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for my girlfriend for her birthday...



mot.jpg - £472 :cry:


2 pots of paint for the bedroom -204241HBO111111M.jpg


this wall paper for feature wall in the bedroom -



want to get a nice picture / canvas for the bedroom wall.



oh and also £50 down for a 'glamping' trip over my birthday - Sakinaw-Lake-Lodge-380x252.jpg



personally I'd much rather a normal camping trip for my birthday, but my friends girlfriends are all very much.... girly. And can't handle air beds and fold up chairs :blank: but I'm sure it'll be fun all the same.


Basically paid today, money gone by tomorrow on the above and normal bills. Awesome :hmm:

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£16.50 - Sells for £45+ usually. So happy with this. Been looking to get a copy for so long.




£50, new. Usually sells for £130+. Also got a 4GB Memory Stick Duo and case with it. And a copy of LittleBigPlanet for £6. What can I say.. I got very lucky with this one. Wasn't particularly in the market for a PSP but a new one with Toy Story for £50? Go on then :D



Fucking... best gaming buys ever. So chuffed (especially with Vesperia, been after it for AGES!)

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£16.50 - Sells for £45+ usually. So happy with this. Been looking to get a copy for so long.


Where in the hell did you get Tales of Vesperia for that price?!?!?! :o


I've been wanting a copy for ages and the lowest I've seen it was £24.99 but I couldn't buy it at the time and it wasn't there when I went back. Would download it over Games on Demand if I had the harddrive space but would much rather have a physical copy.

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au-revoir-simone-still-night-still-light-300x300.jpg - £5





Another Au Revoir Simone fan?


I was introduced to them last year at Pukkelpop. They're brilliant. That album is just too good.


I had a dream recently where I was in a pub and trying to find the toilets. Then, Au Revoir Simone came out of the ladies toilets and pointed me in the direction of the male ones. I stopped dead and asked them if they were Au Revoir Simone, and they said yes, and we talked about a bit at how awesome they were.

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Limitless totally arrived yesterday. PRO.


I need to buy The Town, however its bloody expensive (£16 ish) compared to other stuff. Like. Why is brand new stuff cheaper. Curious.




Been looking at 50" T.V.s for when we move out.


Boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner boner.


Only problem is when looking at that size, 3D becomes a bit of a pipe dream (in terms of price) but....only want it for PS3/gaming anyway. I've coped this long without it I guess.

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New carb for the Scirocco. A lady was selling loads of them ridiculously cheap since her dad was selling his business and getting rid of excess stock. Should normally be around £200, but she was selling them for £100. Awesome timing since mine has been having problems (to the point that I have to pump the accelerator to get it to go anywhere).

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