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Sorry to hear about all that RA (RAAAAARGH!) :( Hope you feel jim dandy and super handy soon.


Once again spent most of the day teaching this hyperactive nine year old about the finer points of pokemon. I've become Oak :p Got him that Pokemon Platinum guide thing and he keeps flicking through saying "ooh I want to get this one!" then looking at something else, doing something else etc etc and about an hour later "so how do I get that one?" Urgh. I'm too old for that shit.


Also managed to spend 90 minutes on the phone to my friend talking about not very much at all. Some form of success ne?

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I'm currently performing in a play and at tonight's performance i found out that the actor who played my part when the play first opened in 1966 was attending. It was kind of cool playing the part to someone who launched his career with the same one. He went on to become a fairly accomplished small screen and live theatre actor, performing mainly on Irish television and in the West End.


Still buzzed!


Sadly didn't get to meet though.

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ok, i was at work, happy to be sat with a girl i fancy. me and her were palying pictonary, i drew an arrow pointing to her, she gave up and said "what film is it?" i said "pretty woman"


i ask you, is that ace, or is it awful?


Dude. Smooth.

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ok, i was at work, happy to be sat with a girl i fancy. me and her were palying pictonary, i drew an arrow pointing to her, she gave up and said "what film is it?" i said "pretty woman"


i ask you, is that ace, or is it awful?


Dude, that is brilliant.


What was her reaction? I take it that it failed miserably, seeing as you posting about it on the internet rather than getting your penis sore from too much sex. Orrr, did it actually work, and then sex took place before the posting of that message?


Do tell!

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ok, i was at work, happy to be sat with a girl i fancy. me and her were palying pictonary, i drew an arrow pointing to her, she gave up and said "what film is it?" i said "pretty woman"


i ask you, is that ace, or is it awful?


Ace. If she likes you, it's romantic, if she doesn't, it's a compliment between friends.



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Chris. You mission should you chose to accept it, is to pork Pretty Woman before I return back from Brighton. You have until Friday to complete your mission.


Also free the fridge. (If you get this reference you're awesome to the MAX)


Good Luck.



Bye xXx

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ok, i was at work, happy to be sat with a girl i fancy. me and her were palying pictonary, i drew an arrow pointing to her, she gave up and said "what film is it?" i said "pretty woman"


i ask you, is that ace, or is it awful?


I agree with the others: Great :D

And her reaction was a very good sign indeed.


Last day was good, I'd say. Woke up feeling incredibly weak, tired, ill and bored. The day went on quite the same way I woke up.

At night I went to a friend. She has a new hairdo which makes her look even more beautiful. Yes, I gotta crush on her. :D The evening went well, we had a great time again. It was good.


Today I woke up feeling better than yesterday and the sun is shining, so..yeah :yay:

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One is not amused. Took 3 hours to fall asleep. So that was 3 hours of lying in bed awake, trying to tell my brain to go to sleep. Closing my eyes did nothing as my brain was literally buzzing as still wide awake. Also didn't help my brother was shouting down his headset over ventrilo. It's getting rather annoying now.


Anyway, apart from that crankiness, I'm alright. Tired obviously but I wasn't planning on doing anything today so that's fine. Have been sitting drawing for an hour or so. Need some chalks so have had to stop the thing I was doing and I've started on something else. Rather relaxing and while I haven't been doing anything to technical, it's nice to see I still have the artist's touch. Hungry now though so think I may go and procure some food.

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Housing benefits A STEP CLOSER TO COMPLETION! ... Yeah. Watched The Darjeeling Limited, Zombie Strippers and Cronos last night. Bought Four 360 games today. Walked about town with nightwolf, now at hers using INTERNETS, then home for alcohol, chicken and xbox. NEED BATTERIES AAH. Will pester wolfy about that!


Aye, Daves Comics.


Epic WTF @ Harry Ramsdens. Is it really that poor? The last thyme I had it was approximately 8 years ago. Has it changed since then, cos seriously it blew my socks off. Maybe we'll avoid it I guess.


Portslade sounds far away and complicated. (Buses are complex)


Past King Alfred? What happens in this place you speak of?

Well From East to West it goes; Brighton, Hove, Portslade. Once you get to the King Alfred, you've basically escaped all the tourists and get to see the homely side of Brighton & Hove.


HR wasn't that poor, but for the price you're really not getting anything that special, that you couldn't get elsewhere for half the price. The buses in brighton are amongst the most simple there are in teh country. Each bus stop has a map, as well as a timetable showing ALL of the stops on the route, as well as electronic auto-update screens showing arrival times. Plus most busses tend to go in a straight line that runs parallel with the coast, on one of three roads, and if you ever get lost just walk south to the sea and west/east 'til you recognise something.


I really want to show people around brighton, get them away from teh touristy rubbish!

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Zombie Strippers

It's so shit isn't it?


Anyways I've been getting technical with stuff [i think]


Attended this BBC Virtual Careers Fair and learned about this Journalism Trainee Scheme in September which I'll be applying for. I've decided to get the ball rolling on appealing my visa ban.




Plus I've been researching on official grievance proceedings for work. As I'm about to pimpsmack work again with an official letter saying I'm starting proceedings regarding the money they've owed me since October.



PLUS I KINDA OWNED A CHAV EARLIER. I was walking up to the shops to buy mum some bread, with my umbrella [technically stolen from work] as I like the sound it makes as the rain hits it. Naturally some chavs were stading outside, backs to the wall with hoods up, actually serving their purpose for a change] One started singing like an Oompa Lumpa at me, I shit you not. Anyways as I'm being served one of them walks in and picks up some sweets, I walk out. One chav bitch decides to stand two footsteps away from the entrance. As I walk out I prime my brolly. And I open it dead in her face. Her friends laugh and mimic the "whomph!" sound. She shouts "Nob" at me. I was going to turn round and bow Arnie style, but we only have two slices of bread left, and one of them was the end, and noone eats those.

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Had 7 hours of waiting on tables today, was fucking hard work considering there's a big event going on in town so twice as busy as it normally is. There was this stuck up bitch with kids (mini versions of her) that I had to serve. I've never been so offended by the mere presence of people in my entire life. Why do people find it so hard to have things called manners? Anyone without manners needs to die. Now. Painfully.

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Oh, N-Europe I feel like St. Augustine of Hippo after his conversion by Ambrose of Milan.


I'm in a random SHOUTY mood but not like angry but just a bit of a mental scream!


All that means I'm in a good mood! :grin: I had my 3rd day of work yesterday! This time I wasn't short in my till AND I had to clean the pick and Mix Machine which is a gargantuan undertaking and took a full 45 minutes to get it looking like the inside of tin can. :) The other days I've spent watching Movies and on Monday I went to the Cinema with my Sister to see My Sister's Keeper!


Now onto today which has consisted of me being in my pyjama's (until moments ago) and watching How I Met Your Mother. :D That and the new awesome I've found of playing Space Invaders Extreme on the Xbox with Fever Ray Triangle Walks Rex the Dog Remix on loop in the background!


Oh and things are going to move up a gear into win! As my friend is coming over at midnight. good times. :yay:

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I feel like my body is falling apart. cant sleep, struggling to keep up standards at work, migraines on a daily basis. It feels like my body is just destroying itself.


Gonna see the doc on friday and see if i can get some painkillers/advice/something to get through this. All the stress of being left on my own doing a 5 man job has hit me. In the face. Hard. :(


I spoke to my mum about it, said that I may end up being on sick leave if it gets much worse. She thinks im faking it or something. I'm really fucking disappointed. So much so i feel like crying, my own mum doesn't believe how unwell I feel..

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I feel like my body is falling apart. cant sleep, struggling to keep up standards at work, migraines on a daily basis. It feels like my body is just destroying itself.


Gonna see the doc on friday and see if i can get some painkillers/advice/something to get through this. All the stress of being left on my own doing a 5 man job has hit me. In the face. Hard. :(


I spoke to my mum about it, said that I may end up being on sick leave if it gets much worse. She thinks im faking it or something. I'm really fucking disappointed. So much so i feel like crying, my own mum doesn't believe how unwell I feel..


Boo, that's not cool. Why would your own mum think you're faking? =(

Edited by gaggle64
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I feel like my body is falling apart. cant sleep, struggling to keep up standards at work, migraines on a daily basis. It feels like my body is just destroying itself.


Gonna see the doc on friday and see if i can get some painkillers/advice/something to get through this. All the stress of being left on my own doing a 5 man job has hit me. In the face. Hard. :(


I spoke to my mum about it, said that I may end up being on sick leave if it gets much worse. She thinks im faking it or something. I'm really fucking disappointed. So much so i feel like crying, my own mum doesn't believe how unwell I feel..


Wth? I would have thought your mum would understand better than most as you see her regularly so she should have at least an idea of how you're feeling... but more than that, she's your mother, you'd think she'd be a bit more understanding. :( *hugs Raining*


I really hope that the Doctors can help you, it's bad enough that work have you taking on the roles of five people, the stress of that must be immense enough but now it's taking its tole on your health and wellbeing which isn't good at all... :/

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*hugs for Raining* =(


I had something similar happen with my mom when I was in the hospital (plus recently too) when I was in lots and lots of pain (and not allowed another painkiller for a while) and all my mom said is that it probably wasn't that bad and I should just be stronger or something. =/




Anyway, got back a few minutes ago from going out with my family. Was mom's birthday today so we went out for a meal. My sister (who doesn't live here anymore) showed up too, as did her boyfriend after we finished our meal. Was a nice evening. I even put on a dress, even though that shows off my scar, but I tried not to care too much about it. And I walked without crutches, even did some stairs! All still a bit slow, but happy I managed to walk a bit already! =)

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Eenuh it must be said, you have one fantastic signature :D Is it going to be a shirt anytime soon?


Day was alright. As much as I like my mother's partner's son I'll be so glad to see the back of him tomorrow, worn me ragged :p Spent all day playing Pokemon Battle Revolution to try and get him that special Pikachu. Anywho. Its his dad's (aka my mother's partner's) birthday next week so while his son is up we went for a meal to celebrate, then came back for cake. Been a nice evening actually.


And got a slight response from a job I applied for ("what were your reasons for leaving Game?") so its nice to see they have some interest. Replied back ("uni yo!") and now I'm even more impatient to hear back from them. They sent that email at 9pm which I found weird. What HR department is at work at that time?

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Eenuh it must be said, you have one fantastic signature :D Is it going to be a shirt anytime soon?


Thank you! And it already is available as a shirt on RedBubble. ^___^

I'm thinking of sending it in to Threadless but I know it would need lots more work then heh, so not sure. =)


I had a bit of wine tonight, and it was yummy. There is actually also a bottle open in our fridge, so I'm thinking I'll drink from that a bit, while listening to my new Moby CD (which I've got playing right now) which arrived today. And while eating some chocolates heh. Yummm.

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Thank you! And it already is available as a shirt on RedBubble. ^___^

I'm thinking of sending it in to Threadless but I know it would need lots more work then heh, so not sure. =)


I had a bit of wine tonight, and it was yummy. There is actually also a bottle open in our fridge, so I'm thinking I'll drink from that a bit, while listening to my new Moby CD (which I've got playing right now) which arrived today. And while eating some chocolates heh. Yummm.


OMG now I need this job so I can order lots of your stuff. And commision you for that room ;) Although that sale is on until tomorrow. Urgh, decisions!


Good call on the wine. Also on it (although I have it most nights as my mother puts some in my hands). High five! :p


Glad to hear you're getting better though :)

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