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I got many compliments on my Will Smith/Fresh Prince t-shirt yesterday when at work (we were planting bulbs in the garden, what a way to spend your Saturday, blurrrh) and I got more today when wearing t-shirt to hair-cut and around the shops. (dat feel when you wear t-shirt 2 days in a row and it still feels clean)


Planting bulbs on a Saturday and your tshirt was still clean the next day? Pics or it didn't happen.

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Once again, contractual T+C's have been broken in work. Notified of a shift change, with 48 hours notice. Contracts state 2 weeks notice, so contacted my union rep who confirmed this. I work the old pattern for 2 weeks before the new pattern begins, victory for me!!!.

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In other news, did my first off-roading this weekend. All pukka and everything, got some footage and images of the day right here. Basically, went up a friends over the weekend who is a keen off-roader, met up with a few of his friends who are (what i can describe) nutters as you can see here.


First is some on-board filming



Second, the nutters.



Tis a little long the video, but it's interesting.

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After 2 days of moving boxes and such from my parents house, I finally moved into my new flat in Dundee!!! :yay:


Was feeling a little emotional as it's the first time I'm living away from home on my own so a lot of yesterday was about trying to stave off the tears. And not just for me as my mother was tearing up a little as well.


It'll take a little time to get used to things (think I've finally managed to figure out the hot water situation, admittedly after a rather cold shower :laughing:) but by and large, it feels good to be in my own place now. Just got to wait a couple of weeks for Sky to sort out the internet (would have preferred to stick with Virgin but they don't cover my area) and give the place a good ol' clean.

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Was watching Downton last night, and was listening to Carson blow a fuse about something when in my head i suddenly heard his voice in my head going:




I looked it up, and yes, Carson the butler did the voice for the Hex ride at Alton Towers.


How the fuck my brain made that connection, I don't know. I've not even been to Alton Towers for about 4 years.

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My new work PC has just been ordered, and I picked out all the parts myself :D Apart from the average graphics card (don't really need much more at work), it's going to be a beast!


Ooooh, exciting! Yesterday I was given my new work computer. (It's a lovely shiny ultrabook, but I had zero input on the choice.) Spent the last day getting all the right programs installed, and helping out my idiot colleagues that don't know how to get the right programs installed.

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Ooooh, exciting! Yesterday I was given my new work computer. (It's a lovely shiny ultrabook, but I had zero input on the choice.) Spent the last day getting all the right programs installed, and helping out my idiot colleagues that don't know how to get the right programs installed.


Only half the parts of my new machine arrived today :( whatever happened to Amazon prime and their next day shipping? Used to be the best of the best... Now I have a new mobo, ram and SSD but no graphics card , cooling, CPU or power supply! What a tease :p

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Last few days have been great (well not Monday, Monday was normal). We had a film festival at the film theatre I work at, Camera Japan, which obviously deals with Japanese films and culture. For me that means I get to see some anime which I usually don’t see that much. But I did some other stuff as well. I’ll link all the Camera Japan titles to their respective pages on the festival’s site.




I saw 2 films at the festival. [Tenchi: the samurai astronomer], a nice historical drama about the guy who revolutionised the Japanese calendar, visually great, and [Aura: Koga Maryuin’s last war], an romantic drama anime about 2 highschool kids of which the girl is trapped in her manga fantasy. I thought it was nice, but it’s probably not for everyone. Back at home I turned on Netflix to watch Kick-Ass in preparation for the next day.




Friday was a busy day. I had 1 hour of sleep, then went out for pretty much the whole day.. I actually started with a trip to Amsterdam. Weather was spectacular, so it was a great day to go out. I specifically went to Amsterdam to see 2 films, one of which I had missed in Rotterdam: Kick-Ass 2. It was a horrible time, somewhere in the morning, but I’m glad I went because the film was awesome, and I was having a great time in Amsterdam in general..


After that early film I went to some burger place, which supposedly had the best burgers in town. Some tip I got from the internet. I can’t say if they are the best, I’ll have to try the other ones, but it was pretty damn tasty. The place is called The Butcher, for those interested.


Next up was a museum, het Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam). It’s been a long while since I’ve visited a museum, but I wanted to check this one out, as it’s been reopened not that long ago after a renovation. It’s mostly modern art. Nice to see some Picassos up-close.


I took some time to get to my next stop, had a short stroll through the Vondel Park and along some canals which were not crowded with tourists.. I really wished I had a camera with me at that point. I felt great, and I even splurged a bit doing some luxury shopping (even though I could spend that money better). Bought a pretty exclusive fragrance before heading to my final destination within Amsterdam..


That would be the Eye institute. It’s directly across the river opposite of the train station, pretty conveniently located. It’s pretty new, open since 2012, and the [building] is spectacular if you like architecture. It’s a great film theatre, they’re set up to show more formats than the average film theatre. I came specifically for a special screening of El espíritu de la colmena, a Spanish classic from the seventies. Not totally what I expected, but still nice to be able to see such a classic.


Then back to Rotterdam using the hi-speed train.. In time to see [Evangelion 3.0: you can (not) redo]. I don’t think I have to elaborate on this one. Spectacular action, but I’m kind of losing the plot :rolleyes:. I have no idea who wants what anymore. After that it was [Gatchaman]. For me personally the only disappointment at the festival, I liked everything else I’ve seen, except this one. Complete yawn-fest. Then finally time to go home and off to bed.




I was pretty knackered that day.. So I stayed in. Luckily, there wasn’t a whole lot that I was interested in at the festival, only some anime shorts which I missed out on. Perhaps the latest Kitano Takeshi ([Outrage Beyond]), but I haven’t seen the first film, so I didn’t bother. So what I did was watch the last few episodes of Orange is the new black on Netflix. I’ve posted about that in its respective thread. I also watched the last remaining episodes of [The booth at the end], a pretty interesting series if you can get passed the extremely annoying editing.


Apart from some television, I also read the latest Suske & Wiske comic, [Amoras], although this is a spin-off. Apparently, they’re known as Spike & Suzy in the UK, but I suspect not many of you will be familiar with these Belgian comic characters. Many would call the original series (which I’ve read as a kid) old-fashioned, and this spin-off is some some sort of reboot targeted at an older audience, even though the original series still continues. Anyway, more violence, foul language and even a tiny bit of fan service.. It’s quite a change for those who are familiar with the original series. I didn’t think it’s spectacular, that said, it was a nice new take on something from my childhood.. I think I’ll keep buying them. It’s been years since I bought a comic though!




Another few films at the festival, but first.. I went to go “abseilen” from a windmill. Googling suggest rappeling or abbing are the english terms for it. Anyway, it’s descending down a rope from some high place. I’d never done it before. My friend and I talked about doing this from the Euromast, a landmark in Rotterdam, and 185 meters high, but ultimately she chickened out, even though she was the one suggesting it in the first place. Anyway, this opportunity came up, and I couldn’t pass it up. Windmill De Kameel doesn’t compare to the Euromast, with its paltry 16 meters (it’s higher, but it’s 16 meters from where you start your descent), but it was a nice experience.


Then off to the festival again.. Mostly anime. First up was [Professor Layton and the eternal diva]. I’m sure I don’t have to elaborate on this one either. Anyway, it was pure magic. It was part of the kids programming, but there were barely any kids there, haha. Next up, [The life of Budori Gusuko]. My brother didn’t like it, but I loved it. Visually stunning. It’s more of a drama, but within a surreal setting (all characters are cats in a fictitious world), and moreover, the main character has fairytale-like imaginations from time to time. A nice anime to let you get carried away to dreamland in my opinion. Next up the last live-action film for me at this festival, [The Kirishima thing]. A very interesting film about how how the disappearance of a certain Kirishima impacts impacts some other students at the school. Very well done. Then finally, my final film at the festival, [After school midnighters]. About 3 adorable little girls who take up a challenge from “Kunstlijk”, an anatomy model who comes to life at night, and actually want revenge. Ehm, just watch the trailer.


Anyway, I had an awesome time the last few days. I could break up everything and post it in their respective threads, but this was more convenient :).

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We're just having our bathroom fitted and the new toilet is pretty God damn special. Worthy of a review in fact.


The first thing I noticed about the gleaming pile of porcelain perfection was it's blinding sheen. It shone with the intensity of an orgy at a baby oil factory, complete with the same level of sexyness. Wondering to myself "I wonder if it's all form over function", I approached the throne with reservations. Fortunately these reservations were gone as soon as my pearly white hip pillows hit the glamorous arse-space. It held me firmly, but with a certain gentleness too, as if it was saying "I know this is a sensitive time for you bro, but I got you. I got you..."


Feeling totally at ease, I unleashed the dirty typhoon. Despite the initial impressions of gentleness, the pearly Goliath held it's composure throughout. Not a creak or groan was heard. And the acoustics, oh God the acoustics. It had all the fidelity of a studio recording, but with just a hint of echo to remind you it's live. It was like shitting in HD. Marvelous. I would have given a standing ovation were it not for my now rusty ring.


Wipe ergonomics was adequate. Like a good friend, the toilet knew when it was time to back off and let me do my thing.


There was a moment of disappointment when the first flush failed to deliver the goods and I was left staring at my slimy shame. But the toilet was like "Nah bro, I'm not even started yet. Check this shit out" and before I could say "terracotta turd tentacle" he was restocked and ready for round two. With a God almighty "Floosh Ro Dah!" the doo-devil was gone.


Once the ordeal was over, the toilet just sat there majestically, almost arrogantly in the face of what had just happened. The turd was a bitch and the toilet just spanked it.

Edited by Goafer
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New bike! (and messy room as I'm moving Sunday)




After having mine stolen in December I've finally gotten around to replacing it! Been using the Barclays/Boris bikes since then and they have their uses (i.e. I can drop it off and not worry about it), but this new bike is 11kg and the Boris Bikes are 23kg, so there's a noticeable difference in weight!


Rode it back (obviously) and dropping it off at my new place tomorrow, but the real challenge shall be Monday morning on my way to work!

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Went to a Burton Dassett Hills today for a nice walk and turns out today was the hill climb:




:grin: Such a cute pup! That made my day.


Well today is my last day off from work. After V shipped I got given 2 weeks of comp time. This is in the GOOD thread though because although it's ending it was a really relaxing and I'm looking forward to going back to work and getting into stuff.

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Only half the parts of my new machine arrived today :( whatever happened to Amazon prime and their next day shipping? Used to be the best of the best... Now I have a new mobo, ram and SSD but no graphics card , cooling, CPU or power supply! What a tease :p


They say next day up til like 9pm, I have had this happen before :(.

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We're just having our bathroom fitted and the new toilet is pretty God damn special. Worthy of a review in fact.


The first thing I noticed about the gleaming pile of porcelain perfection was it's blinding sheen. It shone with the intensity of an orgy at a baby oil factory, complete with the same level of sexyness. Wondering to myself "I wonder if it's all form over function", I approached the throne with reservations. Fortunately these reservations were gone as soon as my pearly white hip pillows hit the glamorous arse-space. It held me firmly, but with a certain gentleness too, as if it was saying "I know this is a sensitive time for you bro, but I got you. I got you..."


Feeling totally at ease, I unleashed the dirty typhoon. Despite the initial impressions of gentleness, the pearly Goliath held it's composure throughout. Not a creak or groan was heard. And the acoustics, oh God the acoustics. It had all the fidelity of a studio recording, but with just a hint of echo to remind you it's live. It was like shitting in HD. Marvelous. I would have given a standing ovation were it not for my now rusty ring.


Wipe ergonomics was adequate. Like a good friend, the toilet knew when it was time to back off and let me do my thing.


There was a moment of disappointment when the first flush failed to deliver the goods and I was left staring at my slimy shame. But the toilet was like "Nah bro, I'm not even started yet. Check this shit out" and before I could say "terracotta turd tentacle" he was restocked and ready for round two. With a God almighty "Floosh Ro Dah!" the doo-devil was gone.


Once the ordeal was over, the toilet just sat there majestically, almost arrogantly in the face of what had just happened. The turd was a bitch and the toilet just spanked it.


I must also express outright praise for this post. You should be a comedy writer, Goaf.

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