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I'm only half-way or so through the first episode of BSG Series 1, and I remembered how soul-crushing it is to watch.


I just paused it as I had to blow a horn in tension/excitement. *goes back to watch*


I love Rihanna being in it.


You've said that before - Duella, rite? Am I missing something, because she's not called Rihanna irl.

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I think I have fluey symptoms from my friend. He's a gay because I have loads of deadlines this week =/


I put myself in for work 8-9, have lectures 9-1 tommorrow and a seminar at 2-3 and instead of going to bed and recuperating, I'm going out getting wasted and dying tomorrow. I'm a fresher, I only live once!!!!!! give a shit.

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Work was lol in some ways. We get our calls monitored to determine our quality, and in one call I fucked up once which would normally make it 0.00% out of 100% , anyway the person who marked me is so awesome. She went "Hmmm I should probably mark that as being an error, on your online report thing, but I havn't yet so I guess you got away with it" and it was like 98% lol.


She also marked me a perfect call when I'm like 99.9% sure it wasn't. (Certain criteria to make it perfect I hardly ever do cos' I don't agree with it)


Anyway so thats lol, and on another thing I had an error marked against me and I was like WTF.....so I had to call listened to and said "Well fair enough, but I've never been told that so I'm not happy its been marked as an error" so it got changed from my personal error to a team error! HHAHAH!

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Was up ridiculously early to get the bus to Uni this morning. Hate 9am starts. Although the bus ride is actually nicer than having to stand on the train for 40mins. Nice comfy seat and it allowed me to get a bit more time in on Chrono Trigger. Genetics lecture was very basic. Knew everything he was talking about. Don't know whether that means he's got some bad lecture material or my schooling was better than it appears to have been. English lecture was very forgettable. Just sort of went off into a daydream and doodled in my notebook. Lecturer was talking about something to do with Ian Rankin (think it was Fleshmarket Close as we're supposed to be reading it but everyone has said they don't want to as they have no interest in reading the book).


Thank god my parents are home from that cat show they were at. They decided to stay a day longer than they should have and so I've had to clean up after my brother who seems totally incapable of peeing in the toilet without hitting the rim let alone wash his own dishes. The worrying thing is that he's turning 18 in 2 weeks. :shakehead He sat and played World of Warcraft all weekend while I had to sort out everything around the house. Very helpful. I'm going to suggest to my parents to stop paying for the game because he decided to leave school in like october and has done nothing but play the game since.


Tomorrow I'm taking the day off to finish my english essay and go over it before scraping it and starting again. It's not a bad essay from what I've done so far but something is making me a little unhappy about it so I'll finish what I've done and then rip it to shreds and see what I can keep, what I can get rid of and then start again.

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Half term so no school today. I achieved alot though:


Finished Chuck Season 2.

Caught up on Big Bang Theory and NCIS

Finished Dead Space

Played some L4D

Finished a report due for Wednesday


Of course all of this was contrary to my original plan of Gym, then Football, then more Gym, but I slept in and then had mates cancel on me, so tough.

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Can any of the media people answer me this question;


In films there are the two types of music/sound, one that only the audience can hear and one that the characters can hear. What are they called?


this is probably wrong but the only thing i can think of is

Non-diegetic (like narration n the soundtrack) + diegetic (characters voices, sounds made by objects in a film like radio, instruments)

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Can any of the media people answer me this question;


In films there are the two types of music/sound, one that only the audience can hear and one that the characters can hear. What are they called?


Only thing that comes to mind is an Aside, but that's definitely wrong.

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this is probably wrong but the only thing i can think of is

Non-diegetic (like narration n the soundtrack) + diegetic (characters voices, sounds made by objects in a film like radio, instruments)


That's right, I double checked it via the magic of Google.

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Mum and some of the family popped round and we had a nice lunch together, but my head is killing me now, must have come down with a cold or something. It feels like there's a little man in there, hurling himself back and forward against the walls of my cranium in noisy protest against his incarceration.

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You've said that before - Duella, rite? Am I missing something, because she's not called Rihanna irl.


Yeah, I just forgot her name, and she looks vaguely like Rihanna.


In other news, I can confirm I blew the same horn during episode 2, as well. Shouting "Boomer, you bitch!" loudly.

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Diegetic (in the fictional world) and non-diegetic.


Went to the cinema and saw Button. Afterwards im sure my lecturer blanked me. Rude.


Came back and tried to find Japanese proverbs for my housemate to get tattooed onto her while eating noodles.


Now I need to write that Button review.

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Had a friend come over quite late with a very late Birthday present. It's a plush penguin wearing a bra she bought specially for it, aww. Pretty expensive, too - really thoughtful of her, she knows penguins are my favourite animals and we once had a funny conversation about bras. Really like it - it has shiny fur too :D


I was pleasantly surprised. Got the birth certificate for the penguin on my uni wall now. :D


Played some Gears 2 earlier, such a good game, I'm loving it. Campaign and Horde are where it's at. Also played through the Resi 5 demo once more for fun times. Watched 24, whilst my flatmate was constantly letting off 9s (maybe even 10s), and now I'm here being frustrated that Shopto.net won't let me change my delivery address, meaning I can't switch my SF4 preorder to them. May call them up tomorrow.


Anyway, sleep time! Is it really 4am already?!

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In other news, I can confirm I blew the same horn during episode 2, as well. Shouting "Boomer, you bitch!" loudly.


What is blowing your horn? I haven't got a clue, but that sentence is producing some pretty interesting images in my mind.


I was meant to go to uni yesterday, but instead played Command and Conquer 3:Tiberium Wars all day which I reasoned as being because my hair was an embarassing mess. I've got to go today, no matter what my hair is like, come on motivation.

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Taking the day off from Uni and so far it's been productive. Only just after 9.30 and I've finished my english essay. Will take a break for breakfast and then come back to it and see what I can take out and improve and what I can add. Such a pain in the arse though as you never know how much you should write for one particular bit and I have a feeling I'm going to have to write a bit more for one section than I have. I'll see when I go through it what needs doing.

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In school, not really doing anything at the moment (should be drawing but have no inspiration). Have classes until 6pm, then another lecture from 8pm until whenever it ends (could be anywhere between 1 or 2 hours long). Pfffff.


A classmate brought in selfmade chocolate mousse though, mmm.


Also, help me decide:


Justice - Cross for £6.39 orrrrrr

Justice - A Cross The Universe (CD & DVD) for £7.19?


I'm inclined to go for the latter, but then again I never watch music DVDs (but I wouldn't mind the CD I think, just don't know which one of the two is better). =P

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