Coolness Bears Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Any chance I can come to yours??? Hehe! I just had it. Are you even allowed Sausages and Chips in a Tortilla? :p
Daft Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Been riding Chopper Hicks around London all week. Except for the Wednesday when the pedal fell off which was my fault for not checking if it was fitted properly in the first place. I stripped a fair amount of the thread but I managed to fix it after a couple hours of stressing since it is impossible to find the replacement part I would need. Already saved at least £20 this week alone from not using public transport. At least two people every day have told me they love my bike. It's kind of funny stopping at a traffic light and having someone strike up a conversation for about 10/15 second. Today one guy told me how he used to have a Chopper back in Africa when he was a kid. I love this bike. I have no idea why they stopped making them. In other news I got my PS3 back. They just fixed it which means I don't have to redownload everything thank goodness. If it breaks again I'll go nuts.
Ganepark32 Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 urgh...... bad day. Had a psychology test, and even though I always choose to be pessimistic I really don't think I've done well. I did do my best but I honestly don't see me getting a good mark. That goes for Psychology as a whole this semester and even next. Really starting to question why I'm there as I'm hating the prospect of coming out of Uni being one of thousands of students with a degree and not getting a job. I sort of enjoy it but..... I don't know. Just glad that the xmas holidays are coming up. At least I can sit down and think this Uni thing through. Also angry at my mother. Asked her two weeks ago to get me a book for english as soon as possible. It's now 4 days before an essay is due on the book and I haven't got it because she's been a (insert slanderous word here)! I have a passage that I'm to write on so it should be ok as I know enough about the book to write an acceptable essay but I can kiss goodbye to getting an A overall for english this semester. Only highlight that came from today was when I was having a look in Woolworths as I had time to kill and Ocean Drive by the Lighthouse Family came on. Such a great song.
Ellmeister Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Im on 78% for one of my modules at the moment, I think I'm right in thinking thats 70%+ is needed for top level (a 1st?) Not really sure how this university mark scheme works yet. Apparently law firms want you to get good results in first year for placements in the second year otherwise they are very unlikely to consider you so I am pleased if I can continue this well! Day has been long, hungover and went to work for 7 hours. All manner of problems and now an assignment to finish off for tommorrow! Shizor!
Noodleman Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 My Dad just emailed me to say he had to put my cat down, so er pretty shit.
Dyson Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Been a day of pure gaming for the first time in months today, finished Professor Layton this morning, managed to make really good progress on Kazooie ( about 40 jiggies and 400 notes today alone) and also got that elusive "Game Over" achievement on Geometry Wars 2 And boosted up my Sequence high score by about 20 million! Good times. Time for Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe.
Ashley Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Hmm. In my representation of gender in Wall-E (film rather than char) essay I have around about said two rather unexpected points: 1) EVE is hot and put on display as such. 2) Wall-E wants to rape her. But on the brightside 1200/3500 done for this thing. So if I keep up like this I shall be done within a week. Then just need to find accompanying pictures and go cut and paste (of the real world variety) mad!
Jimbob Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Day has been alright. Got up late for a change, pity it was a work day though. Ended up getting in about 8:40am, 40 minutes late. Managed to work it back earlier, so no pay loss for me. Came home, found Prince of Persia had arrived and that some of my ebay sales had come through, which was nice.
Gizmo Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 Pretty decent day. School and work were both not bad, although I have failed to finish an essay due for tomorrow. I'm going to come up with something that I "need to talk" to my teacher about and use that as the reason, when the real one is that I've been faffing with my new iPod Touch that arrived today. Best app I've gotten yet; the ability to use the iPod as a touch pad mouse thingy for my PC. And since it's through my router, I can do it on any computer on the network without being in the same room. All I need to do is install the software onto my Dads laptop tomorrow when he's not around and much hilarity will ensue. Also feeling good today because: I was complemented by a girl on my looks. First time ever, probably. Go me. I also just noticed that my abs are starting to come out over my old layer of fat. Few more weeks at the gym and I'll be rocking a full six pack, woot.
Jav_NE Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 1) EVE is hot and put on display as such. 2) Wall-E wants to rape her. He is a bit wrong when he's 'taking care of her' when she shuts down isnt he. But its still sweet.
Chris the great Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 managed to finish drakes fortune on crushing. man that was tough. ive got a few more trophies to earn, but all in all, ive bested the game. and a bloody fantastic one it was too!
nightwolf Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Im on 78% for one of my modules at the moment, I think I'm right in thinking thats 70%+ is needed for top level (a 1st?) Not really sure how this university mark scheme works yet. Apparently law firms want you to get good results in first year for placements in the second year otherwise they are very unlikely to consider you so I am pleased if I can continue this well! Day has been long, hungover and went to work for 7 hours. All manner of problems and now an assignment to finish off for tommorrow! Shizor! Thats why I'm doing placement in my third year rather than my second, it puts less pressure on em to do well while adjusting. Went to uni for an hour, wasn't even worth going in, but did for the eager 100% if I slip by 1% it'll get worse and worse. Went to the pub, just got back, was nice ^_^ free sarnies also, oh and drinks! So looking forward to tomorrow!
The fish Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Hmm. In my representation of gender in Wall-E (film rather than char) essay I have around about said two rather unexpected points: 1) EVE is hot and put on display as such. 2) Wall-E wants to rape her. The second seems a little...I don't know, overly-imaginative? Have you been drinking? What about that Wall-E is the carer, a traditionally feminine role, and EVE is aggressive, and is violent at the slightest provocation, which are traditionally masculine traits?
Roostophe Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Today (well, yesterday) I started my new job. Well, it's not a proper job, like a part-time job or anything. But I do something where I'm out of the house and am working and getting a bit of cash, so it is basically a job. This job involves muggins here selling football matchday programmes at Aston Villa's Villa Park stadium. It's nothing much, but I get to watch some of the match for free. (Although I didn't watch it tonight as we lost to some Slovakian team.) I only work when Villa are playing at home. And I don't work again until next Saturday. But still, it's a job, it gets me out of the house, I get a bit of money (although it isn't a lot; just a few quid.), and I'm also hoping that it means I'll soon be able to get a proper, decently-paid job at Villa.
Ashley Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 He is a bit wrong when he's 'taking care of her' when she shuts down isnt he. But its still sweet. Haha thats the basic argument; he keeps staring at her without he knowing (or at least, sometimes without her knowing), plus he is constantly trying to touch her (hold her hand) despite her making it clear she doesn't want it. If this had been a nightclub he would have got kicked out :p The second seems a little...I don't know, overly-imaginative? Have you been drinking? What about that Wall-E is the carer, a traditionally feminine role, and EVE is aggressive, and is violent at the slightest provocation, which are traditionally masculine traits? See about. But yeah what you mention are part of my larger argument but these two things just emerged from it. But annoyingly as its academic I need to find sources for everything. Still need to find someone who says men are more likely to crush things (arguing while his job is traditionally more feminine as its cleaning - although I think cleaning within the private sphere is more feminine and in the public masculine because personally I see more male bin collectors, public gardeners, etc but I can't be arsed to research that - he is cleaning through doing something masculine; destruction!).
gaggle64 Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I'd raise the point that their gender is entirely in the mind of the audience, given that it's basically a story about the love between an Ipod and an industrial waste compressor. Also Wall-E is definitively male, but an ultimately trapped and helpless one. He hails from the Hollywood archetypes popularized by Woody Allen and films like The Apartment. 40 Year Old Virgin too, at a pinch.
Ashley Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I'd raise the point that their gender is entirely in the mind of the audience, given that it's basically a story about the love between an Ipod and an industrial waste compressor. Again another one of my points. The, as it has been called, robot transvestitism. Being synthetic they lack a biological gender but are ascribed ones by the audience (and the implications of Wall-E, the more active one, (yes EVE shoots things but she is sent to Earth by B&L, she is forced back by B&L and only questions them when Wall-E makes her see the way) being presumed to be male). Although Pixar does advertise Wall-E as a male but meh, its a point. And yes Wall-E's 'new man'/'masculinity in crisis'/gender fluiditiy archetype is also discussed. Maybe I should just paste in my plan :p (not that I don't appreciate the discussion of course )
Paj! Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Film studies sounds so fun. I want to write essays on films. (Instead of books)
Slaggis Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I was feeling a little bored, but then talking to Razz for a couple of hours and discovering Lady GaGa made my night. I have hyper running through my veins now, I need sleep though. Bottoms.
Emasher Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I had a rather boring morning as usual. In the afternoon I finished an assignment in Computer Science. And in 2D animation Class, my teacher told me I'm so far ahead of every one else (including him) that he wants me instead of doing flash stuff, to do the tutorials he has in one of the other Adobe apps the school owns. He didn't seem very happy when he found out I already knew all of them. I'll probably just end up working on making flash games for the rest of the semester.
jayseven Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I just woke up. Seriously, my sleeping pattern is fucked. In one of those dips again. Went to sleep at 6.30pm because I hadn't slept since 4pm the day before. Losing track of days, wasting away in front of my laptop, ignoring the wooorrrllllddddddddddddddddd. I guess I'll go play xbox until it's a reasonable hour, then try and crack the code that is my essay, take a trip to uni and get some fucking books, and do some fucking reading... yeah. Restaurant for Shorty's birthday tonight! Must not fall asleep. Must not have a mental break down. Must not become dope fiend just for the perps of being dressed as a scarecrow by small children. Must make an effort with life. Etc.
ReZourceman Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 Lolz. My colleagues are funniz. (Group email between eight people) Everyones a bit quiet today. Y'all alright? ^__^ *No response* 'kin hell, Something I said? GO. AWAY. DO ONE get lost So yeah my day is going BORING. I have no willpower so will attempt to score a comic book today (though I will have to buy tomorrow from my local shop anyway, but can't wait till then) Also pick up mon fajjers birthday pressie. Update ; UGH. Seriously....If I had a knife I could get properly stab happy on one of the managers at this place.
nightwolf Posted December 5, 2008 Posted December 5, 2008 I'VE FOUND A HOUSE FOR NEXT YEAR! It's awesome, all bills included, nice enough road, nice guy as a landlord etc etc. ^_^ £250 a month. Big rooms and kitchen too. Happy days.
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