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OMG now I need this job so I can order lots of your stuff. And commision you for that room ;) Although that sale is on until tomorrow. Urgh, decisions!


Good call on the wine. Also on it (although I have it most nights as my mother puts some in my hands). High five! :p


Glad to hear you're getting better though :)


Haha well I'm sure they'll be another sale in the future, in a few months or something. =)


And yes, wine rocks! I had some delicious white wine (two huge glasses haha) after our meal tonight, while enjoying the summer night, the people talking, kids playing in the streets and a music band playing in a nearby street. I love this place. ^____^

But yeah, more wine in a bit, to chill with some music before going to bed. Mmm.

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Football training was awesome yesterday, instead of all the fitness crap we actually played football. It had been/was raining as well so the pitch was slippery, fantastic fun! Apparentaly I got major brownie points for turning up as well (only 7 did) and I thnk I put in a good performance.


Now I'm in work this morning, have been for he last hour and already there's nothing to do, booooooooring!

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Somehow I ended up watching a new episode of Power Rangers. This teenage girl villain cornered the blue guy and has a little speech about how "black is the broody one, yellow is the girl, etc. etc., what are you supposed to be?" He punches her, swivels round and screams in the most stereotypical accent he could possibly muster: "AAAAAAA'M SCOTTISH!" I haven't laughed so hard in ages.


Rest of the day has been spent playing around with the DSi's new "upload pictures to Facebook" feature, and watching season 1 of Chuck - which is brilliant.

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Was originally meant to be going out with just Ness tonight, but now two others are also coming along. I love how things somehow always manage to work out for the best, no matter what. Oh god, I'm being all positive and such. Damn Mika and his new single! Still, can't wait for an good night out in a few clubs. Should be funsies. I'm off to buy some stuff to pre-drink beforehand...it'll be the first time I've bought drink legally in the UK. I still think I'll get refused, even with my passport. Oh yay, negativity has struck again. :D

Edited by Slaggis
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Went to the Social Welfare to make an appointment for next week when I start my short-time, but was told I can only make the appointment on the first day that I am out of work... so I have to go back on Thursday to make an appointment to go in again to sign on, on the Friday... WTF... why can't I just sign-on on the bloody Thrusday instead of wasting money on petrol going back and forth????

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I got dragged to the Blue Planet Aquarium. I was quite surprised that they've added nothing since I was last there (around 5 or 6 years ago). Actually...I don't think they've added a single tank since it opened.

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Well I've had a fairly terrible day. My relationship with my girlfriend has ended, and I feel completely shit. Apparently loving someone counts for very little these days, it would seem.


Sorry to hear that, dude. *internet hug*


Chin up. Take this evening to try to cheer yourself up. Watch a film or go out with friends to cheer you up. The company will mean a lot, I think.

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The missus beat me at Monopoly on the Wii AGAIN. I maintain she cheats.

Well I've had a fairly terrible day. My relationship with my girlfriend has ended, and I feel completely shit. Apparently loving someone counts for very little these days, it would seem.

Baby, you know you've got me and my colossal dong.

I've been getting right back into Rollercoaster Tycoon after i recieved numero 3 yesterday. It does seem better than numero 2, being fully 3D and all that. Hence my silence the past couple of days.

Is it most pr0? Highly recommends?

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Sorry to hear that, dude. *internet hug*


Chin up. Take this evening to try to cheer yourself up. Watch a film or go out with friends to cheer you up. The company will mean a lot, I think.


Cheers for the advice... I find that people who take the time to really support people on these forums are worth their weight in gold. The moral of that sentence is that you should have fat supportive friends and a good relationship with the owner of a jewellers.


Cheer up man, we love you and so does meat!


Ha, that would drive her nuts. But that can only be a good thing.


Damn Sheikah, sorry to hear. :sad:


Thank you for your kind words of ultra support. :)


Forum hugs for sheiker!! :smile:


There's only ever one Sheiker. :awesome:


If only we could harness this positive power...if only we could harness it!

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My day was alright nothing interesting..decorated and "modded" some shopping carts that was fun though.


Video from a couple nights ago.

Our Safeway is being redone so we grabbed some shopping carts that they had left by the dumpster and put them to use. Enjoy =]


(I'm filming)

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Well I've had a fairly terrible day. My relationship with my girlfriend has ended, and I feel completely shit. Apparently loving someone counts for very little these days, it would seem.


I'm sorry to hear about your break-up Sheikah :( *hugs* I hope things start to look up for you soon.

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I just won at life. Hard.


I got the job at the photography place. It's late coming, but I've finally started on my carreer path. It's only temporary until christmas, but hopefully I'll be asked back at easter when they get busy again. Either way, it's a photography company on the CV.



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I just won at life. Hard.


I got the job at the photography place. It's late coming, but I've finally started on my carreer path. It's only temporary until christmas, but hopefully I'll be asked back at easter when they get busy again. Either way, it's a photography company on the CV.




Already said on msn but welldone Sir Goafsalot

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