drahkon Posted May 22, 2013 Posted May 22, 2013 Fuck, that's..there's nothing I can say... So sorry to hear
Fierce_LiNk Posted May 22, 2013 Posted May 22, 2013 From one friend to another, hope you're ok, dude. Sorry for your loss.
Goron_3 Posted May 22, 2013 Posted May 22, 2013 EEVILMURRAY said: Sadly my story doesn't have as happy an ending as Zell's. My step dad died last night, so suddenly. We're thinking it might be from a stroke/heart attack but they're doing a post mortem to find out. Saw him last night and today... He was so cold. Sorry to hear about that mate Zell said: Had an absolutely hectic last 7 days. On Wednesday I received a call from my mum saying that my dad had stopped breathing at the hospital. Apparently his heart had stopped for about 8 minutes before they were able to resuscitate him. At that point, the doctors weren't sure if my dad would be able to breath without a ventilator and they were telling us that there was a significant chance that he was brain dead. Miraculously, my dad came to on Thursday and on Friday they moved him out of intensive care and into a proper ward. Unbelievably, he seems completely normal. He is on morphine which is affecting his mood and he has some cracked ribs but we think he'll be completely back to normal soon. It's really hard to articulate how I feel as I've gone through cycles of anxiety, relief, anger etc. The sequence of events happened so quickly. I'm obviously so relieved that he's okay, but I've come to realise that I'm not emotionally prepared for any of my family to die yet. I'm extremely lucky in that in my 23 years on Earth I haven't experienced the death of someone very close to me so I could never say for sure how I would react. While this is all going on, I've started on a new project at work and was under immense pressure to prove my worth to the client from the get-go. I've been working 10 hour days plus a 2 hour commute so I've had little opportunity to relax. I also didn't exactly perform fantastic at my performance moderation and it's made me ask myself big questions about my future. I'm fast approaching a crossroads where I'll need to start considering whether this job is right for me or not because the way things are going, the system is going to squeeze me out the bottom. I enjoy my job, but it's more competitive than I ever imagined. Oh well. Life goes on. Sorr to hear about your dad dude but glad to hear he's alright now. I feel as though we are in the same boat in the sense that we haven't had to deal with the loss of someone close to us...I'm pretty worried about how I will be able to handle it tbf. The job stuff sounds tough too. Always willing to talk over the phone if you need a chat brah.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, EEVIL. Now what I came in here to post doesn't seem nearly as bad, but here goes: I'm a fucking moron; I completely missed the sign-up period for courses next semester. (Granted, they normally remind us when it is, which they didn't this time, but it's still my responsibility.) Now I need to apply for an exemption, and I have no idea how relaxed they are about such things. If they reject my application I won't be able to attend any courses next semester and possibly none for an entire year (due to courses being offered on semester basis), which might fuck up my student grant and my apartment lease. So much potential shit simply for forgetting to sign up for courses. I could kick myself.
Eenuh Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 So sorry about all the bad news in here. Eevil, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My condolences to you and your family. =(
ReZourceman Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Jeez, thats awful. Totally out of the blue EEVIL? Sorry to hear that.
The fish Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Dude, that's awful. It's always terrible when these things happen, and even worse when it's totally out of the blue.
EEVILMURRAY Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Dannyboy-the-Dane said: Damn, I'm sorry to hear that, EEVIL. Now what I came in here to post doesn't seem nearly as bad, but here goes: Feel bad not child. This thread is for the bad kids. ReZourceman said: Jeez, thats awful. Totally out of the blue EEVIL? Sorry to hear that. Totally. He was "diagnosed" with some asthma brought on by hayfever (weird based on the weather) but he was handling it. I was out at the time* but he was speaking to Mum seconds beforehand (he went outside to plug in the caravan [the family were going away this weekend]) and apparently collapsed against the door on his way in... So fucking unexpected it hurts. * Playing darts... and it's only due to dumb chance I found about it in time. The match was shortened due to the other team not having enough players, when my girlfriend dropped me off I found the paramedic people putting stuff away. I sent a message to my sister asking what was wrong, she gave me the news and it was straight back to my girlfriend to pick my brother and I up. She's a fucking marvel.
S.C.G Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Wow, just goes to show how often I check this thread... Eevil... I'm sorry to hear about your Step-Dad, I really don't know what else to say.
gaggle64 Posted May 25, 2013 Posted May 25, 2013 martinist said: I've just been summoned for jury duty >__> Claim the suspect is your illegitimate child and get excused for being unable to render fair judgement.
EEVILMURRAY Posted May 27, 2013 Posted May 27, 2013 martinist said: I've just been summoned for jury duty >__> That'd be in the good thread for me
The fish Posted May 28, 2013 Posted May 28, 2013 Well, if three of my housemates for next year are going to be arseholes and refuse to talk about stuff screw me over, I guess I've been left no choice but to be three times as great an arsehole. That's how it works, right?
ReZourceman Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 Its a website that was started to help make the daily question of “what should I eat” just a little easier. They like to eat out, they like a variety and, most importantly, they like a good deal. http://thedealio.org/
jayseven Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 Been working 11 hour days this week, but just been in training for the full-time job. I'm shitting myself over it. I know I will learn with time, and generally I'm the sort of worker who shows improvement the longer they're in the job, but I'm frankly not looking forwards to the week of shit, shit, shit days that I will have to endure while I improve. Working on phones means I'll start off with someone listening to my calls, then if my targets aren't hit they'll sit and give me advice -- it's not how my brain works. I am a good self-critic and I'll learn the best path the more I do the job. I'm too self-aware and I know I'll be nervous and... bleh. It's just daunting. First one in teh office and last one out, I know that other "department" heads are aware of my commitment and I've already angled a move to a role I know I'll be more suited to, but they just hired someone (who isn't great at it, and keeps writing "would of" in really important letters to banks and customers) and no doubt they want to give her ample time to improve. Just starting to feel the strain a few days in. I'd love to have someone a) gimme lift to work b) make my sammiches c) wash my clothes d) cook my dinner e) motivate me f) etc. I am diving in the deep end trying to make things work and I'm appreciative of the help I have received from friends in getting me here -- from visa decline to a place to live and a job in a couple of weeks. But I'm just feeling the hit from the lonliness. I'm really hoping tomorrow is a good day, that I prove to myself a lot of things!
The fish Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 jayseven said: What's the dealio? Warning, long post! Reveal hidden contents Next year I'm living with three of my current flatmates, who I will, for the sake of convenience, call Izzy, Lottie and Matt, for those are their names. Back in December, Izzy had to pull out of two separate viewings, and for the second pretty much the last minute. Consequently, we went without her to view two houses owned by the same landlord. The remaining three of us liked both but were told there was other interest and would need a £50 deposit that night if we wanted one. After calling Izzy to explain the situation and tell her the quality of the house, she agreed to go for it due to the time situation. In the time it had taken to do that, the preferential (to most) house had been taken, so we took the other and put down the initial £50. In the coming days we agreed who would have which room (Matt in the largest, me in the 2nd downstairs, Lottie in the 3rd, Izzy in the smallest with a cash amount per month to balance rent vs room size as she'd said there was no big issue with room size as long as the house was nice). I specifically and repeatedly urged Izzy to arrange a viewing in the very near future to give us time to find another place if she was unhappy with the house or the room. The day for signing the contract came around without her having seen it. She, once again, pulled out at the last minute, but insisted we go ahead and sign and she'll do so a few days later. Again, I urged her to see the house before signing as we could always find a replacement 4 for our house and another place to live. The other three of us signed and paid our £100 deposits. A few days later, when Izzy went to sign, it transpired that she had arranged to meet the landlord in a pub, not at the house, which I expressed concerned about, but she assured us all it would be fine (the house, for the record, was about 4 minutes walk from the pub). So, fast forward to 10 days ago. All four of us went to the house to meet the landlord and hand in our pre-dated rent cheques (their preferred method). This is also Izzy's first chance to see the house, and, lo and behold, she doesn't like the size of the small room (for comparison, it's similar in scale to our campus rooms). We went to Wetherspoons for beer & burger afterwards, only for Izzy to run off to the toilets in tears. On returning, she said she might find somewhere else to live as Matt and I had been so "uncaring" about her being upset. I'd already offered to start looking for another four-room house, but apparently this wasn't what she had in mind. Lottie suggested drawing lots, but I said no, as we already had a deal, and, at least for my part, I'd signed for the house on the understanding I was getting the downstairs bedroom. If we'd agreed on drawing lots in the first place, it would be a different matter. Izzy then started saying she needed a big room (note "big", not "not small") as she had the most stuff, and that she was used to having a big room at home. I countered that others either have lots of stuff but store it better, or could invest in an industrial quantity of cardboard boxes over the summer in order to get a big room. Matt pointed out he had a small room at home, so by her logic he should only have a broom cupboard. I said there was no further point talking about it at that point as people were upset or angry or intoxicated, or combinations thereof. After a few days, I offered to take the smallest room and its attached extra money and let the others fight amongst themselves. Lottie, however, moved on it first as she has a three-month placement starting in January, and it would make no sense for a bigger room to go empty. She also has a boyfriend who'll by living nearby next year so chances are she'd be there a lot. This seemed sensible to us all, and so Lottie and Izzy swapped. But then, the goalposts moved: Izzy was out of the small room that she so hated, but there was a new problem: she wanted a "fair shot" at the largest and 2nd largest rooms. I pointed out that Matt and I had been under the impression we were getting those two when we signed, and that I wouldn't have signed if I was getting the 3rd room - drawing lots would likely cause one of us to be in the 3rd room instead. She again water-worked it up, and accused me (not Matt, oddly) of being unfair, and having mislead her on the room. I allegedly told her the room was larger than it was, despite neither of the other two nor myself having any memory of me saying so. I was also the only one to send her pictures of the room when we initially viewed it, and I'd repeatedly insisted she see the house before signing anything. I repeatedly said I would have no part in a draw as it wasn't fair on Matt and I and was in no way part of the agreement. The only solution to prevent someone being pissed off would be a negotiated one. So, it came to yesterday, and they all turned on me and held the draw for the 3 rooms, with, lo and behold, me getting the 3rd room. Needless to say, I wasn't especially pleased. As it stood (and as I explained to them today), what had taken place is that Izzy had turned on the water-works in an attempt to get her own way, and, as a result, I (and only I) had been shafted, despite being by far the most insistent that she view the room before signing. She'd fucked up by (put frankly) not following my advice, and as a result I'd been screwed over. After consulting my parents last night, I decided I would make a further attempt to negotiate, but that the draw was entirely irrelevant as I'd always said it would be, and that me getting screwed over for her sake was entirely unfair. If they wouldn't back down, I'd find another person for my room and contract, and find another room elsewhere. Or, failing that, perform a coup de main: move in on the first day and simply claim my room, and wing it from there on. I explained to the three of them today that it would be a cold day in hell before I'd stick to a draw I'd never agreed to and explicitly earlier said would resolve nothing (whoever lost would never roll over). I got accused of throwing my toys out the pram by Lottie, which, to my shame, caused me to call her a little shit (self-fulfilling, much?) - Izzy had already done exactly that and Lottie sided with her in a heartbeat. They asked why should Izzy suffer when she'd done nothing wrong, but I again pointed that I hadn't either - in fact I'd been the one most pro-active in trying to get her to see the damn house. I pointed out that no one should have to suffer, but if it were needed, the person who's wilfully disregarded advice that would have prevented the problem should do. Regardless, the original issue, that the small room was too small, was no longer in play at all. I was (for about the 5th time) asked how I'd feel in that situation, but I said I'd never get in that situation: I'd always, always, always see a house before signing - precisely why I'd been so insistent that she should. She'd made the mistake, after all. After a little more bickering, Izzy screamed at me that I should have it and stormed off. So, yeah, result? FML for next year. Oh, and on the bright side, I got the campus IT service desk job, woo!
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