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bad stuff thread.


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Bloody boiler has decided to stop working, despite having British Gas round several times over the last few weeks to fit various replacement valves and what not to fix it. Seems like they've done another bodge job/quick fix as there's no heating or hot water (although I've got the immersion for the latter so that's fine).


So going to have to try and get hold of an engineer to come and fix it tomorrow and no doubt they'll send one of the work shy tossers who couldn't be bothered fixing the problem the first time they came round weeks back.

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Stupid bastard doctor bastard didn't give me anything to stupid bastard help me sleep. Bastard.


To top it off, the domestic helper we have here just lock me out of the house. I called out to her very loudly, but no answer. I remember she told my wife her ex-husband had been giving her trouble and threatening her. So there I was imagining all sorts of things happening to this poor lady in my house...


...so now we need a new door.



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Just had a subway.


It was shiiiiite. First of all, we had to queue for 15 minutes. Only 4 people in front of us. Shameful, really. Secondly, I got asked if I wanted it toasted or not, to which I replied, "yes." A cold Subway is the most pointless creation on Earth.


So, we order it, woman places it in the microwave, microwave makes the ding-ding noise and she takes it out. Finally, food.


No. The woman then proceeds to LEAVE our freshly-toasted Subway on the counter whilst she then serves the next person...what's the fucking point in that? I wanted it toasted and now it's hot. Serve me and then go to the next person.


I had to wait for an extra 5 minutes whilst my Subway got colder and colder in front of my eyes. By the time we had actually filled it with salad and sauce and paid for it, it was cold. Not even just a bit cold.


Waste of time and effort. Awful service. If there's one thing I cannot stand, it's cold food that is meant to be served warm. No excuse for it. Plus, making your customers wait for near 20 minutes for something that is meant to be FAST food is ridiculous.

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No. The woman then proceeds to LEAVE our freshly-toasted Subway on the counter whilst she then serves the next person...what's the fucking point in that? I wanted it toasted and now it's hot. Serve me and then go to the next person.


I had to wait for an extra 5 minutes whilst my Subway got colder and colder in front of my eyes. By the time we had actually filled it with salad and sauce and paid for it, it was cold. Not even just a bit cold.

I had that at my first visit to Subway, which was about a month ago and was probably my last. There was only one person in front of me, there was no fucking point in even starting on my bacon roll if you're just going to leave it!

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I once had a really bad service at Subway. I've always made a point to be quick and exact with what I want in order to help the staff get through my order, except on this one occasion I was treated to constant eye-rolls, laughter, under-filling, over-charging... because they thought I was another brighton high-street drunkard.


In actual fact I was coming home after a 12 hour shift at the football stadium (when I worked in food retail). I told them on the spot that it was the worst subway service I'd ever had and they just said that they didn't care.


I sent an email to subway.co.uk or wherever and they told me they'd pass the matter on to the nearest people. A week later I get a message from the Bristol people, saying they're sorry and - hey - here's a £5 voucher. Cool. Except it wasn't bristol. I message them, and they retract the voucher and tell me to re-complain. So I do. Eventually (after several emails) they send me a letter in the post that says "take this sheet in to the subway that you have complained about and we will give you a free 6-inch sub. Please note that we are re-training the staff that worked on the shift you complained about and also ensuring that all staff at that branch are trained."


So basically they wanted me to claim my compensation via telling the people I'm complaining about that I've complained about them.


I wrote back and said this was a ridiculous thing, and vowed to never eat at any subway again. Since then, I have only once (bateman's bay, NSW, AUS_ but I do intend to keep that promise.

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Wouldn't get me started on what I think of most people who worked in fast food places. I find myself regularly annoyed.


Last few days has been a bit...well shit, I've gotten a cold off someone when I've been back at work barely a week. Fuckers.


Not to mention that disgraceful excuse for a keyboard this morning, it's a mac keyboard and it was yellow, I kid you not. I'm sick of hot desking, I want my own desk so I don't get to touch other people's germs.

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I was annoyed by a food place today. I wanted to get something from my local chippy. Turns out that, while they're open at 11:30AM Tuesday-Friday, they're closed at lunchtime on Saturday and don't open until 4:30PM. They're closed all Sunday and Monday.


What kind of fast food place is closed at lunchtime on a Saturday?


After that I went to the shop to get food to cook instead. On the way back I saw someone almost get run over. She seemed to assume that when the lights turned red, all the cars would stop - including those right in the middle of the crossroads at the time the light changed (can you imagine the chaos it would be if crossroads worked like that?). She just walked out without looking (the pedestrian lights were still on red, too). The driver in the car managed to stop in time.

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Subway is great!


We're talking about this guy right?




Urgh. Just tried to book a hotel room and got right to the end then a server error. Now I'm going to have to wait until Monday to see if the money actually went out or not. Not got an email yet, but not going to assume no money was taken.

Edited by Ashley
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Well, did my first exam. Wasn't too good, to be honest. The first 55 minutes were not really great but also not bad.

And in the last few seconds I noticed a mistake I made which might be a big problem, but there was no time to fix it. :(


Two more to go...I hope I can compensate the first exam. Fingers crossed.

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Trust me, I work in the public sector and the worse you do the better off you are.


Anyway. I need to decide exactly when to hand in my notice (i.e. monies) and...then do it. RIDICULOUSLY OBVIOUS PLAN!


But in those three months I need to get work under way and hopefully sort out some freelance stuff.

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Anyone wanna swap jobs then? For 7.40 an hour you'll get to spend all your evenings being intermittently threatened by self-entitled childish 20-somethings while a French tramp tries repeatedly to set fire to the store.


Deal. In exchange, you get to deal with the absolute half-witts of this fair country as they demand money now, and won't accept waiting upto 3 weeks for the form to be checked and processed. Also part of the role involves talking on the phone to these same people, by part i mean whole role.


All for the total of £8.25 an hour.


And with the Subway chat, i hate waiting for my sandwich. The bigger ones have 3 servers, one for the bread, toasting and meat/veg filling. One for the salad and sauce and one for payment. The ones without the 3 staff annoy me. Why complete 1/2 the job before moving onto the next customer. Finish the job i say.


You wouldn't see this service at McDonalds "Yes, thats a double cheeseburger and chips. There's 1/2 the burger and 5 chips, next please". Then coming back to the order after serving the next customer.

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