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What you need to do is you turn the cover inside out, grab the corners of the duvet with your hands inside the corners of the cover, and then you can stand up and just let the cover drop neatly over it. Simples.


That sounds easy, but I always manage to make a hash out of it. I'm pretty clumsy, really. :(

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What you need to do is you turn the cover inside out, grab the corners of the duvet with your hands inside the corners of the cover, and then you can stand up and just let the cover drop neatly over it. Simples.


That sounds easy, but I always manage to make a hash out of it. I'm pretty clumsy, really. :(


That's the technique I showed him to use, but I think he simply either forgets about it every time again, or is simply stubborn and refuses to use it. =P


Almost overslept today, woke up at 7:30 and had to leave at 8, so had to rush quite a bit. Still managed to shower though, yay! Two hours of lecture (boring Culture Philosophy) and then 20 minutes of talk about my paper, which is almost done! Getting close to 10,000 words, probably way over the non-existing liimit. X3

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muahaha. i just forced a woman to try some sake while she waited for her take away maki... she liked it!


i like this job.


Where are you working now? It sounds goooood!


My day has started fantastically well, the sun was shining so I could drive to work with the top off my car. Get in and I have an email confirming promotion + payrise!! Very happy!! :)

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Maybe. i talked to a guy at a faire today. I could be out there in a few months with no training doing teaching for colleges. It's fucking tempting seeing as my prospects here amount to about three choices: some down trodden shithole office, selling my organs or prostitution.

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wel wasnt today a treat!


start off going to the gateway to work, and realising our teacher was rather a fool. she was giving us conflicting information to that which was on the exercise sheet. it took me several attempts to make her realise this, it got more and more annoying each time.


then, after a fairly average sausage sadwitch, i went for an interview they aranged. only the interviewer didnt turn up. i get asked would i be interested in a call center job? obviously yes, as long as it pays i'l do it. go for a brifing from the gateway to work staff, the guy mentions the place name, i say ive applied before and had a phone interview that i failed, he said i should just go for it, and not to worry, so me and a girl off the course go along, she drives, i direct her. we spend ages looking to get parked, fianly do, follow the directions and end up not finding the place. we keep asking people for directions, getting different ones each time. then i bump into my cousin, and she directs me. happy days.


about 40 mins sat in this pace, fil out a form, let the girl have her interview first, then thank her for lift and say i can get home myself, just so shes not waiting around. interview tarts and then suddenly stops. turns out you cant apply for a job within 6 months of having an interview there. cheers gateway to work, a totaly wasted afternoon.


got home depressed and angry. thats my day.

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we went there for dinner after going to see monkey:journey to the west for my xmas present ~ and we got so bored waiting for the waitress to come take our money that we filled out the "tell us what you thought of our service" cards before i decided that the only way they were ever gunna come take our money was if we actually got up and headed for the door O_o


but yeah! today we got back to jamba's house to find a congratulatory letter and £40 of vouchers!! win!!


then i walked home and hit the charity shops after i payed in a cheque from work... i bought some t-shirts with my tip money from my last shift (£9!! nine quid in tips alone! ya-TTA!) and now i'm here looking forward to dinner (which is a mountain of leftover sushi from waste *grinnnnn!*)

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10:00, I essentially get a phone at my by the jobseeker training guy.

10:10, I had a job interview after talking on the phone for a minute and hopping on a bus to the store. It seemed to go fairly well.


So I may (hopefully) be working in a gun store soon.

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Went to the library and got essential books, bought particles for a salad dinner, arranged the weekend with the flatties, and now, 23 hours from deadline, i feel i've done enough 'positive things' to earn the rest of the day off :P


But no! Must read two essays. Then AN ENTIRE BOOK. Then more essays. Then write essay. Sighs. Got three bottles of BOOST.


I spent the whole of yesterday watching everything I have leftover on my laptop in order to be distraction-free today. Of course, now my body and mind are encountering withdrawl issues, and I badly need a FIX!

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First day of art exam.


So far so good/ok. I'm in a blacked out space, so when I shone a light on what I painted, I realised it wasn't as amazing as I thought.


So far painted my superman t-shirt and done a base for everything else in my self-portrait exam piece.

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Heard some weird noises this morning which I don't want to remember because I have a feeling I know what they were. Anyone know how to erase some memories?

Apart from that. I spent another £30 today on books and restarted learning stuff on a website. I'll make that a daily thing.

Also trying to learn what to do in another program but there's so much it's confusing me. I shall persevere.

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