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I feel betrayed (sorry for my swearing) - Update-thing.


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It sounds stupid, but she's still the person I love. I really do love her, but its the whole trust issue. How can you trust someone who does this?


Dude we know. :(


But you couldnt get it back to where it was, everything would always be in the back of your mind. Even when you think you've got it back, you'll always remember.


Stay away from her for atleast the weekend and then take stalk after some time to reflect.

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It sounds stupid, but she's still the person I love. I really do love her, but its the whole trust issue. How can you trust someone who does this?


And its not like she did it once. It was 3 times, plus the texting back and forth. If it was once then maybe it would be forgivable, but it wasn't.

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It sounds stupid, but she's still the person I love. I really do love her, but its the whole trust issue. How can you trust someone who does this?



I'm talking from experience mate it's time to move on you possibly could get back together but there would always be doubts - it's not worth the grief.

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I have no idea what you should do. But look at all the people on here that care about you. (Even if it is just an internet forum!)


Yeah, thanks for all your support, guys.


I dunno why she's done it. I pestered her for an answer and she kept saying "i dunno" over and over and over. I shouted at her and asked if it was like the whole excitement of it all, and she said yes. I asked her why didnt she stop and she said she didnt know.


I really don't know what to do.

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Yeah, thanks for all your support, guys.


I dunno why she's done it. I pestered her for an answer and she kept saying "i dunno" over and over and over. I shouted at her and asked if it was like the whole excitement of it all, and she said yes. I asked her why didnt she stop and she said she didnt know.


I really don't know what to do.


I'm gonna be honest here Fierce but from the sound of it she may not love you anymore.


So there may be no chance in you two getting back together. :hmm:

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Flinks, if this was any old break up I'd urge you to try and reconcile, but it's a line she's crossed that would make practically any relationship unsalvageable. Even if you could somehow forgive her, which honestly I don't think she deserves, you'd find it hard to stop thinking about. Even a year down the line the smallest suspicious action could bring up bad memories, the trust is truly gone.


I feel for you man, and you deserve better - you're a top guy, as Odwin says just look at the support from the guys here! I hope you move on from this and remember happy days will come again :) I went through a bad break up from a relationship clocking in over two years not long ago, but things are back on track for me - same thing will happen to you. Although you might have a thing against all women for a while if you're like me :heh:




women suck

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Jesus, reading that made me feel really hollow. You're too nice a guy to have this happen!


I'm not going to give any long-term relationship advice; those choices are for you, not my ill-informed opinion. However, I do think that for the moment you simply shouldn't do anything, just try and abosrb what has happened and what it means. I'm not saying that's an easy thing to do — it isn't — but for the right decision to be made it has to happen.


Take as long as you need to sort things out in your own head. That's the very least you deserve.

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Man,I'm really sorry about this Flinky.You really don't deserve this happening to you.


I don't know what to say but like others have said do anything to rash and ask some of your friends for advice and help.


I really hope you get your head straight and I really hope something good comes out of this.


You really didn't deserve this.

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This is horrible - from what I've seen you're a really nice guy and I enjoy reading your comments on the forum. Following what happened with your brother...this is the last thing you need.


I hope you can sort something out for yourself soon, and I hope that whatever you do you end up happy.


Take care.

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Sorry to hear about this mate. I can't imagine the stuff you're having t go through at this moment in time. Normal breakups were hard for me so this must be torture for you :(


I guess what you do know is upto you. As you say, you love her - and if you think you can make it work then that's an idea. Like I said though - we can't make the descision for you.


Its horrible for it to happen to such a nice guy. We're all here to support you and I hope you'll be ok (whatever you choose) in time. Chin up, speak to you on MSN soon :)

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Oh no Flinky!!! poor guy, I feel for you mate. That is horrible and the thing is; yes you shouldnt need to look at her phone as you both should have trust in each other but what if you didnt? would she have kept seeing this chris behind your back? It is a good thing you have found all this out before it gets even worse.


After 3 years aswell, damn. :(


Listen to the old, wise and bald Plattman... It's time to move on. Yes you could get back together and she will probably promise to never do anything like this ever again. But the worry will always be there and your relationship is never gonna be what it once was.


You're still very young. It hurts now but will heal over time.


However I can't tell you what to do and can only give my opinion on the situation that you have told us. If you think the relationship is worth saving then go for it but if it was me, even after 3 years together I wouldnt be able to stay with her after that.


MSN me up whenever you need to flinkymon.

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what a cow. i can never understand people who cheat in relationships, you either want to be with who your with or you don't.


i don't think i could find it in me to get back with this person no matter how much i loved them, if she had told you after the first drunken incident then i don't think you would've reacted like this, least she would've been honest. but nooooo she's gotta lie and go behind your back. fucking cow.


you need to chill out, she should give you some space so you can think about things and find out how you really feel after all the shock and stuff.


i really feel for you dude and good luck!

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You'd probably feel rather betrayed, disgusted and contaminated?


Whats happened has happened. Its bad when you have a particularly strong connection with the person though... To just penetrate another guy is inexcusable. You can always take proactive measures to ensure that doesn't happen. No need to consume the liver damaging substance in the first place. Toss her aside and move on. You learn from these life experiences and become a stronger person as a result. Also don't confront the other guy anymore and stoop to his level, you are only fuelling him up and giving him satifaction, you are conceding defeat that way. Let her go, let her choose her path of life, but just let her know, theres no going back, what happens from here on end, is what happens, she must suffer the consequences of her actions that were avoidable. By doing this, its your final gift to her, you are giving her wisdom... Make her learn from her mistakes.

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