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Game Fatigue


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Has anyone else experienced this?


Since shortly after Smash Bros Wii U. (which I've played for only a few hours) came out, I've barely touched video games. I played through Banjo-Kazooie just before the new year, but other than that I haven't played any games.


I have plenty of half-finished games, and games like Bayonetta 2 which I haven't even touched.


I'm still interested in games, I pay attention to gaming news and stuff and enjoy talking about them, but I'm just not playing them at the moment.


I do plan on getting some upcoming games (like Grim Fandango and Majora's Mask), but I'm just curious if anyone else has felt like this?

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Oddly enough i've just been talking about this on another forum.


I go through it every now and again. Had my latest bout a few weeks ago. I ended up changing things up in my setup, moving my consoles to connect to the TV on my desk next to my PC monitor so I am closer and paying more attention. I seem to be playing a lot more again now, instead of getting bored after 15 mins I'm back to playing for a few hours at a time.

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Interestingly, @Cube, I had been considering something similar recently but it is probably more focused on specific franchises.


Ever since playing my first Castlevania game, Dawn of Sorrow on DS, I'd probably have considered myself a fan of the franchise. I've played several games in the series since, including Portrait of Ruin on DS, Aria of Sorrow and Harmony of Dissonance on GBA, Rondo of Blood and Super Castlevania IV on Wii VC and a couple that I never finished, Order of Ecclesia on DS and Circle of the Moon on GBA. That's quite a lot of Castlevania since my first taste in 2006 :eek:


However, that first taste was also the best taste. I've enjoyed most of those games to some degree, certainly a few more than others, but my interest has dwindled over the years to the point where I can't summon up the desire to play through Symphony of the Night, a game I've had on PS3 for a while now.. and it's one of the most critically acclaimed entries in the franchise. I thought I'd love it but any time I try to get into it, I just can't be bothered :hmm:


Some other franchises don't even take that long to wear me down, though. When building my PS2 collection, a console I bought well into the Wii's lifecycle, I obtained quite a few games that I figured I would want to play eventually. As I was playing, and enjoying, Devil May Cry, I made sure to pick up the second and third entries before I ever cleared the first. Unfortunately, I started experience fatigue only a few chapters into Devil May Cry 2 and I just don't hold much interest in those games any more :sad:


As far as general gaming fatigue goes, though, you should play what you want to play rather than forcing yourself to play through something to the end just because you feel like you should or to clear it off the backlog.


2015 has been very Gamecube focused, for me, as I've finally beat Star Wars: Rogue Leader, Viewtiful Joe and and getting towards the end of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. Initially it may seem that I'm simply clearing up some of my unfinished games, which to an extent may be true, but I've picked those games up from my shelf because I wanted to play them. To be honest, I've been loving Pandora Tomorrow this week and am so glad I decided it was time to play it. I'm not sure what is next yet but I'll decide that upon completion :heh:

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As far as general gaming fatigue goes, though, you should play what you want to play rather than forcing yourself to play through something to the end just because you feel like you should or to clear it off the backlog.


This is sound advice.


My gaming ways have changed tremendously in about a year time.


At first, I was a pretty serious gamer who always had one game going on a home console, a game going on a handheld, some smaller games on the side (like Mutant Mudds or an Oracle game etc..) and a buddy game usually on a home console.


Then everything went to shit last year and through relationship problems and whatnot I lost two of my best gaming friends in one fell swoop, leaving me cold and disinterested in games for a while since I felt it was time to focus on other things in my life which I had been ignoring/postponing.

However, I knew that I shouldn't be too rigorous and and just sell everything like another friend of mine did who sold his PS4 and some games because he decided to focus on other things in life.

I opted for the middle way and I discovered that I had trouble going through games by myself, so I found another gaming gal who is on the same NINTENDO mindset as me, very happy I met her, and we are currently going through Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door together, since she has never played it before.

Though we meet up maybe once or twice a month this is enough for me.


Slowly but surely, I am starting to regain my interest in the act of gaming again. Going through my Japanese version of Kirby: Mass Attack and I have other Japanese games waiting for me in an effort to also get back into my Japanese groove.


Gaming fatigue comes and goes, but I have come to peace with the fact that I will never be able to play everything on my list, even though I still keep updating it which helps me remember which games I'd like to experience some time.

I must confess though, not having Smash Bros. WiiU or A Link Between Worlds does kind of bother me, so those will be first on my list when I finally get a job and some money.

The balance between backlog games and keeping up-to-date with new releases had always been a struggle for me from time to time, but I notice that I don't put myself under pressure as much as I used to.


Eezie gaming, guys :)

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I experience this and have done recently... I still am to some extent too.


I find it happens a lot when I'm playing a certain game for a long time or if there's an excess of games for a particular genre that I have to play through.



I played this game a lot over a couple/few months. It was great at first but fairly quickly became VERY repetitive and started to grate on me. When the DLC came out, I felt it was so heavily overpriced for what the content was, it immediately turned me off and I just couldn't be bothered gaming.


Platformers on WiiU.

SM3DW, NSMBU, DKCR:TF, Rayman, Sonic LW... the platform is over-saturated with them. I've not purchased DKCR:TF because I can't bear to think of having yet another platformer. I got rid of Sonic as it was so pants and yet that I've still got the Mario games and Rayman just put me off playing them.

Then there's the upcoming Mario Maker, Yoshi, Kirby...not to mention a host of eShop games.

The thought of playing a platformer just puts me off at the moment... but not just of playing platformers, it's putting me off gaming in general.



Then I look at my backlog and think "crap, I have to knuckle down and get finishing some of these". I do want to but I feel meh about it, so I can't be arsed.

Edited by Kav
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I experience this and have done recently... I still am to some extent too.


I find it happens a lot when I'm playing a certain game for a long time or if there's an excess of games for a particular genre that I have to play through.



I played this game a lot over a couple/few months. It was great at first but fairly quickly became VERY repetitive and started to grate on me. When the DLC came out, I felt it was so heavily overpriced for what the content was, it immediately turned me off and I just couldn't be bothered gaming.


Platformers on WiiU.

SM3DW, NSMBU, DKCR:TF, Rayman, Sonic LW... the platform is over-saturated with them. I've not purchased DKCR:TF because I can't bear to think of having yet another platformer. I got rid of Sonic as it was so pants and yet that I've still got the Mario games and Rayman just put me off playing them.

Then there's the upcoming Mario Maker, Yoshi, Kirby...not to mention a host of eShop games.

The thought of playing a platformer just puts me off at the moment... but not just of playing platformers, it's putting me off gaming in general.


Then I look at my backlog and think "crap, I have to knuckle down and get finishing some of these". I do want to but I feel meh about it, so I can't be arsed.


I would like to repeat the entirety of that post. Same applies to me, especially re platformers and especially Destiny.

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Back in September was when i experienced my last bout of fatigue, and funnily it did involve Destiny. Didn't really touch many games for long periods of time throughout October into November, but that cleared up into November and i've been fine since. Have been trying to get back into Destiny recently, but it's certainly harder seeing as many people are higher levels and i struggle to find people whom are prepared to do strikes instead of dancing and pointing, which is very off putting.

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Generally going to echo @kav82's post


I've generally felt that i had to play though a game, because i'd bought it, and i'd bought it out of hype and a sense i needed to buy the latest game....i buy too many and don't have the time to play them

The last game i bought was Captain Toad and that was only because it was on pre-order for months and i forgot about it, before that it was alien isolation........but back at the start of the year i was buying 2 or more games a month, and i look back and think...why? i've got a huge back log due to it and now its a chore to play them and the backlog fear stops me replaying games i want


I think i'm going to go through a loaf and sell them, i'm not burnt out with gaming, i just got carried away like a drug habbit


I'm surprised i still play destiny, the raid is great fun, but dailies/weeklies are chores i've only recently done them because i had to start a second character to get to lvl 32 (since it required new upgrade materials!). Now my Alt is lvl 31 i'm going to go back to doing the raid only, but maybe extend it to the raid twice.

I think when we all hit lvl 32 it would be nice to do the raid maybe every 2 weeks

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i've got a huge back log due to it and now its a chore to play them and the backlog fear stops me replaying games i want


I think i'm going to go through a load and sell them..


In 2014, I replayed loads of my favourite games throughout the course of the year and had an absolute blast doing so :yay: There's no need to pay full price for the latest games only to neglect those you already own.


During my recent GC fixation, I put Hitman 2: Silent Assassin on to see where I was at and if it would grab me and make me want to finish it. It didn't, so I can see that being sold along with numerous other titles I don't feel I need. I'm somewhat expecting Prince of Persia: Warrior Within to fall into that category as I lost interest in it previously and would probably prefer to replay The Sands of Time :smile:

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In 2014, I replayed loads of my favourite games throughout the course of the year and had an absolute blast doing so :yay: There's no need to pay full price for the latest games only to neglect those you already own.


During my recent GC fixation, I put Hitman 2: Silent Assassin on to see where I was at and if it would grab me and make me want to finish it. It didn't, so I can see that being sold along with numerous other titles I don't feel I need. I'm somewhat expecting Prince of Persia: Warrior Within to fall into that category as I lost interest in it previously and would probably prefer to replay The Sands of Time :smile:


Did you replay your avatar and sig though?

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I can definitely relate to this. Thanks for bringing up this subject as I've been thinking about it a lot recently. I've taken a break from the bigger games that need a lot more time and devotion and have been enjoying a few of the pick up and play smaller indie titles on the eShop. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just going back to basics of where it all began for a while until the urge for the big hitters returns.

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I've not really played games for the last 18 months. In that time I've bought 4 games, Pokémon X, Pokémon Omega Ruby, MK8 and Nintendoland. I think at the root of it for me is lifestyle changing, or as Bob put it I'm getting old. I have other responsibilities, hobbies and interests I'd rather put my time and money into.


I think the hardest part is getting over the hype and excitement of launches. If you aren't interested in that any more you can just pick up a game when it suits you.

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I've sunk more time into Destiny than most but it hasn't really bothered me. I never did anything like shooting the loot cave, and quickly stopped doing things I found dull like patrols. I mostly play it for the social aspect, ie, people to talk to. I find that whenever I'm playing with the clan, it doesn't really matter what I'm doing, it'll be fun.


That said Destiny hasn't gotten in the way of any other games. I got a tiny bit bored with it at one point so I stopped right away and played Far Cry. Then I decided to make a new alt on Destiny and the fun came right back.


I have bought a couple of DS games I've neglected but I decided to save them til the New 3DS comes out, so it feels like I've got more for my new system.


It really is a case of making sure the game is fun, instead of going til you've done everything. I've made the mistake in the past of getting fed up with a game because I insisted on completing it on the hardest setting available first, to save achievement collecting time later. Not worth it. Play it for as long as you're having fun and move on!

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I got severe Game Fatigue last year. It's strange feeling - not just one of boredom, but more like not having the mental energy to actually play the games.


In my case, it might have been down to playing too many RPGs. Now I like RPGs, but they tend to have post-games that go on and on and on... It suits me when I'm really hooked on one, but when the game is just average, it feels like a chore and leaves me without a sense of closure if I don't do it. Etrian Odyssey Untold was a good remake, but with a bad post-game. Bravely Default... well, you know. Conception II was a bit "meh" and Fantasy Life was particularly irritating, in my opinion. I've also got Etrian Odyssey III to do - it's a good game, but just a bit too "much".


Thankfully I've felt different this year. Loved completing Wind Waker HD, and I blasted through a few other games - Axelay, Streets of Rage and Afterburner II (the latter in particular was extremely enjoyable). I'm also hooked on New Super Mario Bros U now, got Super Mario 3D World to play and the long-awaited Shantae and the Pirate's Curse in February. If I can just stay away from long, mediocre RPGs, I might avoid Game Fatigue!

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Have I got gaming fatigue? No. Not at all. In fact, I've probably put more time into gaming in the past 9 months than I have in the past few years. Definitely the last three, at least. It's actually really nice to be able to enjoy gaming again and suck so much time into it.


On the other hand, I do have Nintendo fatigue. I wasn't keen on the WiiU's idea at all and it hasn't been a good console for me. I'm bored shitless with Nintendo, particularly their attitude to just rely on their old stuff to keep going. Even Mario pisses me off, tbh and I find it painful these days (or have done for a while) seeing his name or face slapped on everything to get it to sell. I miss the ground-breaking Nintendo we had in the past, the kind that would just throw caution to the wind and make new, exciting games for the hell of it. There's a very strong chance that I won't buy their next system as I don't see them improving.

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RPGs probably provide the ultimate form of fatigue for myself :hmm:


I was never into turn-based battles when I was growing up and, in fairness, I probably never owned a proper adventure game until Ocarina of Time on N64. I'd simply never played anything like it before! I had borrowed A Link to the Past off a friend at primary school years before but delving into one of his save files, which I wasn't permitted to delete, meant I honestly hadn't a clue what I was supposed to be doing :heh:

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Golden Sun managed to win me over, in some ways, as I felt they were inviting and an absolute joy to play. Neither outstayed their welcome, either, which is perhaps my biggest problem with the genre. A lot of RPGs seem way too long and, as a result, prove to be a daunting prospect :hmm:


When I look through my games and pick out a few that haven't been finished (or, in several cases, haven't even begun :red:) there's quite a few representatives from this particular genre. Final Fantasy VII (PS1), Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC) and Tales of Symphonia (GC) are all present without any save data associated at this stage and I feel like the main factor holding me back from giving them a go is that I'll have to invest a lot of time in each one. I'm not against long games, as such. I've played Mario Kart 8 and Nintendo Land in excess of 50 hours, for example, but both are games I thoroughly enjoy whilst I worry that I may not fully appreciate the games I mentioned previously.


Xenoblade Chronicles has over 10 hours of play on the clock, perhaps closer to 15, but I don't even feel like I've made a dent in that game or even got to grips with the battle system. If I've not really enjoyed it so far, am I really going to find it worthwhile to play through another 80 or 90 hours of it..? ::shrug:

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I've had it before several times and stopped playing anything altogether and I'm currently feeling slightly fatigued on games, but more so the "bigger" titles, if to permit such a phrase, rather than games in general.


Delving into the digital download side of things has afforded me some interesting, unique and memorable experiences that I haven't quite managed to gain from playing some of the bigger games as I have. As I do have less time to play than previously, with the better half having moved in and a hectic schedule at work, getting the most out of the small amount of play time I have has become important and as I've mentioned, I've found that my time is being more respected in a way with these smaller downloadable titles than it is in say some of the more prominent games from last year.


Yes, like others I've sunk a ton of time into Destiny (to name but one game) but while I enjoyed it first time around and even got a second wind with it, it's a prime example of the above. A few other titles have done this as well and yet I've come away from playing a handful of downloadable games on my PS4 over the past couple of weeks feeling refreshed and excited about what little gems will be turning up over the next couple of months. Sure, this sentiment could be levelled at some of the lesser talked about retail releases but I feel it more specifically points to the download and indie spectrum where titles are grabbing my attention and making me want to play.


So, it's become more about what I want to experience while playing which has allowed me to alleviate fatigue towards playing games and while yes, I may decide not to pick up some of the bigger titles that do interest me, that money will be used elsewhere trying out indie titles no less engaging to me at least.


I think it's a sign of a changing industry in which people are starting to grow tired of the typical bigger releases and yearn for something different which is why so much attention is being thrown on the likes of TellTale's games of late, No Man's Sky and such and so some, like myself, have shifted their gaming to find newer, fresher horizons. Obviously, gamers still want certain experiences but the call for the unique or individual title is growing and increasingly being found thanks to smaller developers. And perhaps this is how the general state of gaming fatigue with the industry as a whole should and is being addressed (with both Sony and Microsoft vehemently pushing indie titles).


tl;dr: Yes and no on gaming fatigue; yes because of bigger games, no because of indie titles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me it depends on what I'm playing, and my reluctance to stop playing a game once I've started (though congratulations Destiny, you're so incessantly dull I'm not bothering with you) - playing through Ocarina of time and Siesta Fiesta is really making me not be bothered to play... But the weeks earlier when I was playing Shovel Knight, Batman, Mario Land etc I was loving it!!


I realise now that I'm just not a huge fan of game you need to put load of time in. I can spend loads of time playing one game (Hyrule, Smash, Mario kart show that) but it's HAVING to play through rather than just wanting to.


Also realising that I mainly like Nintendo's games has helped, I just don't play the vita and ps4 anymore bar fifa, selling all my ps4 games bar alien (which I'm looking forward to playing) and I'm going to be far pickier with what I play not hose machines. Most games just don't interest me, and I've finally got past the desire to want to play everything!! I like playing load of games, big games etc But now, just the stuff for me. Which means being able to play loads of classics and such, so I'm actually excited about just playing the occasional retail game, but load of indies and retro games.

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I go through bouts of game fatigue. In fact, I think I'm coming up on one (or one has already hit since I only play one game, I haven't even tried First Light and I love the Infamous franchise). It's a big part of why I avoid relentless iterations of titles like Assassin's Creed or games where art direction has become a self-fulfilling prophecy of derivation like Mario. That crap just sets me off.


Stuff like FIFA and Destiny avoid this problem because they much more social; I'll play as much as everyone else. The Destiny sub-Reddit adds so much of that community aspect to he game (no to mention the Other Console board here), things like DestinyLFG, too - I've met some absolutely awesome people through the non-automated matchmaking. Any game where you meet up with friends once a week for a couple hours has got to be a good thing, tbh. It's almost like the Mario Kart of FPSes. (TL;DR - The community makes the game better than it should be and it's an awesome community.)


Doesn't help that the weather blows at the moment. I've picked up a new book though, so hopefully I'll be wasting time on that instead of games.

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