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Will you be getting a Switch at launch?  

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  1. 1. Will you be getting a Switch at launch?

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Lots of disappointment around today. A simple question. Are you planning on picking up at Switch at launch?


Would like to see people's reasons why they are/are not.

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I'll probably get one sometime next year, depending on what games are announced.


For this year, it's just Mario I'm interested in (I absolutely loved Splatoon, but don't want to deal with a paid online service), which is nowhere near enough to buy s console.


Like yourself @Mr\-Paul I hold preorders at Shopto and Amazon but i'm unsure whether to actually keep them. The lack of killer titles at launch, the shoddy online setup and price of the console and accessories are all major turn offs. The only big title is Zelda and I can play that on my Wii U.


Once more information becomes available and the online stuff is made more clear ( they should have seriously talked about this in the press conference ) then i'll decide what to do closer to the time of release. At the moment though it's not looking good...


You bet.


Looking at about £500 though


Switch: £280

Zelda: £60 or £90 (haven't decided on if I'm getting the Special Edition, but ours looks worse than NA. I wanted that carry case)

Bomberman: £30-£50 (Hopefully smaller)

Pro Controller: £65 (Seriously Nintendo, what the fuck?)

5 Zelda amiibo: £55


Yeah undoubtedly. But bomber man 30-50?!?! Surely this is an eshop game, £20 max!?!? Why is everything insanely priced?!


Also, hoping Game are wrong on those accessory prices. How can they justify £65 when PS4/XB1 controllers are under £50. Makes no sense whatsoever.


Don't know what I'll be buying, I still don't actually know what the launch games are.


Nope, not a launch buy for us I think.


After the Wii U, we are a bit more cautious with what consoles we buy, and I think we will just wait and see how this one plays out. If it turns out being a great console with a good game line-up further down the line, then I think we will definitely pick it up when it drops in price.


But at the moment, we simply can't afford it anyway with all the house stuff we're paying for. The price tag for this is just too high. :(


I am kind of getting a 3DS vibe from this one.

One or two good titles at launch and over the year the occasional gems (and Indie games) and killer hits.

I suspect the Switch will keep getting great game after great game in the months to come, with an eventual library that will be quite the spectacle, but it will take some time for it to pick up steam.


I really, REALLY, would've loved to play Zelda on the Switch and would have gladly put down 300 euros or so for a Switch + Zelda bundle, but as it stands that is not the case.

I can't believe there weren't any bundles announced so hopefully the retailers will fill that gap.


I guess I will sit out the launch, try and play some games on WiiU and hope for that eventual Zelda bundle.

As hard as it is for me to do this, I will be patient with Breath of the Wild since I do not want to play it on the WiiU.

It's not going anywhere and it will be the first game I pick up with the Switch.


Nah. Wasn't going to at launch before last night, and nothing I saw made me want it.


I may buy one somewhere down the line, but it would have to be quite the price drop to tempt me.


I really like the look of the system, but none of the games interest me.


No, but I am planing to get it this year, even without the price drop. It's to hard to get it in Bosnia for a normal price (even the starting price isn't low, but I think that it will be worth it if you have the games you like - we should be playing it a lot more than other consoles, because we can play it on the go) so I will have to buy it abroad.




The very earliest I'd look to buy one is Christmas with Zelda and Mario.


Xenoblade looks beautiful, but typically these games take an age to come out, and I'm not an RPG fan anyway. Splatoon 2 has my interest - need to see single player- but that's it. Neither of these would sell me a Switch.


Happy to wait for a price drop/discounts/sales/bundles. No way am I paying those prices for console/controllers atm.


And the online situation is pretty disgusting. Happy to pay for online... but show me why I am. NES/SNES games again... do one.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Like yourself @Mr\-Paul I hold preorders at Shopto and Amazon but i'm unsure whether to actually keep them. The lack of killer titles at launch, the shoddy online setup and price of the console and accessories are all major turn offs. The only big title is Zelda and I can play that on my Wii U.


Once more information becomes available and the online stuff is made more clear ( they should have seriously talked about this in the press conference ) then i'll decide what to do closer to the time of release. At the moment though it's not looking good...


Exactly the same. More information needs to come out over the next 7wks. The hype train has stalled big time so Nintendo need to start dropping key information in videos asap. Show us the VC/UI/1-2-Switch mini games/benefits of the ProController/Miiverse or equivalent. Something to stop me clicking cancel on the pre-orders.


I was planning on pre-ordering after the presentation but sadly feeling a bit deflated having watched the full thing.


I'm going to pick up the Wii U version of Zelda on March 3rd and hold off until later in the year to get the Switch, likely when Mario releases.


Nope, way too expensive, no game packed in, ridiculously priced peripherals, online seems bad (still holding out for more information; won't have any impact on my choice, though), line-up so far doesn't interest me at all besides Zelda but there's a Wii U version for that.


Will get a Switch second hand in 1-2 years at the earliest.


Nope and I badly wanted a reason to pre order one. The value proposition for how I would be using it (at home on TV) just isn't enough for me. I would require a price cut + Mario bundled in to even consider it.

Posted (edited)

I will, or at least that's currently the plan (if something shifty, such as ridiculous subscription prices, comes out, then I might question it).


Pre-ordered Special Edition BotW and Grey Switch with Amazon (the latter with ShopTo also!). Still quietly praying that the pre-order price slips like so many things (even if just to cover the price of the Pro controller).

Edited by Julius Caesar

Good thread mr-paul - was tempted to do one myself!


Personally price and apparent online functionality just isn't good enough for me, so I won't be getting one. I like the console and the idea - but not what it's offering for its price at the moment.


At that price, it's very unlikely I'll be able to save up enough money to get it at launch. Even with 50 quid off thanks to an Amazon voucher. So Undecided for me. Not to mention the awful practice of charging for online play. Thanks for that, Microsoft...


I wonder how many people have changed their mind about wanting the Switch to not use Wii U controllers now after that price.


I had the email from GAME this morning while I was asleep confirming my pre-order and one will be there for me on launch day. I will be attending the midnight launch, but will be picking up much less than I had anticipated. I won't be getting a pro-controller or a second pair of joycons, and I'll only be picking up Zelda. The prices are simply obscene. I'm sure, just like most of you, no-one was anticipating these prices. Nintendo have really painted themselves into a corner here and I can't see this selling like hotcakes like the Wii, or even the Wii U did at launch.


I was impressed with the presentation last night and remain overwhelmingly positive on the system. I think by Christmas the console will have one of the strongest first year line-ups we will have ever seen from a new system. While the likes of Arms and 1-2 Switch didn't really grab me, I am liking the fact Nintendo has kept complex motion control in the joy-cons and isn't just focusing on "traditional" software. I like the fact that the system seems to amalgamate all of Nintendo's hardware innovations into one system, despite the price. My hope is that the tech lives up to the price and that developers take advantage of the tech in innovative and interesting ways.


Thankfully I already have the bulk of the money put to one side for this and have been saving up since October last year, the extra money I'll have to fork out won't be such a big hit as I can put £10 a week or so aside without taking a huge hit, but I still feel like I'm paying over the odds and if I didn't already have a pre-order, I'd maybe consider Zelda on Wii U. Maybe some kind of ambassador program is in the works again and that would be some relief.


The communication on online has been horrendous, and a quick look at the comments here or on NeoGaf shows that still nobody really knows what is going on. I've seen £20 banded about as an "acceptable" price point for the year, my feeling is that it will be at least double that, this is Nintendo after all... If the online is comparable with PSN or Xbox Live, I'd have no qualms about paying, though this does seem a big ask from the Big N, let's see if that DeNa partnership has produced something of note. I agree with what @Kaepora_Gaebora said in another thread that online features through a smart device has the potential to be huge. That Parental Controls trailer was unbelievably cute, but showed a very smart system, how much of it is actually built into the system remains to be seen, but it's certainly an interesting approach.


Overall I'm still positive on this system and really looking forward to a number of the games that were shown last night, I'm sure even more will be revealed during the next couple of days with a number of third parties and second party devs like Next Level and Retro Studios yet to show their hand. We haven't heard anything about VC, but potentially online NES and SNES games is going to be huge. The price is a tough pill to swallow at this point and Nintendo really have their work cut out for them, but I'm sure in 7 weeks time, when everything has been explained and I have my hands on the system, I'll be pleased with my purchase.


Not a chance! You sync the Switch with a smart device to use basic online online features? And for this we pay?!!

Add to that the rip-off price for it & its accessories and you get a very big "hell no" from me.


I'll pass on the Switch!


Was never a launch buy me for anyway. Wii U was a disappointment in terms of games bought, I think I paid more for the console than the games I bought for it(this was not the case with the Wii), and I'm not convinced Switch will do any better. Haven't read too much about it, but I haven't seen anything that makes it a must buy. The pick up and play has zero appeal for me as I never take the handhelds out of the house anyway.


What's that about the pro controller? You can't use the one for WiiU? Never actually used the one I was stupid enough to buy..

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