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I know nobody cares, but;


Outgoings: £605 (minus food)

Income: £540


Plus overdraft debt, plus rent in arrears = holy bejeezus. Minus course fees would leave me with £55 p/m for food. Social life obv. can't happen any more.


I'm working 30 hours a week. I'd be financially better off on teh dole, plus I'd have more time to do uni stuff.



Bad time to remind you about all the money you owe me?

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Had one of the worst night's sleep in a long time. As soon as I got into bed, my brain went 'Hey! I'm not ready yet' and so kept me awake most of the night. Got really agitated about something and it just made the whole thing worse. So not a great way to start the day.


Just back from my English tutorial where I made myself look both like an intellectual and a complete idiot at the same time. Still, managed to get a laugh out of the entire room though when the tutor set this up: "If you can't work/can't find a job, you...."

To Which I replied "Teach". He laughed thankfully, as did everyone, as I thought he'd take it personally but he didn't. I shan't bother explaining the faux pas I made but needless to say it resulted in some very strange looks and me wondering what the hell I'd just said. One of those moments where you're about to say something stupid, try to hold onto it but it just slips out and you look an idiot. Well done me.


So that was the highlight and downpoint of the morning, although there were more downpoints. Weather is horrible outside and it's mirroring my now established mood. I seem to constantly be disappointing myself, and others to a lesser extent. I have this inate ability to not be able to do the seemingly simple things. One thing I wanted and should have done today I didn't do. Not gonna bother saying what it is/was as there's no point to it but someone'll figure it out (no doubt Jay, so if he does PM if your going to give me a mental bashing for it). I really just need a familiar voice to speak some common sense into me, but unfortunately all those that could help seem to have vanished. [/blah]


Still got the other half of the day to contend with. Lucky me :nono:

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Oh jesus fuck, just take the benefits your entitled too will you? That's what they're there for. It's always pissed me off that people actively turn down the help that's built into the system for them out of some bizzaro sense of twisted social pride knitted out of snatched headlines from the Daily Mail. You're SUPPOSED to take money from the system - that's why we HAVE a system. I mean, you're a student but your not even exempting yourself from Council Tax? The eff?

Part time student, not exempt from council tax! I'm waiting for 2pm to roll around to call student finances, to get the ball rolling on the turnaround :P

Bad time to remind you about all the money you owe me?
Nice a place as any to talk about it, then? I guess we need to work on that whole 'getting the deposit back' thing again.


(I never missed a month's rent)

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Guest Stefkov

Spent 50 minutes on the phone today to the people at the job centre. I have an appointment tomorrow in the morning which should be fun.

I also found out that I pretty much won't be able to get out of my accomodation agreement. I need to hand in a letter of cancellation and then wait for a person to want to take over my room. BUT, there are 2 rooms free anyway so anyone coming would get one of those and then there is 12 people on the cancellation list already so I'll have to wait until their rooms fill up. So I'm screwed but the woman on the job centre phone told me about something that might help me with that so that will be mighty helpful.

She also acted loose at some points conversing with me which was fun, and also made me quite happy.

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Had one of the worst night's sleep in a long time. As soon as I got into bed, my brain went 'Hey! I'm not ready yet' and so kept me awake most of the night. Got really agitated about something and it just made the whole thing worse. So not a great way to start the day.

I had some dodgy sleep myself. After getting home from work and some Symphonia gaming, caught the Z's at about 2am. Then woken at 8 by what sounded like someone knocking our door constantly. Turns out next door are fitting in a patio door, with constant banging/drilling. No sleep for EEVIL. But after watching some TV I recorded last night I felt like a nap. Which my cat woke me just as Neighbours was starting. Sweet creature.


But tonight is Mecca Madness [The Bingo kind :blank:] since it's my coworkers birthday, there actually seems to be a night where we're both not working for a change. Considering getting hammered.


I also showed the missus the "Comedy" Rainbow. She thought it was shit too. ReZ, get those sketches you cut out.

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Hmm, was expecting a payment from work today but didn't get anything... Always annoying and makes me worry they don't know I worked certain days.


Had a meeting in school today about the school trip we have to arrange. Apparently this trip is mandatory to all Master students (which we didn't know), so our plan of going to New York will be changed as it's too expensive for most people. We'll probably go to Berlin or something.

Will have to start selling Christmas/birthday/other cards soon to earn some money. Anyone interested? =P

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been ill for the past week >_<

my boss told me not to come into work for the rest of the week (which sucks 'cause a. he's right - i really shouldnt, and b. i'm really enjoying the game i'm working on right now) my throat's been swollen for a week now... doctor isnt sure what it is, but stuck me on antibiotics and told me to come back when i've finished them... which will be tomorrow. just went for a walk around the block 'cause i'm going a bit stir-crazy being cooped up in the house all this time... just the 5 mins outside in the cool air made my head feel better, but my throat much worse >____<


dammit. :sad:

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been ill for the past week >_<

my boss told me not to come into work for the rest of the week (which sucks 'cause a. he's right - i really shouldnt, and b. i'm really enjoying the game i'm working on right now) my throat's been swollen for a week now... doctor isnt sure what it is, but stuck me on antibiotics and told me to come back when i've finished them... which will be tomorrow. just went for a walk around the block 'cause i'm going a bit stir-crazy being cooped up in the house all this time... just the 5 mins outside in the cool air made my head feel better, but my throat much worse >____<


dammit. :sad:


Sorry to hear :( Hope you feel better soon :)


I love how if you're signed up to an artist's mailing list, the little window pops up telling you you got an e-mail from them, personally. I wish.


'You've got a new message from Charlotte Gainsbourg' - I'd love.


Along similar lines I tweeted earlier that walking to work listening to The Boy Least Likely (and @ing their name) made the whole thing much more enjoyable and they replied with "it was fun travelling to work with you x" :D


Not so fun? Getting up at 6:30am to get to work and the student doesn't turn up. And didn't even tell me before. Just didn't turn up. And I was sat in the middle of the lecture room so I had to stay there for an hour (get paid for 2 at least).


Then had a few hours to kill. Got a phone call from line manager and asked me to pick up my student's exam paper (as it has to be enlarged) which I found a bit strange. Then had a one hour lecture with some old school lecturer ("nobody will talk when I'm talking, you will write notes and remove all hats and hoodies") who shouted out "who here is visually impaired and needs a helper". The cunt. So tactless. Anyway he asked for the paper back.


Time killing again then exam. Was weird to talk in an exam.

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Good day.


Sorted my DSA application so it looks like a new set of pc gear is mine on the free, pending a slow ass bureaucratic process.


and I've been put forward to apply for a work placement at Time Out London next year which would totally make my fucking head explode.


Finished my article too. Sent that to the uni paper and my tutor tonight.

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Why must essay-writing be so goddamn hard when you least need it to be! Having to write about world governments and sovereign states, so not only am I slowly falling to sleep, but I'm also tempted to raise my tired hand, gun in grip and shoot myself.


Well, maybe it's not that bad but I just wish I had a clear idea of how to go about my work :( Otherwise, it's been a day of distractions and espressos. If only n-europe were a bar and not a forum - then I could get battered and tell you about my shit in a trivial, drunken manner.

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Today got off to a shockingly bad start. Last night, I set my alarm for half past 6, and slept soundly well. I woke up and thought ahh, I'll have an extra few mins in bed, because these minutes will help me be nice to the world, as I will not be grouchy.


I left my bed, and wandered downstairs. I look at my kitchen clock and just looked at the hands...that's weird...quarter to seven, am I supposed to be here?...NOOOOO! I'm supposed to be walking to the train station! I was supposed to set my alarm for half past 5...ohhhhh noooooo-aaaaaaaaaaa.


So, I had the quickest shower that anyone has ever had in the history of the world ever. I didn't have breakfasttttt. :( And, when I was on my way to the train station, I was almost running. But, somehow, National Rail saved my life...and I only ended up arriving at the school about 15 minutes later than I usually do. How on Earth I did that, I'll have no idea. I must have travelled through a time warp when on that train.


Rest of the day has been ok. Friday tomorrow. Fuck yeah!

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Got mah finance forms on their way! Did washing up, washed sheets and clothes, cut my nails, cooked a roast dinner, housemate gave me a tenner (for internet bill), went to jugglesock committee meeting, went to jugglesock session and played about on teh decks in the DJ booth for an hour (so cool), went to police station, gave irish man directions, bumped into nami as she was closing shop, had a drink at wetherspoons (£7 left!), called dad to prepare him for my money-begging call tomorrow...


Very productive day. Also, hot girl texted me asking if I was free, but I weren't. Turns out she wants to talk about some guy she went for coffee with. FRIENDZONEGET. Rest of life continues.


Got 4 episodse of Fringe s01 left, and strongly considering slamming through them tonight.


Good day.


Sorted my DSA application so it looks like a new set of pc gear is mine on the free, pending a slow ass bureaucratic process.

Unsure, but the guy on the phone said I may as well apply for this shit again. Giggles!

If only n-europe were a bar and not a forum - then I could get battered and tell you about my shit in a trivial, drunken manner.

... Is that where I've been going wrong all this time?

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Guest Captain Falcon
I may have ruined what could possibly have been a relationship. Just because I can't get past this wall.




Sorry to hear that Wolfy - I hope it works out for you.

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but the ones at the top find plenty of security, just the scum at the bottom that are left to rot.


No no you've got it all wrong.


The scum is at the top.


So let's start actually looking sideways, yeah? We're not ugly, we're not idiots, we're not failures at life (well, maybe I am) so we're not the bottom of the barrel. The problem is convincing ourselves that we can be the scum floating at the top of the barrell that the opposite sex wants. Convincing them will be a doddle after that.
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Guest Stefkov

Oh my is it extremely tempting to go to an Orange store tomorrow and use up the entirety of my overdraft to buy an iPhone. I won't but I can and be in massive amounts of debt... hmmm.


My day went from cheerful in the afternoon to miserable to cheerful as me an a flatmate find the custom sounds feature for Windows. It's most probably been in there for years, but now we know it's there we can change nearly everything. Work has already begun on a wrestling theme with closing applications playing Randy Orton's 'I quit I quit' sound byte from Cena's awesome video he made when he made Orton submit. Awesome.

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Went to meet some friends at about half nine, and then about 15 of us got the tram to Cineworld. They'd booked me a ticket for the new Twilight, so I figured why not. The atmosphere in the cinema was hilarious. Girls screaming at the lights going down, a mass sigh as whatshisface appeared on screen. I couldn't contain my laughter. One girl was even wearing a mask with his face on. It was a....sight to see.


Finished about 2:15am, and then we had to wait in the cold for over an hour for a Taxi to finally appear. So happy I have fridays free.

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Went to bed at 11.30 last night, a normal time for once. Woke up at 8.30 (my new thing, getting up early when I don't have to) dossed about for a bit, then went hunting around Leith for a kitchen cupboard unit. I need one for art, and yeah...none in charity shops or "curio shops". Though I'm not surprised...kinda a random thing to try and sell in either.


Might have to go to like B & Q and get the cheapest they have. *worried about the cost*

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Went to bed at 11.30 last night, a normal time for once. Woke up at 8.30 (my new thing, getting up early when I don't have to) dossed about for a bit, then went hunting around Leith for a kitchen cupboard unit. I need one for art, and yeah...none in charity shops or "curio shops". Though I'm not surprised...kinda a random thing to try and sell in either.


Might have to go to like B & Q and get the cheapest they have. *worried about the cost*


Kitchen units don't tend to be cheap. You could maybe try the local dump?

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