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New position at work - might have to wait til July for it.


Which is fine, y'know, I still have a great job. But when you see your other colleagues in your team able to move across within weeks, it sucks to be told it could be a good few months down the life.


Double standards.

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I know a guy who went to Lancaster. The only thing he said about it was that it was cold like the Arctic tundra up there...


It's really not - it's actually oddly mild. I found it colder back home (Hertfordshire) over the Christmas break.

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I made my decision for my job, i won't be there past July. Because that is how much i hate it, and i really ask myself most days why i am still there. People get away with things that even i can't get away with, because of their group of "friends" they have. The people i speak to have attitudes, and if you work in a call centre then you'll know what i mean. Management have completely lost the plot since the new boss has come in. People get away with things that no-one should be able to get away with. Especially with leave and the job. You are permitted 3x 5 minute breaks between your hour lunch and 2x 15 minute breaks (which are set at certain times of the day). Which is meant to balance things out on the phones, but it doesn't as everyone goes at the same time leaving the phones un-manned around 1pm.


Those 3x 5 minute breaks, people abuse them and get away with it as the manager simply "wipes" the record of them ever taking the break. I go 2 seconds over, and i have it in the neck. What makes me laugh is how people get away with what they are doing, heck i know people who are on "medical" leave and are plainly just skiving. 2 people who sit in my wing should be fired, but alas are not. But if i took one day out of the ordinary, which i have then i had a written warning against me. I spoke up against management, and i got told "get over it". I could rant and rave all day, but i won't.


The main reasons i am still there are the money and friends. And i only took the job because the job centre said i had to, and i hate call centre jobs with a passion.

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The recycling bins keep getting rubbish placed in there that cannot be recycled. Some of the stuff placed in there is just the result of pure laziness. There are bin bags hanging out of the sides. The council got pissed off and have TWICE refused to take the recycling. Yet, people keep dumping the stuff that can't be recycled into the bin. There's even a sticker on it saying what can and can't be recycled.


Anyway, the council have now collected the recycling. However, somebody has already put several black bin bags in that bin...


I don't mind people making mistakes once, but this is repeated stupidity and fucking laziness. Learn to reeeeead.

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Some couple from up the road came round to our flat to complain about the amount of rubbish outside. Apparently some foxes had their way with it overnight and it was 'disgusting'.


Problem is, it isn't our rubbish, we double bag ours (to stop the foxes) and always put it out on the pavement the night before. The rubbish is all from fucking students who live upstairs.


This building has gone downhill since they let students rent it.


The couple asked (in a really passive agressive manner) if i could clean it up because the neighbours were complaining. I told them no, it wasn't my rubbish, and that i would welcome a fine from the council as it might make the students clear it up themselves.


Then my Britishness overcame me and i went and cleared it up myself.

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Tell me about it. We live in flats converted from an old town house, so the front door opens right out onto the street pretty much, and there is no side alley way to put bins on.


Basicaly they expect us to keep our rubbish in our flats until Wednesday morning when we place it delicately on the pavement outside. What actually happens is what i described above.


To top it all off (literally) someone had crowned the rubbish pile witha little bag of dog turd like a cherry on a fucking bun.

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New position at work - might have to wait til July for it.


Which is fine, y'know, I still have a great job. But when you see your other colleagues in your team able to move across within weeks, it sucks to be told it could be a good few months down the life.


Double standards.


After telling me that I had the position - they've now pulled out. My 'new manager' wants me in his team, but there's been some crap flying about. So someone is now being hired instead of me.


I'm gutted, didn't expect to be treated like that and I had to hear it from a weird source too. Sigh. :( Gutted.

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Being told quite a bit recently that I'm negative, moan to much and such things.


I'm fully aware I'm fairly critical of stuff and I'm opinionated. But I'm not sure if I've become a total miserable bastard or if I'm starting to annoy people.

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- offer of a lift to sheff may be infeasible -- medium-length-story.


Because I am now working I no longer am entitled to JSA (job seekers allowance), but as I am working less than 16 hours a week and/or on a low income, I can apply for Income Support. I went to the job centre and filled in a form, then they told me I had to apply online for IS. I get home to find I cannot apply online, instead I have to go to a job centre (lol) or do it over the phone. 30 mins later I finish the phone call, and get told I will have an interview to assess my claim on thursday 9th at 10:30 am (lol guess what time I start work each day? Yup, 10:30. "Can I change that time?" "I'm afraid you'll have to phone this OTHER number, or go to your job centre" -- I call the other number -- "sorry we don't have teh diary available beyond that time/date, and there are no free slots before that date, so you'll have to call next week. Bank holiday, so call tuesday!"), after which I will receive in the mail a paper copy of my application, which can take 14 days. Sure, I may be able to claim backdated support, but that will take another 14 days before receiving the money.


So I got a job that only lasts 3 weeks, and my 'reward' is that I'm basically guaranteed to have to go at least 3 weeks without money (if I'm paid at the end of the month, which I think I will be). Also once this job ends my IS will end and I will have to re-apply for JSA, which, again, has a processing time of 14ish days, which just means more time without pay. Of course, I'm hoping to be out of the country by the time I get that JSA-backdated pay, so I'll have to endure that time without much fundage.


Tuesday, I took 4 hours to clear the backlog of work. Today I did it in 2 -- it was a "good day" in terms of volume. I have a friend who is able to give me a lift to sheff this friday, however he wants to leave from East Croydon at 12 at the latest. This means I need to finish my work by 10:50 in order to get a train on time. However, this would be banking on being able to do the work in under 3 hours, which a) is unknowable until I see the post arrival on the friday and b) is kinda counter-productive when you consider that really I should be trying to work as many hours as possible if I'm going to be so strapped for cash for so long.


Plus the cost of getting to sheff and back is (only) going to be £30ish, then there's the cost of the beer festival on friday, and food for the weekend and other alcohol expendatures... It's just going to be a big ol' hole in the hull of my wallet, which isn't really sensible.



I also have my current living situation, which is its own little complication;


My friends agreed to host me for 2 weeks, which will be up on saturday. If I go to sheff they'll look after my stuff, then when I get back I should be moving it to the next place... But I don't have a next place. I could ask to stay here another week, which I'm sure they will, but I feel I'm a burden, and it'd be 3 weeks, then where? If I stayed another week after that it'd be a month -- these guys pay like £600 a month to live here, so is that fair?


So previously I stayed with my friend (Mutual Friend, from previous stories) for 3 weeks. I could've gone back there, however she is very melodramatic and did not like how I broke up with her other best friend (I'm supposed to also be "a better friend than family" but hey), so that may be a burnt bridge. I am going to hers tomorrow night for dinner and to catch up/test the water/see if we're cool, so maybe that'll work, but I don't know. A mini headache amongst this is that I accidentally double-booked... I'd already said to my (current) flatmate that we haven't socialised much since I moved in and he made a big gesture about hanging out (drinking) tomorrow night... he'll forgive me if I bail, plus if I want to go to sheff and I go out with him tomorrow night there's simply no way I can start work at 8 and finish by 10 as I'll be mashed... and Mutual Friend is already an uncertainty in terms o fhow much she's forgiven me so testing her with another bail is a bad idea.


Sooooooo yeah, I'm sure this is all really boring. But I just don't really know what is the BEST thing to do, in any of these situations. On the one hand I know my friends will help me if I really ask, but perhaps there's pride left in me that doesn't want to force them.


My dad said I could move in with him... only if I can give him a finite deadline for when I'd move out. So realistically once I get my visa sorted (a whole other headache) I can stay with him 'til I leave. If my visa is declined my dad will lend me money for a deposit on a flat and... fuck I don't want to think about it. Housing benefits, self-harm and/or general black-hole future thoughts are all that are there if it turns out I've wasted 5 months of my life sitting around for the Oz dream.


It just kinda sucks when my family (in the UK) isn't helping and when it feels a bit like I'm running out of friends, and that I've not been able to help myself because my family haven't been helping (i.e. Oz uncle taking all this fucking time to sort the visa)... it is, duh, a very helpless feeling, and it's very easy to get down about that.



tl;dr I just don't know what to dooooo with myself (bam BAM!)

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Being told quite a bit recently that I'm negative, moan to much and such things.


I'm fully aware I'm fairly critical of stuff and I'm opinionated. But I'm not sure if I've become a total miserable bastard or if I'm starting to annoy people.


You're an Arsenal fan, so you've got a season pass that has allowed you to be grumpy for the majority of the last 10 years. :p


I joke. What exactly are they saying/referring to? Anything specific?

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- offer of a lift to sheff may be infeasible -- medium-length-story.


Because I am now working I no longer am entitled to JSA (job seekers allowance), but as I am working less than 16 hours a week and/or on a low income, I can apply for Income Support. I went to the job centre and filled in a form, then they told me I had to apply online for IS. I get home to find I cannot apply online, instead I have to go to a job centre (lol) or do it over the phone. 30 mins later I finish the phone call, and get told I will have an interview to assess my claim on thursday 9th at 10:30 am (lol guess what time I start work each day? Yup, 10:30. "Can I change that time?" "I'm afraid you'll have to phone this OTHER number, or go to your job centre" -- I call the other number -- "sorry we don't have teh diary available beyond that time/date, and there are no free slots before that date, so you'll have to call next week. Bank holiday, so call tuesday!"), after which I will receive in the mail a paper copy of my application, which can take 14 days. Sure, I may be able to claim backdated support, but that will take another 14 days before receiving the money.


So I got a job that only lasts 3 weeks, and my 'reward' is that I'm basically guaranteed to have to go at least 3 weeks without money (if I'm paid at the end of the month, which I think I will be). Also once this job ends my IS will end and I will have to re-apply for JSA, which, again, has a processing time of 14ish days, which just means more time without pay. Of course, I'm hoping to be out of the country by the time I get that JSA-backdated pay, so I'll have to endure that time without much fundage.


Tuesday, I took 4 hours to clear the backlog of work. Today I did it in 2 -- it was a "good day" in terms of volume. I have a friend who is able to give me a lift to sheff this friday, however he wants to leave from East Croydon at 12 at the latest. This means I need to finish my work by 10:50 in order to get a train on time. However, this would be banking on being able to do the work in under 3 hours, which a) is unknowable until I see the post arrival on the friday and b) is kinda counter-productive when you consider that really I should be trying to work as many hours as possible if I'm going to be so strapped for cash for so long.


Plus the cost of getting to sheff and back is (only) going to be £30ish, then there's the cost of the beer festival on friday, and food for the weekend and other alcohol expendatures... It's just going to be a big ol' hole in the hull of my wallet, which isn't really sensible.



I also have my current living situation, which is its own little complication;


My friends agreed to host me for 2 weeks, which will be up on saturday. If I go to sheff they'll look after my stuff, then when I get back I should be moving it to the next place... But I don't have a next place. I could ask to stay here another week, which I'm sure they will, but I feel I'm a burden, and it'd be 3 weeks, then where? If I stayed another week after that it'd be a month -- these guys pay like £600 a month to live here, so is that fair?


So previously I stayed with my friend (Mutual Friend, from previous stories) for 3 weeks. I could've gone back there, however she is very melodramatic and did not like how I broke up with her other best friend (I'm supposed to also be "a better friend than family" but hey), so that may be a burnt bridge. I am going to hers tomorrow night for dinner and to catch up/test the water/see if we're cool, so maybe that'll work, but I don't know. A mini headache amongst this is that I accidentally double-booked... I'd already said to my (current) flatmate that we haven't socialised much since I moved in and he made a big gesture about hanging out (drinking) tomorrow night... he'll forgive me if I bail, plus if I want to go to sheff and I go out with him tomorrow night there's simply no way I can start work at 8 and finish by 10 as I'll be mashed... and Mutual Friend is already an uncertainty in terms o fhow much she's forgiven me so testing her with another bail is a bad idea.


Sooooooo yeah, I'm sure this is all really boring. But I just don't really know what is the BEST thing to do, in any of these situations. On the one hand I know my friends will help me if I really ask, but perhaps there's pride left in me that doesn't want to force them.


My dad said I could move in with him... only if I can give him a finite deadline for when I'd move out. So realistically once I get my visa sorted (a whole other headache) I can stay with him 'til I leave. If my visa is declined my dad will lend me money for a deposit on a flat and... fuck I don't want to think about it. Housing benefits, self-harm and/or general black-hole future thoughts are all that are there if it turns out I've wasted 5 months of my life sitting around for the Oz dream.


It just kinda sucks when my family (in the UK) isn't helping and when it feels a bit like I'm running out of friends, and that I've not been able to help myself because my family haven't been helping (i.e. Oz uncle taking all this fucking time to sort the visa)... it is, duh, a very helpless feeling, and it's very easy to get down about that.



tl;dr I just don't know what to dooooo with myself (bam BAM!)




I really, really feel for you. Believe me. Everybody is always going on about "Family this" and "Family that" and "My parents are so supportive" or "No-one loves you like your parents".


Well whoop-de-fucking-doo, assholes - you're only saying that because YOUR parents are so awesome: other people aren't as lucky.


I've absolutely got your back on this one, Jay. Parents and family are shit.

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I really, really feel for you. Believe me. Everybody is always going on about "Family this" and "Family that" and "My parents are so supportive" or "No-one loves you like your parents".


Well whoop-de-fucking-doo, assholes - you're only saying that because YOUR parents are so awesome: other people aren't as lucky.


I've absolutely got your back on this one, Jay. Parents and family are shit.


100% with you on the bolded part. The amount of mishaps and so on that I've had to put up with with my own family over the last 2 weeks is driving me nuts.


Anyway, Grandmother fell over on Monday and broke her wrist. Went to see how she is and she doesn't remember it happening or how it happened, which is a little worrying.


Also got one hell of a headache at the moment. Been getting them quite regularly over the last week or so and paracetamol don't help so me thinks a trip to the doctors is needed. Fun times ahead trying to get an appointment sorted :indeed:

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Tell me about it. We live in flats converted from an old town house, so the front door opens right out onto the street pretty much, and there is no side alley way to put bins on.


Basicaly they expect us to keep our rubbish in our flats until Wednesday morning when we place it delicately on the pavement outside. What actually happens is what i described above.


To top it all off (literally) someone had crowned the rubbish pile witha little bag of dog turd like a cherry on a fucking bun.


OH ITS OK GUYS, someone left a fucking note in the hallway thanking whoever cleared up the rubbish.


They said they had emailed the council asking for a motherfucking bin, but had had no reply.


I don't want your thanks, i want you to clean up your own fucking rubbish.

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I know the JSA system can be an absolute ballache when it comes to making funds for essential thingies stretch til the next (potential) cash injection.


However all sympathy was pissed on when this came up.

Plus the cost of getting to sheff and back is (only) going to be £30ish, then there's the cost of the beer festival on friday, and food for the weekend and other alcohol expendatures... It's just going to be a big ol' hole in the hull of my wallet, which isn't really sensible.)


Boo fucking hoo.


Sorry dude. :(

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Well my move across positions has officially been confirmed.


What a mess, there's nothing like being told you have something you really want and something snatching it back off you. Never mind, that'll teach me to not get it in writing. :hmm:


@jayseven - man do you ever had a more permanent place to live? You've been bouncing around what seems like forever.


Why on earth aren't you staying with your Dad?! You talk of family not helping you out, but then speak of a free deposit and bailing you until you potentially move country.


Take the potential place with your Dad, it gives you time, time to either go to Oz or forget that and get a more permanent job and a place to live. Its a winner. Don't automatically assume that its going to lead to something bad




Also baring in mind, you used to tell me this all the time. Start listening to your own advice, it works! :wink:

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