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Booked my weekend at MCM Comic Con Birmingham nice and early. Every year I always say I want to make the effort to spend a weekend at one of these things then never end up going so I figured if I buy the weekend ticket and book a hotel for a few nights now then I'll have to go! Problem with doing it this early is that now I'm looking forward to it and its not until November!



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Booked my weekend at MCM Comic Con Birmingham nice and early. Every year I always say I want to make the effort to spend a weekend at one of these things then never end up going so I figured if I buy the weekend ticket and book a hotel for a few nights now then I'll have to go! Problem with doing it this early is that now I'm looking forward to it and its not until November!




I thought you'd booked tickets for the March one and thought you were REALLY keen. Forgot there were two each year. It's good but i'm not sure there's enough to do for two days unless you know a few people going.

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I thought you'd booked tickets for the March one and thought you were REALLY keen. Forgot there were two each year. It's good but i'm not sure there's enough to do for two days unless you know a few people going.


Well I'm hoping @Goafer and his girlfriend are going to go as well. Either way though one of those nights will be the Friday night after work and then I'd be going home Sunday so it wouldn't really be a full two days anyway.


Still though, it'll be nice to get out and try and meet new people for a change. Feels like forever since I made the effort outside of work and close friends.

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Was hesitant over buying this but taking it on its own terms, it's not a bad album. It in no way comes remotely close to matching Dead Cities, Red Seas, Lost Ghosts/Before The Dawn Heals Us level of sound, nor the sound writing that made both Saturdays = Youth/Hurry Up, We're Dreaming, but it's still solid. I'd have preferred something more grandiose like the former albums though.

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A stupidly expensive iPhone controller:



So that I can play proper games on my:



Ridiculously expensive last minute flight back home to surprise my Dad for his 60th birthday.


Had a quick go with the controller and it's actually really quite impressive. The thumbsticks aren't perfect but for the compact size I'm pretty happy with it. Going to try and make my way through some of the GTA titles.

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