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Whats your Job!


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As expected, I'm at Sainsbury's. Formerly regular shelf stacker, to a Pimpsmacking member of BWS replenishment.


Now I've degraded myself into being a cashier full time. I'm "friendly" and I give it to the customers as it is. IE I slag the company to hell and back. If possible when I'm not serving anyone I put my chair back and relax. Only to be met by an old couple with shit-eating grins saying "Oh you look bored, we should give you something to do" Dicks.


I'm trying to become a supervisor with the lovely headsets, so I can walk about doing fuck all.

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Guest Stefkov

I work behind the bar at the Ukrainian club even though I'm underage.

I also stock up the bar every Thursday so it could be 2 jobs in one.

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Telesales Worker.


I'm one of those lovely blokes who tries to flog you health insurance you don't want or need.


But the last few days, I've been doing inbound calls, so people have been ringing ME asking to sign them up. Oh, how the tides have turned!


One of these days somebody is going to ring up and say "hi, can I sign up for this, please?" and I'm going to say "No!" right back to them. "No. I can't. I don't want to. BYE!"


Nah, this is all a lie. I usually try to be as friendly as I can be. But if somebody really grates my cheese, then I will be as annoying as is humanely possible. I love a good argument.

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I'm a cook working in the staff restaurant at The Evil Supermarket Chain Overlords (TESCO) :heh: it's not so bad, mostly afternoon / early evening shifts so I get the morning and a bit on most days to do what I want, plus it's away from the customers, a very welcome bonus. :smile: though I still have to deal with the staff who are variable at times... >>

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I work for Sega doing games testing at the moment, as back from Uni for summer. Been there 4 weeks or so, and in a way just can't wait to get back to Uni.


I'd rather be a student lay about currently, but there's things to pay out for, so it's not possible for me to do that. :blank:

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I'm a 'general assistant' at a small petting zoo kinda place called Animal Farm.


The variety in my job is quit extreme, for the last 2 months I've mostly been doing all the cooking for the customers, but on other occasions I'll be serving in the shop (admissions mostly), working outside looking after the animals or doing advertising shit on the computer!


Oh yeah, I also sometimes get to dress up as a 7 ft tall purple donkey called Dexter!

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I work for a family owned Letting Agency in Liverpool and a Investment Company who own run the same type of company in Bulgaria, Spain and France. With the Liverpool Office being the centre of their operations. I do thison a part time basis to coincide with my college work...


I don't really have an official job title I basically deal with Landlords, Tennants, arranging viewings and dealing with General Enquiries.


As for the Investment Company I do research I.E We have bought a corner building on Stoke-On Trents High Street and I have reccomended we sell it to Chinese Restaurant Agents, and they will take it....


It's Great money granted it's not what I want to do but it's a very good job for someone my age, have been told their is a job here for me if I do bad in college and It is something you can forge a career on in the Investment Side of It....

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I work at HMV, as a stockroom controller. Although I didn't plan on returning to this job having just graduated it'll do for now...Plan to do a PGCE but still waiting to hear about it...not hopefully, failing that will try and do a year as a Teaching Assistant and then reapply next year.


Which uni did you apply too? and which subject do you want to teach? I've got a place on one, but they're taking ages to send me forms and generally not being organised. It's a pain in the ass though, I had 2 interviews and a day in a school with them, all of which were rushed because I applied a week before the deadline. These PGCE types don't seem like the most organised people, I should fit right in.

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That sounds so weird.


"Can i have a large pepperoni potato with fires please"


I wouldn't trust Jordan with fire. Yet alone plural!


I dunno where I work to be honest.


I am technically still on the books as keyholder for Game but I handed in my notice ages ago and technically finished last Sunday because I was leaving the country. As that fell through I'm not sure what I'm doing with myself.


I have applied for a job at Nero (because its where all my friends work and I figure a barista would be a nice different job) but if I do get it I doubt I'd get the amount of hours I need to cover rent (14 per week). So its either break even or lose money every month, or if I stop on at Game still earn +£200 a month.


So I dunno. Need to wait to hear back from Nero. And starting from a week on Monday I am back at Game for two weeks to cover managers and assistant managers holidays.

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After a few years spent as a Betting Shop Manager I suddenly figured why the hell am I getting a pittance to make my bosses wealthy so I have set myself up as a bookie.


I usually specalise in US sports (not NBA though) as that is where most of my knowledge lies. Horse racing can also be profitable although it is too bent for my liking.

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