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yeah i know that england still pays. You don't actually pay any money on super expensive drugs because they tend to be bought by the nhs through private medical companies.


If it was me £7.40 would break the bank because I'm on 4-5 prescriptions a month... yeah its ok now while i live at home but the cost of a monthly certificate is a lot on top of everything else if i lived on ma own. im one of these sickly people that just arent sickly enough to be entitled to free prescriptions =(





last night i woke up 4 freakin times with asthma attacks. I'm starting to wonder if the inhalers are making me worse rather than better. *coughcoughcough*

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According to the council I'm not a full time student, despite being on a full time course. They want me to pay a £777 council tax bill.


I've been struggling with money since I've found it hard to get a part time job and so already have a £1000 overdraft. I wont get my next student loan payment until after January's rent, thankfully I managed to find a christmas temp job which will just cover the rent and presents... Whilst at work last Friday/Saturday I had a soar throat and was losing my voice, it's only gotten worse, feels like a bitch of a chest/throat infection which means I'll probably not be able to do any more hours (gonna see the doctor at 3).


So, ill 6 days before christmas, can't afford next months rent and now the council are being dicks and asking for even more money I don't have, fucking brilliant!

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Yeah I have the same thing happening to me.


Also the student loan company itself sent me a letter saying I needed to start paying back my student loan...


Even though I'm still... a student.


In about 20 days they're giving me more money.


Smart company.

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My fiancée has Erthrema Nodosum,


completely random and out of no-where, she's currently in hospital getting blood tests and randomly enough, getting x-rayed too.




Friday she is fine at the Christmas party, Saturday her ankles and knees swell up and breaks out into a red bumpy rash on her legs, and struggles to walk.


Spent Saturday in the hospital with her, and she's now off work for some time.


recovery time is between 3-6 weeks :hmm:

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My Cat Ivy died today. :(


She started coughing up blood last night, so we took her to the Vet and he said she most likely had a tumour but said it was doubtful she'd even survive getting the tests done. He said it was time for her to go and although it's tough to agree with that advice at the time, he was obviously right. She was put down about 2 hours ago.


Hard to believe I won't see her anymore, we got her when I was 6 years old. I've lost pets before but none that i've had such a close bond with, the fact that it was so sudden doesn't help. She did have a good long life, it's more the fact that I don't remember a time when she wasn't there.





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Sorry to hear that, JonSt and Murr. :(

I'm sending some luck your ways.


My left shoulder is aching like a bitch. I dunno what the hell is wrong with it. Drove home to Wales yesterday and found that in the evening time I could barely lift it without feeling a lot of pain. It's the same today.


I felt a small amount of pain in it throughout the week, but then it was fine. Yesterday and today though, it's very uncomfortable.

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@Eddage get a letter from your uni as proof that you're a full-time student and send it to the council with your reference number. The council doesn't get to decide what kind of course you're on!


Yeah, that's what I plan to do, not sure if anyone will be there over the Christmas holidays though...

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On the subject of council tax. The 3 of us in the flat today got a letter each claiming we owed them £214 (two thirds of the total for a month).


Phoned them up and gave them the reference numbers for all 3 payments we made.


I don't know what's so difficult for them. It took us about 4 months after our old flatmate moved out and new in before they even recognised her on the system. That was after countless letters and calls. Ridiculous system.

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The council can take quite a while with these things, not to worry Eddage, get it sent off and you should be fine.


Jon - I am so sorry for your loss, he looks like tiddles, my mafia kitty (he was crazy and had a silly name.) big hugs for you *hugs* <3


Today, I failed to seperate my social and work life and it's bringing me down, trying so hard to get friends from outside of work.

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Noel Fielding went even further out of his way to look like a complete twat in this weeks Buzzcocks episode.



Very bad.


And now I'm starting to develop cold symptoms. The night before I'm taking the missus out for a meal. Fucking broken freezer at work.

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On the subject of NHS prescriptions, thankfully living in Wales where they are currently free. Havn't the worry of forking out for a prescription, which doesn't seem bank breaking at least.


Councils take the mick when sorting things out for you, but when it is the flip-side of the coin, they are quicker than a rabbit with dynamite up it's arse. Hopefully, things will be sorted for you all having issues with the council, on the good side btw.


Freezers giving the Murray a cold, that is indeed worrying. Never had a cold this close to Christmas, and i don't intend to have one before Christmas either. Thought i was close to having one last year, but luckly avoided one. And thought i was getting one on Monday, but that dribbled away into nothing as well. Best advice, sweat it out if you can. Or take some Nurofen Cold and Flu tablets, they work wonders. Pharmacy only ones.

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Not very bad news but it's saddening me.


The great majority of the friends which I've made this year from college are leaving for home. They were all international students from all over and today's the day where a lot of them are going home for Christmas. It's really nice that I became such good friends with them since September but it's hard to see 10+ close friends leave (forever / long time) in such quick succession. I said good-bye to my closest friend this morning as she left for the States :(


I've never really had a friend like her. She always listened to me & I would do the same. I told her stuff I'd never mentioned to anyone. I loved how she always gave me a hug whenever she saw me, irregardless of circumstances, with a large smile. We had such fun.


It feels really strange. I'm suffering from exhaustion & this feeling of abandonment. At least I'm going out tonight to have a great night-out with those left before tomorrow. Some relief!

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Irregardless is an informal term commonly used in place of regardless or irrespective, which has caused controversy since it first appeared in the early twentieth century. Most dictionaries list it as "nonstandard" or "incorrect".


It's essentially a double negative. It has the prefix "ir" yet is used to mean the same as regardless.

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