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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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Just finished World of Light. 100%. I swear an Assassin’s Creed game would be easier to platinum. 

Jesus that was a slog. Way, way, way too long. It was getting ridiculous how much they were just tacking on. 

That said, an enjoyable mode in theory and the final sequences were epic as fuck. 


I never even considered the game would have bad and good endings. The two bad endings were terrifying lol.

I think a final group shot of all the major players was in order at the very end and maybe even some speech (!!) but otherwise the production values in the cutscenes were excellent. I just wish there was more of them.

Fitting that in a game marked “Ultimate” the final boss was the age old tale of Light v Dark.

Now, I never, EVER, want to see another Spirit battle. Ever. 

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1 hour ago, Ronnie said:


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I never even considered the game would have bad and good endings. The two bad endings were terrifying lol.



I'm glad someone bought this up. I had to double take when I went back to see the "Dharkon wins" ending and saw a brief shot of Mario collapsing dead.
What the hell, Sakurai!? That's not the kind of morbid end you involve bloody Mario in!

"You screwed up! Now you've killed Mr. Video Game. Way to go!"

I'm glad they went there though. Just for the sheer mood swing.


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11 minutes ago, Glen-i said:
  Blatant spoilers (Hide contents)

I'm glad someone bought this up. I had to double take when I went back to see the "Dharkon wins" ending and saw a brief shot of Mario collapsing dead.
What the hell, Sakurai!? That's not the kind of morbid end you involve bloody Mario in!

"You screwed up! Now you've killed Mr. Video Game. Way to go!"

I'm glad they went there though. Just for the sheer mood swing.



Not just that but the look of terror on his face if Galeem wins is equally morbid.

Very cool ending(s) I’m glad I stuck with it


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Figures that, right after buying Smash Bros, I get the busiest week I've ever had. But I have been able to play it here and there. Just Smash & Classic mode (haven't touched Spirits or WoL yet). My impressions:

Ridley is fucking fantastic, and everything I wanted from him. The new Link is super fun, and a serious candidate for my main, love the remote bombs. Ike is better than he was in Brawl. Ganondorf is fucking back, baby! The king of evil is finally back as he was in Melee! King K.Rool is super fun, though I don't think he's as OP as others say. Robin and Wii Fit Trainer are fun, though surprisingly more complicated than I thought. Zelda feels wonky right now, but I'm sure I'll get her better after some practice. Simon Belmont was my latest unlock, and he feels OP. As soon as people understand how to read their opponents, this guy is going to be a force. If not, then he's my new main.

Also, I had no idea tickets prevented that 9.9 from lowering. Wouldn't have made a difference, as I managed to beat it with Ganondorf after 4-5 retries... And then I unlocked Ike, used a ticket for better rewards, and somehow beat 9.9 all over again on my first try :heh: I may be good at this game, for a change.

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I’ve put about 14 hours into WOL so far, and before i accidentally clicked on an IGN article about smash bros where it showed me...


2 MAPS!! I was like - WHUT. The second map doesn’t look as big, granted. But what the hell! 

I am already starting to want to move on to something else within the game now but seems like I’ve got some way to go!

At least I’ve unlocked Ness now, which makes it that bit more enjoyable. :)

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Well, I've managed to beat Master Hand and Galeem... and finally unlocked my main Ike. Immediately switched over to it but the area I'm in is a quiz like structure and it's quizzing me on some games I've never played. I guess for the Chrom's sister one but I really don't know which of the four options helped Alucard defeat Dracula in Castlevania...

Oh yeah, I've also been spending time with this game's snapshot mode. I've tried to be clever but I often churn out lame ideas so if you find any of these bad I'm sorry:






(After realising the Belmonts had a slide kick move I had to do this one...)


I've also been recreating parts from popular anime...





Films aren't safe either:




I'll just leave the rest of these here:


(Kudos to anyone who gets this reference)





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9 hours ago, Mokong said:

Of the 74 playable characters in the game do the 3 types of Mii Fighters count individually or just a one?

Individual, definitely. They all have different movesets and playstyles.

They're even separate characters to unlock in WoL.

On a related note, it really bugs me that the Miis don't get a classic route. I mean, how hard can it be to put together 6 fights revolving around Fists, Swords and Guns? And then have it end with a powered up fight against fellow customisable avatars, Robin and Corrin.

6 hours ago, GenericAperson said:


  World of Light progress (Hide contents)

Well, I've managed to beat Master Hand and Galeem... and finally unlocked my main Ike. Immediately switched over to it but the area I'm in is a quiz like structure and it's quizzing me on some games I've never played. I guess for the Chrom's sister one but I really don't know which of the four options helped Alucard defeat Dracula in Castlevania...



You're not punished for getting it wrong and seeing as there's a challenge for winning every fight, you might as well just beat them all up.


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What's everyone's strongest Spirit Teams so far? I've managed to get one over 17,000 in Team Power with this setup on Simon Belmont:




Two bosses down in the Dark World and I get the impression that after this next boss it will be the road to the final area in the game. Beat Dracula and took him on with Simon Belmont just for authenticity. The rate at which you get the characters unlocked in the Dark World kind of makes me think it was rushed to fit in everyone else which is a shame, but oh well.

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10 hours ago, markderoos said:

I’ve finished World of Light with a percentage of 99,something% Have no idea what I’ve missed... 🤔


I bet it's the 2 alternative endings you're missing. They count towards percentage.

If you want more of a blatant hint...


Fight either Galeem or Darkhon by themselves in the last area. Don't fight them at the same time and get the true ending.

There's one for beating each of them on their own.


Anyway, I've started tackling Classic 9.9. Struggling a bit. Although, to be fair, the 4 characters I attempted it with (Mario, DK, Link and Samus) have some pretty difficult routes. I was close with Link but got caught in Ganon's Death Tornado right at the edge of the screen and got killed at 50%... Was not happy about that. Especially since Ganon was almost dead.

@GenericAperson I've not actually got any 4 star spirits trained up... Mostly because I'm aiming to get every spirit to LV 99. I'm at my 3 stars now.

I also keep swapping spirits to match the series a character is from. I can't help myself! It just feels right.

There's a great 3 star Nightmare (from Metroid) one that steals health whenever you land a physical hit. Works well with Ridley.

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There we go. Classic 9.9 done. Did it with Pikachu of all characters. My 8th attempt in total. WiiU 9.0 laughs in the face of the difficulty of Ultimate.

I attempted it with Fox before hand which only served to remind me how much I suck with Fox. I used 2 continues! That's a new low for me.

I recently noticed that you can stop Fox's Side B dead by blocking, which plonks him right in front of you for a free hit.

I can't see Fox being that good in the near future. That's what he gets for ruining Melee's balance.

Anyway, still gonna try to 9.9 as many characters as possible. Not Fox though, he ain't got a hope in hell.

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Just wanted to drop in and say that I'm really loving this game, especially after the huge disappointment of Brawl and especially Smash 4. The game play is just so much snappier and the ground speed of the characters makes the game play more fun. Most of all, they've moved away from the hyper-defensive Smash 4 and gone back to more aggressive game play, which I love. You can tell the engine is no longer designed to be compatible with the wii-mote so a return to analogue movement is always welcome.

Graphically the game is superb and the music is just absolutely awesome. The Castlevania tracks especially....god damn.

That said, I have a couple of relatively small negative points:

  • I don't care at all for the single player. I see what they've tried to do (and the nostalgia hits are sooooo good) but overall I find it a tad too repetitive. Each to their own though.
  • The online is hilariously bad, especially for a 2018 title. Melee's netcode is better than this. Thankfully I'm happy to adjust to the lag but it's frustrating, but local battles are where it's at for me.
  • My girlfriend now hates me because I can't stop playing this bloody game.

Who are people adopting as their main characters at the moment? I'm LOVING Young Link, but I'm also quite keen on Pichu. Pikachu and Inkling seem to be the best characters in the game at the moment but I don't particularly enjoy either of them,

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On 12/20/2018 at 7:09 AM, Glen-i said:
  End game spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

I bet it's the 2 alternative endings you're missing. They count towards percentage.

If you want more of a blatant hint...

  How to get the alternative endings (Reveal hidden contents)

Fight either Galeem or Darkhon by themselves in the last area. Don't fight them at the same time and get the true ending.

There's one for beating each of them on their own.


Anyway, I've started tackling Classic 9.9. Struggling a bit. Although, to be fair, the 4 characters I attempted it with (Mario, DK, Link and Samus) have some pretty difficult routes. I was close with Link but got caught in Ganon's Death Tornado right at the edge of the screen and got killed at 50%... Was not happy about that. Especially since Ganon was almost dead.

@GenericAperson I've not actually got any 4 star spirits trained up... Mostly because I'm aiming to get every spirit to LV 99. I'm at my 3 stars now.

I also keep swapping spirits to match the series a character is from. I can't help myself! It just feels right.

There's a great 3 star Nightmare (from Metroid) one that steals health whenever you land a physical hit. Works well with Ridley.

To be fair, when experimenting with that Soma Cruz spirit it appears that if your Primary Spirit is from the same series as your character then you automatically gain more team points than you would if it was from a different series. On Ike that Spirit is about 1000 Power weaker.

Spirits are a system that I thought I would never understand and would just autopick every time but I'm finding myself discovering lots of different nuances about them as I play through World of Light and making my own calls as to what I think the strongest combinations are. It DOES make most of the fights extremely quick though...

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