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Smash Bros Switch Roster Prediction Competition


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Well, by this time tomorrow...
All will be revealed. :eek:
Looking forward to finding out who they've chosen to end this. :D
Ultimate has seen so many characters join already...
It's not going to be easy to please everyone. :heh:
Good luck to all in this roster prediction competition though.
I can't wait to see who wins. :hehe:


Edited by RedShell
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We've had a lot of Capcom spirits and Mii costumes during the 2nd Fighter's Pass, but no Capcom character so far since launch...

...in a vacuum, I'd say Resident Evil would be the most relevant series to add from Capcom, but the lack of a spirit event for Great Ace Attorney was MIGHTY SUSPICIOUS!

Which is why, my last minute prediction for the last character in the pass shall be Phoenix Wright!


Or maybe Crash, or Lara Croft ::shrug:I d'nno, I ain't Sakurai

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1 hour ago, Jonnas said:

We've had a lot of Capcom spirits and Mii costumes during the 2nd Fighter's Pass, but no Capcom character so far since launch...

...in a vacuum, I'd say Resident Evil would be the most relevant series to add from Capcom, but the lack of a spirit event for Great Ace Attorney was MIGHTY SUSPICIOUS!

Which is why, my last minute prediction for the last character in the pass shall be Phoenix Wright!


Or maybe Crash, or Lara Croft ::shrug:I d'nno, I ain't Sakurai

Ah, you've come around to my line of thinking.

Ace Attorney is the biggest Capcom Franchise that isn't Mega Man, Street Fighter, or a game that has been Mii Costume'd or post-launch Spirit Event'd.

I'd be willing to put imaginary money on it being Phoenix Wright, or not a Capcom character at all.

It's mad to think that in less then 24 hours, this crazy Hype Train will have reached it's Final Destination and we're all gonna have to pay the hefty fines of our incorrect guesses. Ah, the Halcyon days of when Byleth was better known as "Fire Emblem Switch Protagonist" and you'd have been laughed out of the room for suggesting Banjo actually had a shot.

Anyway, just to pour fuel on the uncertainty fire.

Sakurai there, claiming that even non-Smash fans will want to tune in. What could it mean!?

A further translated tweet says "You may not know the new fighter, or it might be different from your personal expectations.

BUT, we hope you enjoy this game show and the broadcast itself! I really enjoyed recording the broadcast."

What could it mean!?

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Is it too much of a stretch to say that this may be the last new Smash character ever? Even if there are new instalments in the Smash franchise in the future, where will they find characters who didn’t make it into ultimate? Surely only new IPs, and we all know how rare new IPs are.

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40 minutes ago, Ashley said:

I love your optimism that after saying "this is the last character" Nintendo fans won't speculate frequently that another will be announced in the future. 

At the very least we can speculate which characters make it into the next game. I hope it's not minecraft guy.

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9 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

At the very least we can speculate which characters make it into the next game. I hope it's not minecraft guy.

But Steve is one of the more interesting characters in the second pass! Truly unique, he plays like no other character in the game.

Unfortunately, the sheer amount of development needed behind him doesn't bode well for future games...

@LazyBoy, there's always more characters. Even just Nintendo has plenty of untapped IP's to build off of. Pokémon and Fire Emblem feature constantly changing casts, so there's always new character material there. And then there's third parties. As Smash gets more and more dominant in fighting games, more and more companies will want in on that. And then there's indies, Shovel Knight and Undertale have gotten their foot in the door, so it's only a matter of time before we get our first indie character. (Probably in the next entry, mind)

It will be a long time before we ever get something on the sheer scale of Ultimate again. (Outside of a straight port, and that's assuming all companies co-operate)

Smash is gonna continue, the series pulls like you wouldn't believe, even when Sakurai eventually retires, it'll carry on.

Edited by Glen-i
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2 hours ago, Ashley said:

I would assume (for no reason other than just assumption) that any third party character only has an agreement for that particular game so some of them would be the first on the chopping block. 

I mean, yeah. This is most certainly the case, seeing as Snake was dropped in Smash 4 and reports that Cloud was the most difficult character to negotiate a return for Ultimate.

The vast majority of characters are a lot more straightforward though. Smash sells games and Capcom and Sega capitalise on that. It's an easy benefit for them.

So I don't expect Ryu, Mega Man or Sonic to be dropped. And if Namco continue working on Smash, then Pac-Man and Kazuya would probably stick around as well.

Square and Microsoft would be the companies that might be a bit more difficult to work with.

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I always get excited by Smash announcements, even if they’ve thrilled & disappointed me in equal measure!

I missed the predictions at the beginning, although in hindsight I would’ve done terribly!

A little worried by Sakurai’s comments that you may or may not recognise the final reveal, so it could be completely obscure. I hoping he’s trolling.

My rather dull prediction is for Nintendo to somehow have successfully negotiated many legal hurdles and Sora to be revealed following a Mickey Mouse troll, with Mii costumes of Phoenix Wright, Prof Layton, Doom Guy, Crash, Master Chief and James Bond’s tuxedo…

Oh, and a return of Break the Targets!  Too much… yeh I thought so……

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3 hours ago, WackerJr said:

My rather dull prediction is for Nintendo to somehow have successfully negotiated many legal hurdles and Sora to be revealed following a Mickey Mouse troll

There is nothing dull about actually managing to negotiate a deal with Disney. That would be an impressive achievement! Square only managed a temporary, unvoiced DLC cameo for World of Final Fantasy, and they develop the damn games!

Sora would fit into Smash quite well. He's got plenty of material for a moveset, he looks quite cartoony (Well, in the KH1 outfit at least), and how many characters use a giant key as a weapon?

Even if that were to happen though, (And it's a big if) I don't think anything to do with other Disney franchises would ever show up alongside him. It's one of two of the hard rules Sakurai has followed when developing Smash. Video Game stuff only.

So Donald and Goofy wouldn't make an appearance, even in the Final Smash. Stages, music and Spirits would avoid anything to do with other Disney stuff. Hell, I'd even expect the Keyblade to have the Mickey logo keychain be replaced with the Smash symbol.

I'd still take it though.

Edited by Glen-i
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The final character is still very fresh, so I'm gonna avoid mentioning people in this post to avoid spoiling it for people who haven't had the chance to see it yet. But, I have to acknowledge this absolutely shocking landmark in Smash.


Sora correctly predicted by:

No-one, I switched to Desktop mode for nothing!

Real talk, I'm not surprised. Just goes to show how amazing it is that Ninty pulled off the Disney Deal at all! The miracle game ending with one more miraculous character is the most fitting way for Ultimate to finish, really.

Now, I'm sure you're all eager to find out who won, but it's gonna have to wait until Thursday, when I'm not trying to do everything on my phone.

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My wish for the next Smash entry would be to focus more on (new/improved) modes instead of new characters, supports and levels. The amount we currently have is just bizarre :)

Especially break the target, or a return of a subspace emissary sort of single player campaign would be high on my wish list.

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Well, here we are. The final stop on our prediction hype train and it's time for everyone to pay their fines for their awful choices. Bringing on uninvited passengers is not allowed, after all.

Now obviously, I've already docked points for any characters that were relegated to Assist Trophies or Mii Costumes. No, this one last humiliation conga is for all the characters that were still in Limbo before the Smash door was thoroughly locked.


He gets in, and then immediately makes sure no-one else can follow him. What a jerk!

Release the Avalanche of Crushed Dreams!

@Glen-i - Paper Mario, Dixie Kong, Yarn Poochy, Decidueye, Chorus Kids, Rayman (Minus 6)

@markderoos - Rabbid, Qbby, Solaire (Minus 3)

@Mandalore - Sami, Mia, Qbby, Kat & Ana, Ricky Winterborn, Professor Yazoo Jr, Rabbid Peach, Yooka & Laylee, Goose (Minus 9)

@Jonnas - Twintelle, Dixie Kong, Decidueye, Captain Toad, Sami, Muddy Mole, Rayman (Minus 7)

@Ugh first aid - Crash Bandicoot, Frisk, Wart, Cranky Kong, Decidueye, Marx, Porky (Minus 7)

@Nintendo Fan - Fire Emblem Villain, Decidueye, Cranky Kong, Impa, Chun-Li, King Boo (Minus 6)

@Fused King - Paper Mario, Professor Layton, Cranky Kong, Rayman, Captain Toad, Decidueye, Amaterasu (Minus 7)

@Dcubed - Rayman, Chorus Kids (Minus 2)

@RedShell - Tingle, Birdo, Drake Redcrest, Judd, Jimmy T, 9-Volt, Karate Joe, Ulala, Hatsune Miku, Kazuma Kiryu (Minus 10)

@Julius - Decidueye, Captain Toad, Professor Layton, Rayman, Noctis (Minus 5)

@Nicktendo - Ribbon Girl, Eevee, "Dapper" Bowser, Rabbid Peach, Qbby (Minus 4)

@Vileplume2000 - Decidueye, Funky Kong, Olberic, Musashi, Solaire (Minus 5)

@S.C.G - Paper Mario, Rick (Minus 2)

@Ashley - Rick (Minus 1)

Hah! 7 people, all guessing Decidueye. I wonder what idiot convinced them that was a good idea...


Stupid Ivysaur...

But here we go, the final results!

14th= Artmediocre, RedShell, bob, Ashley - Minus 30 points
13th - Aperson - Minus 28 points
10th= Nicktendo, Jonnas, mandalore - Minus 27 points (0 stages)
9th - Nintendo Fan - Minus 27 points (1 stage)
8th - Vileplume2000 - Minus 26 points
7th - Dcubed - Minus 25 points
6th - S.C.G - Minus 24 points (1 stage)
5th - Glen-i - Minus 24 points (2 stages)
4th - Ugh First Aid - Minus 21 points (0 stages)

Sorry @Jonnas, you guessed way more than 3 stages for the tie breaker, so you're disqualified from that aspect.

It was a close fought battle in the top 4! Almost non-existant gaps all round!

In 3rd place, we have @markderoos, with minus 21 points and 1 stage prediction! His most spectacular prediciton was easily Banjo & Kazooie. See what blind faith can sometimes get you? Majestic!

In 2nd place, we have @Julius, with Minus 20 points! He also guessed Banjo & Kazooie, but was just that little more accurate with his other guesses. Even if 5 of them turned out to be Assist Trophies. You should celebrate by actually playing Banjo-Kazooie when it gets released on NSO, you philistine!

But the ultimate Human/Genius is @Fused King, with Minus 19 points! Unlike the other two, he didn't predict Banjo & Kazooie. Does that mean he truly won in the grand scheme of things? Yes, he did. Because he got more points then everyone else. And that's how you win.

Boy, that went on a lot longer then anyone dared to imagine, huh? But we've arrived at the end of Ultimate's roster. 30 characters that weren't in the previous game. We've laughed, we've cried, we got angry at another Fire Emblem character even though it was painfully obvious it was going to happen and you really should've grabbed that easy point!

But no matter how you feel about how off-base you were, there's no denying that Smash now has the greatest fighting game roster of all time, and I'm sure some of us will be Smashing each other's face in for years to come. Like me, tonight, at 8pm.

Edited by Glen-i
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8 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

Got absolutely nothing, might as well keep my predictions for the next Smash Bros game.

I mean, you went for Professor Yazoo Jr. Even in the context of 3 years ago, that was a long shot and a half!

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