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How Was Your Day?


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How Was Your Day?


Mine was alright.


I have never had the interest, motivation or incentive to learn how to use Windows Excel, but I've been learning some mildly useful things recently which are helpful for my new position (for those that don't know, I was made a manager in July...of a contact team. Contact team manager), and I've been working on a spreadsheet with my colleague that shows what skills people know and create a points system that shows what they can do to get a promotion.


So I was dropping all kinds of conditional formatting today, and there were a few bits that just...hooked up. Interlocked. Like some cogs slotting into place. And it was awesome. And I love colour coding and I totally smashed the colour coding.


And I've been talking about Windows fucking Excel for several paragraphs. Jesus Christ, it has come to this. #Adult.


In extremely good news today, Claire and I are going to a small (but cool) theme park in June, and they have a new area opening up soon, and they have release an app/game for it, and the top three scores each day win tickets to the park. The competition closes tomorrow. I've been playing it for a week, and not been doing too badly. The problem is it's 25% skill, 75% luck because your score (and how high you can get it) all depends on how many "time increase" items you get. Anyway, this morning I got very lucky and am currently sitting at second place with 3,450,000. Third place hasn't moved all day, at 2,620,000. So I am fairly...confident. I don't think I'll be unseated. Even so, I'd have to drop two spaces. I've been playing it for a week so I'm really happy to be in the top today, and I feel like I deserve to win and it will massively make me happy and reward my hard work.


Also waiting to hear from Hotel Chocolat, they sent an egg to us and there is also a compo they are running for the best VLOGGER/Blogger's video or article review will win a £75 chocolate ostrich egg, and I reckon we have a good shot with a five-camera-setup Easter Egg hunt Claire and I did...



I'm just feeling alright at the moment. Last few weeks have been stressful, so it's nice for work to not be cripplingly busy and for me to be able to catch up on some stuff.


And Daredevil this week and BVS next week!

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Today has been a pretty decent day. Most of my day has been tying up lose ends and handing things over to people for the next few weeks. Because tomorrow, I fly to Japan.


Complimentary champagne and an open bar (Air France ftw), followed by arrival in the great city of Tokyo. I am very excite. Much wow.

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My day was FINE :)


Day of rest, ran 16.5 miles yesterday so pretty sore legs today, and my last "free" day for a while, got a lot of work coming up plus marathon training plus preparing for a charity quiz night I'm hosting so took advantage of it to catch up on some telly and generally be a lazy bum.

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Most of my week days are extremely meh these days, this was not very different.


Although I paid my solicitors' search fees for my first house purchase. I have a solicitor. It's weird. I don't like being old.


Re-watched several episodes of Daredevil last night to get ready for season 2 and beat my high score on Resogun survival mode, but still not close to @drahkon's :nono:


Regarding the existence of this thread... I am kinda curious as to the thought train that lead to its creation.... Rez, are you misunderstanding the situation that much, or being intentionally awkward?

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Today I found out the reason my wallet was rather light was due to spending ¥30,000 a meal last week and that someone had kindly expensed it for me so I got the money back as a nice surprise.


I had two calls with our Singapore office that were very productive and got a few little bits done outside of those that mean I don't need to work too late, and had a really nice lunch with two friends.


I'm about to go for dinner at my favourite restaurant which I haven't been able to get into for a few months due to always being full. Going with a nice young lady and will probably drink a good few beers.


All in all a pretty good day.

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Re-watched several episodes of Daredevil last night to get ready for season 2 and beat my high score on Resogun survival mode, but still not close to @drahkon's :nono:


Wow, it's been ages since I've played Resogun. :laughing: Give me a shout out when you manage to beat my score :p


My day so far?


Annoying...the PhD student I work for told me that she made a mistake and now I had to correct it. Took me 3 hours...

Going home in a couple of minutes because I've already worked more than the necessary hours this week but I have to work even longer on Thursday and Friday...I'm going to work overtime a lot this week.:blank:

Edited by drahkon
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It's a quiet day for me. However I got an email from Ogame which I used to be addicted to play all the time because they are gonna removed the universe I played in and they asked me if I want to move my "vacation-mode'd" account to other "active" universe. Kinda have a hard time to let go of my account vanish into nothing so I logged on my account for the first time in a long time and made my choice for targeted universe haha.

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I've discovered that my knee problems are not down to injury, but arthritis.


Was off my meds for 3 weeks because of an infection and had a huge flare up of my psoriasis and all my joint pain... which has now gone after a single injection. Happy now but now its a big bummer, im gonna be a cripple when im old lol

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Finished a relaxing night shift this morning, which is possibly the first time in 2 years I could describe that job as 'relaxing', not that its bad, I enjoy it, it's just always hectic. I'm back up to full time again this week, for the first time in a while, and I'm enjoying it - hopefully gonna stick at it too. More money and a feeling of being sane again! Finishing the day off with High School Musical 3 on BLURAY (I am 10 years late to the whole blu-ray thing, man they look crisp don't they?)

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My day went from wicked to shit to decent.


Wicked- I jogged 5k without hardly any stops, I'm definitely becoming a lot stronger and faster and my Fitbit Charge HR finally arrived today. Paid £65 for a second-hand one to which by my surprise is actually a brand new and sealed one! Extremely happy about that.


Shit- Got to work and I like my job but I feel like the other supervisor doesn't like me and just gets on with me because she has to. This honestly doesn't bother me a lot but it's annoying to constantly hear back from the manager that she's said stuff and it's been over-exaggerated. Example: me and a colleague were talking and had different views. We are perfectly fine and are friendly. She says to the manager we had a 'huge argument'. Anyway, little things like that just annoy me and it's been happening for ages but I'm more sales-driven and truly give no shits. On top of that, the area manager's manager is in tomorrow and I'm the one who has to have a meeting with him about the store.


Decent- Got home and have been messing around with the Fitbit all night.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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My day today went in a really shit direction, but I guess I'm okay!


Got this week and next week off of work which was desperately needed after a stressful couple of months. We've hit our peak period at work, deliveries are getting larger, having to supervise a team that has doubled in size and the fact that I broke up with my girlfriend back in January pushed me to want two weeks off.


But enough of that, I wake up nice and late and think "Fuck me, I stink" and decide to hop in the shower. Get in the nice hot shower, gave my hair a wash, scrub my nuts etc and then at some point I seemed to have passed out in the shower. It couldn't have lasted long, I was woken up by the hot water now pouring out of the taps rather than the shower head so in a blind panic I turn it off, run the fuck out of the bathroom and jumped into bed. Seem to have injured my right side, but nothing bad.


Later on I figured I'd best get some food and shit, bag splits on the way home, milk falls out and 4 pints of it explode in a glorious fashion, fucking bummer.


Ah well, maybe tomorrow will be okay!

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My day was good :D got all the docs through regarding the fittings and leasehold details for the property I'm buying. Not only is everything expected included (built in oven, fixtures and fittings etc) but a bunch of bonus things are being left (blinds, garden stuff) and some other things I needed are being offered for sale at bargain prices (fridge, washing machine, lawn mower)

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I've been in our new house for about 3 weeks now... Things are alright. But things are still in boxes and still will be for awhile as we're waiting for a new carpet to arrive. Until then we're staying in the spare room.


It's the lack of PC which is doing me in at the moment.

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Test drove a car, probably gonna buy it since it's nice and has good mileage (and I'm driving 2 hours a day commute for the next two months).


Also went to a 4th grade bingo fundraiser which was a good time. Annnnnnnnd my mom was dared by people we didn't know to stand up and yell "Shake your balls" at the guy reading off the bingo numbers....Well my mom of course did. (Of note, she also once pinched Josh Gates butt soooo...)


It was a fun day. Nice to have it off, 40 hours of sitting for training to work at the Nuclear Plant drained me. Training is harder work than work. It was a decent day.


And I'd like to thank @ReZourceman for making this thread. I don't know why, but it just felt like a really nice and appropriate time for this thread to have popped up.

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Bloody hell, if you feel old buying a house, I've owned my house for 16 years. Mortgage will be paid off by 2019.


That is if I decide not to move.


My day is going to be really shit. Get to take an unwell, cranky, overtired baby on a 5 hour flight. And to top it all off, I have a chest infection myself. Yay!

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What happened yesterday?


My day was alright. Work is not terrible at the moment which is good. I'm feeling pretty enthralled about the weather. Claire and I live in a really cold flat. It's got large, old bay windows which we think, let a lot of the cold air in.


Really looking forward to BVS and then on Friday we are off to Brighton for a day or two. Wheeee.

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What happened yesterday?


My day was alright. Work is not terrible at the moment which is good. I'm feeling pretty enthralled about the weather. Claire and I live in a really cold flat. It's got large, old bay windows which we think, let a lot of the cold air in.


Really looking forward to BVS and then on Friday we are off to Brighton for a day or two. Wheeee.

Sounds like our flat. We put up our own makeshift curtains which helped no end. You can literally feel the cold air coming around the sides though.

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My sister came round last night, with an announcement. Handed me a box with the most gorgeous ring in it, her boyfriend bought it for her this weekend while they were over in Birmingham.


I cried, she cried, and I think even he shed a wee tear lol


Very very very happy moment and so needed lately :)

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