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Why are you getting blacker by the day?! It's a little unsettling!


And how bad is this game packaging?! A game's a game at the end of the day. If you buy it for a fiver i guess you take the chance that it will be in bad condition. So long as it works, i wouldn't mind.


I disagree. If I'm buying something brand new, and more specifically from an online retailer I expect it to be in perfect condition, or at least clean and not damaged. It isn't on show to the public, (or in this case it is) but the thing is, it doesn't matter how much you pay...you are being advertised a brand new game, and you're getting a tatty mess.


I in fact find it 100% outragous, and its one of the most ridiculous things I've come across for me personally. I'll be writing a large letter of complaint.


Just photo'd my collection. I swear I had like 80+ games, but must have miscounted. :(


Also can't find my Guitar Hero DS. Ho-hum. Need to buy shedloads moar games to get me nearer to 100.


Also Kwik Fit fixed my tyre for £17. Not too shabby I suppose. I hate old people. "Blah blah, we will do that free of charge" to this old woman...she reacted not by saying "Wow! Thanks" but she just laughed. Felt like slapping the bitch.


Anyway. Yeah. Fo rl.

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But it is new its just not in good condition. Semantically they're sorted.


Blah blah dissertation blah. Im still not sure if what im doing is right. I don't really know what my dissertation is about anymore.

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The person I spoke to actually said the phrase "Its not false advertising". I didn't even say it was, love. Guilty conccisosuusnensnce?


:) I'll post my pimp smacking complaint here when I'm done. So it can be checked/altered if it sounds too much like I wrote it.


This will need its own epic thread, but feel free to bathe in some reflected glory and my awesome and jealousity making DS collection.




This might make ReZ a little better, I'm working on another article for The Asylum.


This does make me feel better. :)

Edited by ReZourceman
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Guest Captain Falcon
The person I spoke to actually said the phrase "Its not false advertising". I didn't even say it was, love. Guilty conccisosuusnensnce?



Would it not have been an "invitation to treat", in which case the guy would be correct?

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Rez... you're missing one key ingredient from any DS collection and that's Ouendan. Get it sorted :heh: On a serious note though, a hefty collection and nice to see some of the underrated games, such as Polarium, in there.


My day went downhill about an hour or so ago. Today I was finalising my Uni accommodation stuff and after a talk with my mum, I just told her I was going to decline the offer because my father's work still hasn't paid up the £5000 in wages he's due for last month. So thought it'd be in the best interest of the family, at this moment in time, not to move out and cost an excessive amount of money for living away from home. Bit gutted but it's for the best, more so my family than me but we all have to make sacrifices. Oh well, there'll be other chances to move out when everything is sorted out.

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..if you're after brilliant suggestions, then check this out :heh:


To take nice thin and even slices from a block of cheese to make it perfect for melting, take one of these to the block..




A Potato Peeler.. Simple and effective :heh:


I commend you and your culinary efforts Mr. Nando but I'm afraid there's a new kid on the block (of cheese....).


Try one of these instead!




It's the definition of cheese cutting technology!

Edited by Pookiablo
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I commend you and your culinary efforts Mr. Nando but I'm afraid there's a new kid on the block (of cheese....).


Try one of these instead!




It's the definition of cheese cutting technology!



but but... nando wins cause i already have a potato peeeeeler like the one he posted..(due to me being left handed) and therefore i dont need to spend anymore money... :heh:


good choice tho... the item will be on my list of "kitchen utensils that you dont really neeeed but look damn cool" (kinda like breadmakers and ice cream machines!)

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Today! Went to sleep at about 8am, woke up at about 3pm. Went and exchanged Assassin's Creed for a working copy, bought two tix to see Zeromancer tomorrow at the Corp, and bought a spinny ashtray thing that shouldn't smell as much (doi!), and lightbulbs. DEAD EXCITING!


Wrote a poem last night, posted it on the creative board and NOBODY SAYS A WORD, which sucks because I'm quite proud of it and I'd like to hear some constructive criticism. Go check the thread if you think you have a creative/literature/emo bone in your body!


Got a brighton mate visiting tonight 'til monday. She's one of those will-be-a-mate-forever type friends, who is allergic to bullshit and knows how to have a good time and chill the fuck out. Last time she visited we buried a mouse and made chilli gin and chilli vodka! She arrives at meadowhead at half 11 so I need to book a taxi, or some shit. I dunno. I might just go out and try and signal one...

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Today! Went to sleep at about 8am, woke up at about 3pm. Went and exchanged Assassin's Creed for a working copy, bought two tix to see Zeromancer tomorrow at the Corp, and bought a spinny ashtray thing that shouldn't smell as much (doi!), and lightbulbs. DEAD EXCITING!


Wrote a poem last night, posted it on the creative board and NOBODY SAYS A WORD, which sucks because I'm quite proud of it and I'd like to hear some constructive criticism. Go check the thread if you think you have a creative/literature/emo bone in your body!



I read this on my phone earliar/earlier. Very good indeed d00d, you certainly should be proud.

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Had my head punched in by a psychotic teenager while enjoying my lunch on a garden bench.



oh noes!! we need more story!!



i had a group job interview for this nice little lebonese deli place that's openng up near paddington stn ~ went really well and i've been asked back for a trial shift at one of the stores already open... :smile:

butbutbut!! when i got OUT of that interview, i found a message on my mobile from a teaching job i applied for ~ i'm having a phone interview with them tomorrow evening... i'm hoping to get that job! it'd be more of a challenge and very similar to what i was doing in japan.... so yeah! fingers crossed! : peace:

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