said into mind, and i thank you both for your contributions. I also thank @Charlie, @ReZourceman and many others as well.


Hang on, this is postitive in a negative thread.


Well done! Now take that positivity and get that job! Keep your chin up, do what you need to do and you'll be fine :)

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The fact is the majority of people don't choose the job they are in. Most people have no choice in the matter at all -- the choice is either have no job or have a job, but be treated like shit on minimum wage where you're expected to turn up 10 mins early and finish only when the work's done and can never take your holiday because too many people have booked it already and you don't get paid the holiday in lieu and they don't care if you quit because tehre are three thousand people 'begging' for the job ready to take your place and they never train you up to be any more responsible because that would mean they'd find it harder to replace you and the middle management directly above you are never going to help you do better because they are bitter they're not doing better and even if you can do a better job than them it doesn't matter because you have to follow chain of command and targets exist not to reflect the abilities of the staff but to ensure they are working non-stop for the on-clock time and...


Sorry but for the masses there is no choice, there is just a relentless stream of knockbacks and letdowns in the job-searching market. An army of employers who ignore your plea for work. For many, their desire to stay afloat and to get off the dole means they sacrifice their own sense of pride because, ultimately, they have bills to pay so fuck having a life, right? Fuck thinking you deserve anything but living to work? I would totally get up at 5am and get home at 11pm for a job that treated me with respect, that recognised my efforts, that didn't object me being 5 mins late even though it took 2 hours to get there and those factors were out of my control.


And this here basically encapsulates the core problem of the free market: The competition allows employers to do what they want because there are always more people waiting in line who are prepared to accept whatever conditions you aren't. This is what creates and furthers economic inequality.

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Cheers, braaaaah.




I'm not sure about the first part. We'll take a look, but as we used some nectar points at the time to reduce the cost of it, it's skewed the statements in the sense that it doesn't stand out on the bank statements. If it was a £100 shopping bill that week, we'd know it was that one. So, from memory, it'll be difficult to place when we bought it exactly.


I did contemplate doing what you suggested. Is that a dick move, do you think? Could I get caught out doing that as the serial number on the old kettle will be different to the new one?


At Woolies if a customer could proved they made a purchase on a certain day we could look at records (essentially electronic receipts) to verify it. Would suggest you contact the head office (where they will have the time and space to do it) with card details, date, overall price and a rough outline of what was purchased (eg weekly shop, kettle, anything else).


If that fails, I know one of their IT guys :p

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Last week my car failed its MOT. It's going to cost ~£300 to get it through the MOT, and a further ~£500 to fix the advisories.


So this week I've walked the 3 miles to work. However I forgot that you need a permit to park on the street Mon-Fri 9-5 (I fucking hate Oxford). So now I have a £70 fine (£35 if I pay in 14 days) on top of that. Plus I'm going to have to (illegally) drive to work tomorrow and leave my car there.

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sunday, went to bed with a stinking headache

monday morning, woke up at half 4 with projectile vomiting and diarrhoea..... >_<

monday - no idea - lost most of it in a semi comatose existence

this morning - still felt awful but had the genius idea to go to work

this afternoon - spent most of work trying to sit as still as possible for fear of vomiting all over my desk and/or colleagues


I feel better(ish) now though. And looking forward to a good sleep!


Lump in my neck is still not gone. Still as big as it was (about 10mm). Grrrrrrrrrrrr just go away I don't neeeeed this. I've had the MMR vaccine, and i've already been exposed to glandular fever, this better be a passing virus.....*shakes fist*

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Every day for the last week or so I've felt sick as hell every morning but it passes after a while. I think it's just because I'm an emotional yo-yo. It usually happens when I haven't had a day to myself for a while, so I think I need to lock myself away in a room for a day.


Also my friend at work (for about 5 years) is moving to America on Friday so that will be sad! But he's going to live the dream so it will be a happy goodbye at least.


Aaaaaand I have a theory test on Thursday! I think my head will explode if I don't pass. I'm doing good on the theory at home but I can just imagine it will go wrong on the day. I remember getting a B+ for my business mock exam and then on the day got a D. It's just typical of me to do such things. I'm trying not to be negative though :P


I've also had the Animaniacs theme in my head all day. Not even the proper one, the one from the SNES title screen. I haven't played the game in like 15 years so I have no idea why.



You can perhaps see why I struggle sometimes when I'm haunted by things like this on repeat in my head :p

Edited by Josh64
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I just wrote a big cheeky reply to zechs before I realised that he awsn't disagreeing with me. In teh spoiler tags you'll find my dickish response.


Look, you may like to over analyse everything, but I don't. The quickest way to solve any problem is to find the simplest and most straightforward solution then act upon it until the problem is solved.


@Jimbob doesn't like his job, it takes him too long to get to work using public transport (which also creates other problems like being late) and it is having an adverse affect on his life. He has several options:


1) The company changes its approach and treats him differently: This won't happen.

2) He finds an alternative travel method which is quicker and more reliable: He already said that won't work due to costs.

3) He finds somewhere closer to work that is more suitable.


So obviously the answer is number three.


Now as we have found the solution, we can do one of two things. We can either sit bitching and crying about how bad things are and getting ever more stressed, or we use that energy to search for a more suitable job.


Obviously you're the kind of guy who would sit cuddling him and listening to his woes. I'm the kind of guy that would knock him up a CV, kick him up the arse and help him find a better job. I know which one will solve the problem.


Not denying that jimbob is a mere flake in the goldfish pond of real life here -- I'm just trying to point out that his situation is a number on a page to his employers but a real life problem to him.


I'm also saying that your 'solution' isn't a solution, but a suggestion for a solution. You aren't solving the problem by suggesting he get a jobcloser to home. 'solving' requres a bit more, doesn't it? Are you going to repeatedly suggest he 'get another job' until the 'problem' is solved, then claim this is the best solution?


Im'a do a YOU and be definitive-ish in arguments;


Let's look at your list, there;

1) the company will not change its approach

- Here is something that you, in your box, do not consider; the company is wrong and should change its approach because its current approach is not the most correct. You ignore this because you deem it to be insignificant to the current problem (which is 'current staff are struggling to get to work on time because of distance, and they require a bit more leeway when it comes to extenuating circumstances such as trains or buses which operate outside their, or indeed our remit, because these forms of transport are unreliable and not connected to our company and thus bave no reasonable basis to ensure our employees are delivered on time') even though it is a factor which is as uncontrollably by the company as it is by the employee.


2) he find a more suitible method for getting to work

(feel free to note how I am tailoring your argument to be more rational)

There are varying methods for travel, of which only several are related to the current situation - but to outline a few varying options;


- physical; walking, running, sprinting, power-walking, swimming; these rely upon no external factor. Jimbob could, if he even cares about being employed at all and doesn't want to be a disgusting lazy unemployed layabout, sprint (or run, or powerwalk) to work.


- vehicular; car, boat, cycle, motorcyle, train, plane, segway, bus; some of these face restrictions of use - speed limits, clothing limits, licensing limits in general. Some of these can be used, but are not all available to everyone.


- imagined; zephyr, dragon, transportation, apparition, broom stick, portkey; these are made up and illegitimate forms of transport.


Jimbob only has a finite array of methods to attend work. Many of which are out of his control, or unaffordable. If his preferred method of transport often delivers him on time/early, yet sometimes late, are you suggesting he merely gets an earlier version of that transport? If so, then are you not going to just transfer the same argument if that form of transport routinely delivers him late? Is it then his responsibility to get an even earlier version of that transport in order to ensure his timely appearance? At what stage does this logic cease?


... But I do agree with you in the sense that he is in a situation not of his choosing that is harmful to him [and this is where I realised I was being a dick]


Sorry zechs. I think it's just your choice of wordage that I immediately want to spring to fight with rather than the content. Clearly jimbob needs to find another job (though not necessarily one of a different distance :P), and his search to do so is definitely something we should back...


I do think you should look at how you present arguments, though I do admit I was quick to retort when it was improper (hence why I'm still posting it, even though it's largely irrelevent).


I will just say, in response to this;

bviously you're the kind of guy who would sit cuddling him and listening to his woes. I'm the kind of guy that would knock him up a CV, kick him up the arse and help him find a better job. I know which one will solve the problem
It's funny because I've been considering CV/job hunting as a potential 'business' recently, based upon how successful my CV rewrites have been in the last few months...


I agree that jimbob should work elsewhere, but I think it's weak to not question the system that produced such a situation that jimbob has faced.

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I just wrote a big cheeky reply to zechs before I realised that he awsn't disagreeing with me. In teh spoiler tags you'll find my dickish response.



Not denying that jimbob is a mere flake in the goldfish pond of real life here -- I'm just trying to point out that his situation is a number on a page to his employers but a real life problem to him.


I'm also saying that your 'solution' isn't a solution, but a suggestion for a solution. You aren't solving the problem by suggesting he get a jobcloser to home. 'solving' requres a bit more, doesn't it? Are you going to repeatedly suggest he 'get another job' until the 'problem' is solved, then claim this is the best solution?


Im'a do a YOU and be definitive-ish in arguments;


Let's look at your list, there;

1) the company will not change its approach

- Here is something that you, in your box, do not consider; the company is wrong and should change its approach because its current approach is not the most correct. You ignore this because you deem it to be insignificant to the current problem (which is 'current staff are struggling to get to work on time because of distance, and they require a bit more leeway when it comes to extenuating circumstances such as trains or buses which operate outside their, or indeed our remit, because these forms of transport are unreliable and not connected to our company and thus bave no reasonable basis to ensure our employees are delivered on time') even though it is a factor which is as uncontrollably by the company as it is by the employee.


2) he find a more suitible method for getting to work

(feel free to note how I am tailoring your argument to be more rational)

There are varying methods for travel, of which only several are related to the current situation - but to outline a few varying options;


- physical; walking, running, sprinting, power-walking, swimming; these rely upon no external factor. Jimbob could, if he even cares about being employed at all and doesn't want to be a disgusting lazy unemployed layabout, sprint (or run, or powerwalk) to work.


- vehicular; car, boat, cycle, motorcyle, train, plane, segway, bus; some of these face restrictions of use - speed limits, clothing limits, licensing limits in general. Some of these can be used, but are not all available to everyone.


- imagined; zephyr, dragon, transportation, apparition, broom stick, portkey; these are made up and illegitimate forms of transport.


Jimbob only has a finite array of methods to attend work. Many of which are out of his control, or unaffordable. If his preferred method of transport often delivers him on time/early, yet sometimes late, are you suggesting he merely gets an earlier version of that transport? If so, then are you not going to just transfer the same argument if that form of transport routinely delivers him late? Is it then his responsibility to get an even earlier version of that transport in order to ensure his timely appearance? At what stage does this logic cease?


... But I do agree with you in the sense that he is in a situation not of his choosing that is harmful to him [and this is where I realised I was being a dick]


Sorry zechs. I think it's just your choice of wordage that I immediately want to spring to fight with rather than the content. Clearly jimbob needs to find another job (though not necessarily one of a different distance :P), and his search to do so is definitely something we should back...


I do think you should look at how you present arguments, though I do admit I was quick to retort when it was improper (hence why I'm still posting it, even though it's largely irrelevent).


I will just say, in response to this; It's funny because I've been considering CV/job hunting as a potential 'business' recently, based upon how successful my CV rewrites have been in the last few months...


I agree that jimbob should work elsewhere, but I think it's weak to not question the system that produced such a situation that jimbob has faced.


There's another option:


4. Jimbob moves house closer to his job.




Jay, I've also thought of the CV/job hunting thing. I think it could work and have had some ideas about it... PM me if you're itnerested in pursuing it.

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There's another option:


4. Jimbob moves house closer to his job.


Jay, I've also thought of the CV/job hunting thing. I think it could work and have had some ideas about it... PM me if you're itnerested in pursuing it.


4th option is open, but most rental places i've looked at in the area want people who can pay the rent each and every month from a permanent job as they've had problems with tenants lying with work saying it's permanent, but it's temporary. Which mine kinda is temporary, so they don't like to deal with temps if possible. I would get a mortgage and move myself, but it's a similar situation with getting one.


Still, looking for a new job as i speak. Applied for another 4 today.

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Whelp aint karma an absolute bitch.


So, my ford fiesta, the plastic bit between the window and the door came off a few months ago, nipped into ford and they ripped it off and glued it back on without the shitty plastic ties it had.


They did it for free, happy days!


So I find that the other side is now coming off, no problem, I'll just nip in, they did it for free last time, so I'll leave a tip or something. Right?


Oh no! This time I spent ten minutes trying to figure out why they have the doors closed when it was 5pm not 6pm, fine, you closed the garage doors, but the front is open, cool.


Explain my situation and the guy suddenly stops me:


Man: One of our guys glued it back on?

Me: Well yes, I thought that was how you did things

Man: Sorry Ma'dam, just a second


Whoops! The guy goes to the back to see what had happened, so 20 minutes later, he comes back with a new part, tells me that unfortunately they won't be gluing it back on and I'll have to pay to have it replaced.


Sure, its a bit of plastic its not going to be more than £10 to put on (it literally clips back in, takes 5 seconds). Sure go for it!


Man: That's going to be £35

Me: *dies*

Man: Ma'dam?


Sigh, too late to go to Halfords now and if this piece comes off at 70mph and hits someone, I'm screwed. So I agree.


2 minutes later, its done and they've charged me £35 for about half a metre of plastic.


Whelp, not going back there any time soon, I asked some further questions as my model of car apparently has quite a few faults as standard and he made sure I didn't have anything else wrong, apparently the brake lates shouldn't have three screws only two, my suspension was their fault and so was the plastic.


But I still had to pay if it went wrong. Lovely.

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Always get a quote before going ahead with the work!


Given it was a piece of plastic (I kid you not its half a meter long). I didn't bother, especially as the SAME GARAGE had 'fixed' it for free a few months prior. Otherwise and usually I do.


Its my own fault and their fault too. Alas I got worse out.

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Council are trying to say that I'm not exempt from council tax as the course I'm going onto in September is different from the one I've been studying. Both Plymouth Uni and the college I was at have always said that I should be exempt as it's a progression course. I was always going to do the 3rd year in Plymouth and technically I've always been a Plymouth Uni student, just studying at another site.


Sorting it out is proving to be fucking annoying as well! Spent 10 minutes on the phone to the council before I even managed to speak to anyone as their options were useless and just kept leading me round in circles. When I finally did speak to someone it lasted about 30 seconds and the guy just said I'd need to prove it was a continuous course, of course now I can't get hold of anyone at Plymouth to find out if I really should be exempt or not. Had to end up leaving a message and I'm not even sure that was sent properly :/

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