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What's the best thing about Christmas?


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That always puzzled - my ex and her family would do the same thing - what the hell do you guys even have Boxing day for if you're gonna do all the Christmas stuff before it's actually Christmas!


I don't know about Denmark but we don't have Boxing day here. So recovery is needed on Christmas Day. =P

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I hate how Boxing Day for most people is recovery/seeing friends but I always go to see my dad's side of the family missions away and while I love them as you do with family they bore me.


But this year I'm working at my mother's place and we're going to see dad's side of the family the day after. So its work, dad's family, work. Fun times! :p


Oh well, I suppose other than those two days and new years day I have five weeks off for xmas.

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That explains two things - Firstly, Boxing Day could well be regional and secondly, I'm a narrow-minded baboon when it comes to culture.


Boxing Day only happens in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and countries in the Commonwealth of Nations. Wiki'd for specificity.


Well there you go haha. =P


Also, when I was little I don't think I even got Christmas presents. We didn't have Santa Clause (as we had Sinterklaas instead, who comes December 6) so no need for presents opening in the morning. We just got stuff like a pyjama or socks. =P

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I like to play "Family Russian Roulette". It basically involves waiting to see which family member gets drunk and causes a scene first. It used to be boring due to the fact that it was always my uncle hollering at his dog, but that's dead now (the dog, not my uncle) so Christmas is now much more exciting.


I want to sneak some really obscene jokes into the crackers to make for some mild amusement.


Nan: "Ooh theres a joke in the cracker. What's the best thing about having sex with twenty three year olds?" *Mumbles answer* "I don't get....OH MY GOD!!" *Nan storms off to write a sternly worded letter to Marks and Spencers*

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I'd so forgotten about Sinterklaas. :p Thanks for reminding me Ine! :grin:


Best part of christmas is TURRRRRRRRKEY. It ain't christmas without Turkey! YOu kids are fooling yourself if you think it is. :)


So yeah christmas dinner is what I wait for all year! yummyummuyummy.


Also time with the family etc. My mum is usually busy and it's nice just to see her sit back and have a relaxing day! (accept cooking the dinner!)


BUT I've got her an awesome present so s'all good!


I :heart: my mum.

Edited by Coolness Bears
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Guest Stefkov

'Family' is nothing more than a word to me now so this Christmas there will be an awkward dinner on Christmas day with my grandparents, mother and sister which was (and still is it seems) a yearly thing (obviously, Christmas dinner on any other day would be weird... discounting what I'll say after this next sentence). I'll feel really bad getting presents because no-one has any money, plus I won't have bought anything for anyone because I don't have any money. Then the other Christmas will come around on the 7th Jan which means I'll have to have an awkward Christmas dinner with my dad and brother probably. Just gonna throw in here it might also include my dad's new woman whom I hate.

The best thing about Christmas? There is no best thing. It's a day which forces me to be with these people.

Oh alright then... The best thing? Honey cake. Damn right bitches. Honey cake.

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Boxing Day only happens in the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and countries in the Commonwealth of Nations. Wiki'd for specificity.


Ah, that makes good sense! My ex was Mexican-Canadian and therefore I imagine her family did things the mexicano way - turkey with mucho salsa.


Come to think of it they were actually vegetarian...

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Spending time away from all my problems (well, in previous years. I have nothing to hide from now so it's just a rest from work) and spending time with my family.


I don't really care about presents this year. I could only come up with one thing that I wanted (which is a book) - having a job means that I own most of what I want.

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All the banks close and I can stop worrying for a couple of days about having things to send off or people to phone or forms that need urgently filled out or any of the other bollocks that continually needs doing just to keep everything square.


That's pretty much exactly what I wanted to say!

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The food, the giving and receiving of prestents, the music, the joy, the TV, the weather, the parties, the drink, the laughs, the anticpation for the new year, the reflection of the year gone buy, the celebration of big J's birthday, the reindeers, the cards, the carol singers, the christmas shopping, the wrapping of presents. AHHH it really is a wonderous time of year

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Christmas for me is much more than just the present giving. I find one of the best things about it is spending time with the Family, and with Family members you don't often see throughout the rest of the year. So many great memories i have, too many to list unfortunately.


I have spent the past 2 years i believe going out on Christmas Eve, watching the shows/bands they have on at my local, having a laugh with my mates and all that. Christmas Day itself is all about the Family. Because it is the only day where i spend much of the day with the Family talking to them (rest of the year is usually 3/4 on my own and 1/4 with them, reverses at Christmas)


And as today is the 1st December, i officially allow the playings of Christmas music (this is when i allow myself to listen to it). As Flink said in an earlier post, it's the only time when i also allow repeats of "Band Aid" and officially get away with it.

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