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What are you becoming?


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i was at uni, studying geology, with the intention of doing some form of field geology, most likely paleontology. Unfortunately I rapidly discovered that aside from paleontology the rest of the modules were excrutiatingly boring. Add to that a severe lack of money and an expensive course I dropped out.


True that about the boring modules, part of the reason I'm pretty much buggered in the marks I'm getting. I just can't keep my attention on some of the subjects. Hopefully I'll come out this year with something good enough to do a masters. I'll take a year out though to work for a bit and earn some money, maybe do some travelling. After all that, who knows, maybe another degree in English Literature? Or maybe just wander aimlessly and see what comes my way. ::shrug:

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Well, I'm doing English and Creative Writing at Hull. Hopefully I'll get a 2:1 or a first and apply to a Masters course in Creative Writing, possibly bac home in Sheffield. Then marry a rich heiress and use her fortune to finance a period of writing a great novel and watching neighbors.

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My course at uni is Computer Science with games development. I feel I have reached a part in my life where I'm actually happy to study. Its weird cos since I have started my course I went to XNA launch event, and other cool stuff like that.


Pretty good so far: My goal of becoming a computer graphics programmer started still a way to go though.

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I did my A-levels in 6th form, did a business course at uni for a week and dropped out after a week and a half. Did not like it at all. I worked as a waiter after that for a long period and finished tht late November. Thus, had nothing jobwise or educationwise since then. I just fancy a job in an office enviroment at the moment or a job where I could make a career out of it. One day I might go to Uni again, to do a teaching course, as I belive I wouldnt mind being a primary school teacher. But I do not have a good grade in GCSE Maths to get on that course at the mo! Need to re-sit that one day! God I hate maths!

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Im doing Japanese at Uni, I'm in my first year, and when I am finished I want to go to Japan and do a degree in game design...or something along those lines!


Then again, I might just follow my sister and become a barrister...


I don't have to really think about it for another 3 years so it is all subject to change!

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I'm studying accounting in college, I'm half way through my second year. So I'll probably go on to do auditing or maybe do a teaching course and teach accounting, I'm not sure really. At this stage I'm just sort of floating along in life, whatever happens, happens.

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Currently I'm doing (the equivalent to) A-levels in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Economics, Dutch and Accounting as well as an A2 level of English as a foreign language. Next year I'll be studying Informatics at university :smile:


My life has no direction yet, but when I live on my own next year I hope good stuff starts happening.

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Like Blue_Ninja0, I'm also taking a Computer Engineering course, and in the near future I plan to take a masters degree in software engineering and developement. Hopefully I'll find a job in the area, in or outside the country.


Other future plans are: Being an engineer in Tiberium Wars, become a Mod in N-E (maybe even admin!), create porn holograms.

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Did almost three years of Animation, but never even intended to become an animator.

Now I'm in my first year of Graphic Design, with my option being Illustration (could pick Illustration or Advertising). After four years of studying this, I hope to become an illustrator (at least that's what I'm thinking right now). Depending on where I end up living and how my job is gonna go, I might also become an art teacher next to being an illustrator (I'd of course have to study for this too), because illustration doesn't always pay enough (or any art job).


Basically though, I want to do something with art, so I could also end up doing something else.

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Next year I'll be doing Maths, English, Physics, Computing and Economics at Higher (A Level, though we do it in a year) and next year probably Maths and Physics at Advanced Higher and Chemistry/Business Management or something like that at Higher.


Then go to Uni to study Maths + Something, depending how my Highers go. Then I'd like to go into banks/business through the maths route. If that goes well and I have loads of money when I'm 40ish or so, I'll retrain as a maths teacher and settle down until I die. If I don't become very rich in business I'll just keep doing it.


Oh, and I'll also do lots of media crap on the side!

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I am studying Media Studies with Film Studies and will probably do a postgraduate in something similar; maybe Television studies depends on...stuff.


Would like to be a showrunner, but more realistically probably be a lecturer, preferably in TV and preferably in NY.

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