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urgh, early start and busy day at work, but got sat with cool friends doing over time. i was described as "like a little puppy" due to my need for attention.


legs hurt. alot.


oh, and a girl i was thinking i might be making real progress with on fish4love is back with her EX, so that kinda puts me back on square one.


on the plus side, i phone comes tommorow and im finaly off orange. the worst phone network known to man.


I cycled all the way across London to go to my appointment at the eye hospital. They told me, as I suspected, that there is nothing wrong with my eyes.The weather was great so I enjoyed the cycling.


All in all, my day consisted of a 15 mile round cycle and eating tuna. I verily much enjoyed it.


Went to see my Nephew, he's small and cute (there isn't really anything else you can say about babies).


My Step Dad also showed off Planet Earth (the one with Picard narrating) on his fancy new top of of the range projector.

Went to see my Nephew, he's small and cute (there isn't really anything else you can say about babies).


My Step Dad also showed off Planet Earth (the one with Picard narrating) on his fancy new top of of the range projector.


Isn't Planet Earth narrated by Attenborough, or am I thinking of something else.


Ok, so my day! At work, one of the hot girls challenged me to an arm wrestle. I beat her twice. Then she wanted a thumb-war. I beat her twice. So she's cool with touching me. What's the next step? I do not know.


Came home, drank some cider, went to pub to meet up with a sorta-course mate and his twin brother. Complained about all the freshers then...well I'm here now.


Been reading The Gunslinger, the first book in the Dark Tower series. Good reading so far (Dan Dare; you'd like it), and been continuing with Mad Med season 2. Got work early tomorrow so trying desparately not to stay up too late. Hoping Hot Girl is at work tomorrow too.


Uni site wouldn't let me re-enrole. Fuckity fuck. Etc. Life's continuing in its regular no-holds-barred way. Shit keeps popping up to deal with. Seeing all the freshers out tonight makes me remember how naive I was 3 years ago. I guess we're all just pottering about, getting used to this 'responsibility', this world of Things That Must Be Done. I wish I was done.


It was good. My friend working at McDonalds smuggled me two cheeseburgers and a McFlurry for free after a long day of work. Also, work generally flowed well today which was nice. Day off on Wednesday! Another day of gaming.

Isn't Planet Earth narrated by Attenborough, or am I thinking of something else.


Turns out that the Attenborough one is Planet Earth (or another one). This one is just "Earth"

Ok, so my day! At work, one of the hot girls challenged me to an arm wrestle. I beat her twice. Then she wanted a thumb-war. I beat her twice. So she's cool with touching me. What's the next step? I do not know.

She seems to enjoy same body-part battles. Don't whip your unit out, you might be in for a very bad surprise.


Got a new laptop today - unfortunately my former piece of crap finally packed up and as uni was slowly creeping closer, a new investment was becoming more and more essential. It's a pretty cheap machine but I'm actually pretty impressed with it considering the very reasonable price tag.


Otherwise my day consisted of work and playing Saints Row 2 - all in all, a fairly decent day.


Day 2


Woke up at about 8 and my feet were freezing!!! I'm definately wearing my socks tonight. :)


I had some welcome talks to go to this morning and then some Psychology lunch. Not that greater a lunch but I did meet some new people. I got talking to someone who had a The World Ends With You badge on and so my nerd senses started tingling. :p I'm now borrowing their Phoniex Wright trials and tribulations game. win. :D


Then this evening I went with the new people to a bar and then went off for this Psychology hunt which was looooooong. I've walked the whole of Bangor this evening, probably not but it felt like it. :heh:


I also ended up with a Moustache drawn on my face. That makes lip gloss and a pen moustache it's starting to become a running theme.

Life On Earth.


I think Attenborough did them both :p

Turns out that the Attenborough one is Planet Earth (or another one). This one is just "Earth"


Haven't seen this "Earth" one before, any good?


I made a facebook event for my birthday night out, then a girl on my course did as well (for my birthday), but on the same night, confusing me greatly. Disaster averted, you can all calm down.


I hated my weekend project at college today, compared to everyone elses. Honestly never used such an awful medium (oil pastel). Couldn't do anything but make a garrish child's drawing. tried to work more into it tonight failed. Customised my sketchbook instead.

Isn't Planet Earth narrated by Attenborough, or am I thinking of something else.


I thought anything to do with animals was narrated Attenborough by law. I think John Major brought it in when he officially became a national treasure. (Not Major of course, I mean Attenborough)


Ok, so my day! At work, one of the hot girls challenged me to an arm wrestle. I beat her twice. Then she wanted a thumb-war. I beat her twice. So she's cool with touching me. What's the next step? I do not know.


Came home, drank some cider, went to pub to meet up with a sorta-course mate and his twin brother. Complained about all the freshers then...well I'm here now.


Been reading The Gunslinger, the first book in the Dark Tower series. Good reading so far (Dan Dare; you'd like it), and been continuing with Mad Med season 2. Got work early tomorrow so trying desparately not to stay up too late. Hoping Hot Girl is at work tomorrow too.


Uni site wouldn't let me re-enrole. Fuckity fuck. Etc. Life's continuing in its regular no-holds-barred way. Shit keeps popping up to deal with. Seeing all the freshers out tonight makes me remember how naive I was 3 years ago. I guess we're all just pottering about, getting used to this 'responsibility', this world of Things That Must Be Done. I wish I was done.


I just was at the pub; freshers everywhere! Some of them weren't even born in the 1980's, and this made me feel old and sad.


Also challenge her to try sock wrestling. You'll close, hot and sweaty.


Me and Haggis just went to Embrace in the city centre, and got stuck on the stairs in this huge pile up for 20 minutes. It was bloody intense. Really good night though, I've had like 4 drinks, and I'm not drunk but very chatty and sociable feeling. It's nice to know I can go out now without getting stupidly drunk and not remembering anything, plus it's cheaper too! Happy.


So I found out that my girlfriend who broke up with me a couple of weeks ago 'because I was going to uni' is now going out with some other guy, and most likely has been involved with since before we split up. FUCK how could I not have seen that! Bitch. And all of that. At least everything makes sense now. Good old facebook for letting me know aswell.


But apart from that, everything rocks, I love uni, I love freshers. Had a shitty introductory lecture including some German guy mumbling about health and safety for about 20 minutes, wtf?? Went to the union intro party tonight, not bad, killer union. And Gavin from Gavina and Stacey was DJing lol, he wasn't bad! But the best part of freshers has to be meeting random people. Had a massive walk with some girl wearing a radiohead t-shirt, just got home from some random freshers student house which is luxury, bastards. Love.


Housemates all got in from a night out and woke me the fuck up. One dude came into my room with a gas mask and boiler suit on, but I just said "dude, I gotta get up in 4 hours, go to bed" and he left without hassle.


Turns out my room is probably in the worst place in the house -- I can hear all the other doors slam open and shut, I can hear people running up and down the stairs... So I got up and grabbed a beer and drank with the dudes for a bit, waving away their apologies. I've had two-ish hours sleep and will have another 4-ish before I gotta go to work, and it's not so bad. Everyone's excited to re-start uni/be together and stuff so I got to allow for this. Might slam a few doors in the morning mind you.


Murray: Yeah I think I'll interpret what you say as "you should take it slow." I figure I'll not instigate anything for a while. She's been telling me for a while that she wants to see (500) days of summer, but if I ask her to see it with me... well I just think cinemas aren't a great place for a date, especially because I'm night-blind. Sure, It'd get her to take my hand and guide me to my seat, but we're essentially spending 2+ hours in silence. Never great.


Weeyellowbloke: Sock wrestling sounds interesting but a bit tricky to do during work. She's just suggested boxing. She might be a keeper. *continues dreaming*

Turns out my room is probably in the worst place in the house -- I can hear all the other doors slam open and shut, I can hear people running up and down the stairs... So I got up and grabbed a beer and drank with the dudes for a bit, waving away their apologies. I've had two-ish hours sleep and will have another 4-ish before I gotta go to work, and it's not so bad. Everyone's excited to re-start uni/be together and stuff so I got to allow for this. Might slam a few doors in the morning mind you.



Aww dude, I sympathise, now dani and liz are back all I can hear is slamming doors and people wandering to the bathroom, girls next door like real bad music too. I invested in some ear plugs though, so its much easier!


Oh and the girl at work - just ask her to the freaking pub already!


I'm abit annoyed this morning, I've made plans with somebody, real expensive, going to take me a mass effort to do it (but obviously I reaaaally don't mind doing that because I get to hang out with them etc etc), its just completely gone out the window now, what I'm annoyed most about is that my housemate really wants to see her boyfriend and if I was going with this plan I could take her too, but now I might have to tell her that I can't take her. :(


I hope the doctors have some good news for me! :laughing:

Murray: Yeah I think I'll interpret what you say as "you should take it slow." I figure I'll not instigate anything for a while. She's been telling me for a while that she wants to see (500) days of summer, but if I ask her to see it with me... well I just think cinemas aren't a great place for a date, especially because I'm night-blind. Sure, It'd get her to take my hand and guide me to my seat, but we're essentially spending 2+ hours in silence. Never great.

You mean you're not going to assume she has a penis and will challenge you to an erection sword battle?










Probably for the best.


Phoned for the results to my blood test and.............. it's all good :yay: phew, Dodged a bullet there as I was sure something would come up seeing as I hadn't been feeling great. But it's all good. So I'll toast that with a beer or two later on seeing as I can now drink as my anti-biotics are finished.


Erm... Uni. An English and a Psychology lecture were attended to varying degrees of attentiveness (I started drawing during English as I'd heard it all before) and I skipped my philosophy one for the reasons that 1) I haven't read the Meno by Plato yet and 2) I don't remember going over the Crito in enough detail to be able to spin an essay on it should it come to that. Off tomorrow which is nice but I'll be making a start on a practical report for Psychology so that'll take precident over everything else and then I'll have to do work for other subjects. So much for a day off :D


So with everything good now, I shall be off to go and try out Halo ODST which has been sitting in my bag since 9am this morning as I picked it up before Uni and haven't had a chance to play it yet.


Have had an incredibly busy few days what with moving into Sheffield and whatnot. Han and Chan came for a bit, with Chan staying for one night and Han staying for two. Just had a teary send off at the station, so sad. Managed to finally meet Razz last night, which was so much fun. Getting stuck in Embrace for 20 minutes because of everyone trying to leave was less fun, more painful.




I started watching Apocalypse Now: Redux, forgetting how long it is I turned to snacks and various beverages. Albeit I forgot to check the ingredients on one of the packets of chips I was eating and as I have Iritable Bowel Syndrome, I reacted to it bad and got really really bloated.


Such an awesome experience. Hopefully tomorrow brings better luck.

So I found out that my girlfriend who broke up with me a couple of weeks ago 'because I was going to uni' is now going out with some other guy, and most likely has been involved with since before we split up. FUCK how could I not have seen that! Bitch. And all of that. At least everything makes sense now. Good old facebook for letting me know aswell.


If she lived in Harpenden, I'm here for a few days, so I'll happily firebomb here house if you wish. :smile:

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