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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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Watched the trailer for it the other day, doesn't really seem like my kind of game, but I'll certainly check it out at some point.

I take it you enjoyed it then?


Yeah, bought it in December and loved it to bits. The letters and pick ups you find all tell the story of WW1 and really draw you into the world. The game looks very lighthearted but it gets very dark at times. The ending though....:weep:

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I got all the extras in Sonic CD and beat that Civ V match I had going on, but since I have a final stretch of exams going on, I've decided to only play games in short bursts.


A game from my backlog that fits the mold:




Broadcast Yourself




The polar opposites in this game are "Red" and "Blue"


It's a pretty neat indie game. It's a small Metroidvania that features puzzles related to magnetism, instead of combat. Every room features a few puzzles that require you to control the polarity in objects, or even in yourself.


The plot is simple, and told entirely in pictures (and better detailed in the collectible scrolls). The game features some pretty good music and some amazing hand-drawn sprites and backgrounds, so that's a 10/10 in presentation.


The puzzles are fun, and plenty of them are physics-based (something I love). Like any Metroidvania, you get more powers as the game progresses, so more puzzle variety as you get closer and closer to becoming Magneto.


I found it to be pretty short, and some of the bosses can be a tad frustrating, but it's a very good game overall.



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb (Last played: 11th Jan)

-Hitman Contracts (2nd February)

-Sonic CD (19th February)

-Puzzle Agent (17th February)

-Teslagrad (8th March)

Currently Playing:

Nothing right now

On Hold/Hiatus:

-The Whispered World

-Final Fantasy X

-Civilization V


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I finished The Order 1886 (PS4) on Saturday. I really enjoyed the game, despite what the reviewers said.


I think there is very much a place in the industry for games like this. Stuff like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls ( loved both of these ) were very gameplay light and focused more on the story, which is what The Order really done. I think it has more in common with those two games, rather than something like Gears of War.


Started playing Child of Light ( Vita ) yesterday. Really enjoying this game. The visuals look gorgeous on the Vita screen, the music is amazing and I love the battle gameplay. The only downside is the writing is simply awful.


@dazzybee mentioned the writing a while back I have to agree with what he said. The rhyming that is used is terrible. Sometimes it doesn't rhyme when it should, while other times it's completely forced. It really kills part of the charm of the game, so much so that a lot of the time I find myself just skipping through the text as it's so annoying.


I should probably get this finished in the next day or so as i'm halfway through chapter 7 and there's only 10.

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I think there is very much a place in the industry for games like this. Stuff like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls ( loved both of these ) were very gameplay light and focused more on the story, which is what The Order really done. I think it has more in common with those two games, rather than something like Gears of War.


That's interesting, I love Heavy Rain, so if it has more of a feel of that than a more action focussed game then it appeals to me more... Might add it to the list!

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That's interesting, I love Heavy Rain, so if it has more of a feel of that than a more action focussed game then it appeals to me more... Might add it to the list!


It's still very much a corridor shooter. The comparison I'm making is due to both The Order and Heavy Rain/Beyond focusing on story first and gameplay second. If you don't like cutscenes then definetly give it a miss. I think the game is about 16 chapters long and about 6 of them are purely cutscenes. I suppose a comparison to the MGS fits here as well. You play a little, watch a big scene, play some more, another scene etc.

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Been playing a lot of Destiny over the weekend. I was in the original Alpha that took place and enjoyed it but then never ended up getting the game. I'm actually suprised just how much I'm enjoying it at the moment. Got to level 13 so far.


Done the first chapter of Valiant Hearts as well. Such a charming game. I got it free through PS+ but I'm tempted to buy it again on PC just to support this kind of game.


Also, with my new found love of Destiny its got me craving for more loot games so I'm finally downloading Phantasy Star Online 2 (which should be finished by the time I get home from work) and then installing the English patch so I can play it.

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Credits have now rolled on Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

The finale was so peculiar and pretty anticlimactic compared to the rest of the game, didn't really feel like I was even involved in the final hunt. :blank:

Overall I enjoyed MH4U, but as I've said a million times already, would have preferred to play it on Wii U.


Also cleared all levels on OlliOlli 2 a few days ago, so that's another game to add to the diary for March. :)



in January:____________

Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

in February:____________

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)

in March:____________

Rogue Legacy (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifOlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifMonster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)



- Still nothing to see here. :p



New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Driveclub (PS4)


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Only completed one more game since my last update which is pretty bad, but I blame stag do's for stopping the flow. Valiant Hearts becomes my 5th game completed this year!



Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4)

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4)

The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)

Thief (PS4)

Valiant Hearts (PS4)


Currently half way though Abes Oddysee: New and tastey.



Loved Valiant Hearts so much, I think I'll complete it again as unfortunately I missed a few collectibles and this is a game that I'm actually happy to try to get them all as they give a nice bit of info on each item.



Abes Oddysee is just amazing. So much nostalgia from it. Stupid as it sounds I wasn't aware it was the original Abes Oddysee remastered. When I started it and saw the introduction to Rupture farms again and the oh so familiar menu screen I was very excited.

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I finished Child of Light ( Vita ) last night. Fantastic game that, like Valiant Hearts, shows Ubisoft are more than a glitchy AAA developer and can really do some amazing stuff when they let their creativity loose.


The music in the game is really something else. The tunes have a fairy tale charm to them but can also be epic at the same time. :bowdown:

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I finished Child of Light ( Vita ) last night. Fantastic game that, like Valiant Hearts, shows Ubisoft are more than a glitchy AAA developer and can really do some amazing stuff when they let their creativity loose.


The music in the game is really something else. The tunes have a fairy tale charm to them but can also be epic at the same time. :bowdown:


So surprised you like it, the art style and music are stunning, but I thought the game itself was so so boring!


I've started playing Blek, an amazing little puzzler on the Wii U where you have to draw a line, and the way you draw it is repeated and that line then has to hit circles to complete the levels, but there are black circles too which it can't hit. Hard to explain actually, but brilliant. Will have the finished this week.


Still itching forward with Shantae and Zelda. And, weirdly, Where's Wally on the iPad which i think its quite brilliant :)

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Last night saw me to the end of Okami on Wii :smile:


I was expecting to finish it this week but I ended up sinking about 4 hours into it yesterday evening. I rarely ever play a game for that length of time in one sitting, even if I did pause to have dinner somewhere in the middle :heh:


I came away from it a little happier than when I previously left it around the 27-hour mark. It managed to win me over again, somewhat, though there were still frustrations to be had with brush strokes not registering repeatedly!


Before resuming Okami, I had Okamiden looking at me from the shelf wondering whether it would ever see the inside of my DS Lite again or if it would end up on ebay in the near future due to a lack of desire. For now, I think it has been rescued and I actually look forward to getting my teeth into it properly at some point in the future :smile:


It won't, however, be now as I fancy a different challenge for the time being. Billy Hatcher and Pandora's Tower are current considersations, as are the unlockable extra missions in Zack & Wiki that I never touched upon clearing the main game all those years ago. In fact, looking more closely at my Wii collection suggests that I'm close to having everything cleared, bar a couple of games that may be moved on and Xenoblade Chronicles which may have to get a chance again soon :eek:

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Since my last post I've played through 3D Out Run (raced every route in glorious 3D! :awesome:) and today I started and finished Papo & Yo.


Very interesting game that one, technically it's pretty flawed (irregular frame rate, screen tearing, etc...) and generally rough around the edges. But it's a beautiful game at heart, and the story (of a young boy dealing with an abusive father :sad:) is skilfully delivered through gameplay with next to no dialogue or cut-scenes. icon14.gif

Ended up giving me a similar vibe to Journey, and I was really impressed with it. :)



in January:____________

Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

in February:____________

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)

in March:____________

Rogue Legacy (PS4+)

OlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

MHbUwnT.gif3D Out Run (3DS)

MHbUwnT.gifPapo & Yo (PS3+)



New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Driveclub (PS4)

MHbUwnT.gifMighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS)

Yeah, I've removed the "completed" section. :heh:

I clearly don't/can't fully complete games anymore, I'll just add a note to the list if I somehow manage to 100% a game this year. :hehe:

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There was a sale at GOG.com a while back, and I impulse-bought a few games I didn't know about, but grabbed my eye. One of those was a short first-person puzzle game called Q.U.B.E., where you solve puzzles by manipulating cubes in different ways. The puzzles themselves are good, and so is the music, but almost everything else Q.U.B.E. tried to do, Portal did first and better (even the aesthetic is similar). It's a decent and enjoyable game, but overall unimpressive.


(Amusingly, this Cube-centered game was made by a Welsh team :heh:)


Meanwhile, Steam decided to do the "Ubisoft Weekend" (EDIT: Wait, this was a Weekly Deal, not actually Ubi) where I got a shmup called Enemy Mind. I played it for a bit, and I quite liked it. Looks short too, but we'll see.



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb (Last played: 11th Jan)

-Hitman Contracts (2nd February)

-Sonic CD (19th February)

-Puzzle Agent (17th February)

-Teslagrad (8th March)

-Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut (14 March)

Currently Playing:

-Enemy Mind

On Hold/Hiatus:

-The Whispered World

-Final Fantasy X

-Civilization V



By the way, has anybody here installed Ubisoft's UPlay on their computer? Is it intrusive? I've held off buying Valiant Hearts because of that, but since I still want it in the future, I'd like to know.

Edited by Jonnas
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I bought Watchdogs last summer and played the shit out of it. Loved it, but never got around to finishing it as work started up again and other games arrived which I spent my time on (The Last of Us, FIFA, etc). I went back to it yesterday and finished the main story.


Overall, I think it's an underrated game and one which I very much enjoyed playing. The hacking is fantastic and the final few missions add a nice bit of variety to round things off nicely. I enjoyed it.


Games of 2015


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed

Transistor - Finished

The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed

inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed

Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story

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Still need to finish Panzer Dragoon Saga, but I've also started playing through Knights of the Old Republic on Steam. I have completely forgotten the entire storyline other than:


The player character is actually Revan.



It's great to play through knowing the main plot twist, so I can now see all the clues etc, but not remember anything about the actual story so it all seems fresh again.

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Another to add to the list, Yesterday I completed Abes Oddysee: New & Tasty. Well I only rescued 85 Mudokon, so got a bad ending. Still great game. Never completed it back on the PS1, I just spent time making Abe fart and laugh. But actually playing it through was great. Some nice puzzles, although a few that were a little frustrating.



Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag (PS4)

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4)

The Last of Us Remastered (PS4)

Thief (PS4)

Valiant Hearts (PS4)

Abe's Oddysee: New N Tasty (PS4)

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Right, a few more games to add to my list.


First up is...


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If you've played the mini-game on Kirby: Triple Deluxe, you should know what to expect. A fun and surprisingly tricky rhythm platformer that is great if you're the kind of guy who likes to beat their high scores.

Won't dwell on it too long, but I definitely enjoyed it.


Secondly I went back to a time when there was no such thing as voice chat in the world of console gaming...



Well, actually, I played the US version. But I like the PAL boxart better.


Banjo-Tooie is easily my favourite N64 game and I've really lost count of how many times I played through it.


This game has aged remarkably well, despite it's hilarious frame-rate issues. The humour is still a testament to how much comedic talent Rare had back then and the gameplay is as solid as a Golden jigsaw piece!


A complaint some of you might have had is that the areas tend to be too big.

I personally enjoy that. There's a real sense of exploration to be had from this and it only adds to the satisfaction of finding every little trinket that can somehow fit in that tiny little backpack.



It might look empty, but that backpack still has 90 oversized golden Jigsaw pieces, 144 batches of musical notes, 9 Treble Clefs, 220 feathers and 470 eggs in it and there's still enough room to store an infant Triceratops with googly eyes!


BTW, don't play the XBox 360 version if possible, they futzed up the first person controls, making those sections unbearable!


...OK, I'll move on now.


Last Thursday night, I downloaded Metroid Zero Mission...



And then I finished it on Friday! @Dcubed went on to say that my memory of this game was, and I quote, "Terrifying"


As far as gameplay goes, this is the best 2D Metroid game! Super Metroid has more atmosphere, but this game is a blast to play.


It's probably because of the encouragement to sequence break the game that I enjoy so much, it can lead to some odd instances...


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Actually, because of that early Super Missile trick, you can even skip an entire boss! That's how much you can break the game!


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The biggest difference between this and the original Metroid is the genuinely surprising moment after you've defeated Mother Brain and escaped Zebes only to be shot down by Space Pirates and left almost entirely defenseless. Not knowing about this in advance when I first played it all those years ago was brilliant! It gave a real feeling of tension...


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Which I've now ruined with the obvious joke.

Way to go, me...


(Can you believe that I was the first to make that joke on Miiverse!? It seems so obvious!)



So yeah, if you've never played this, you are robbing yourself of an absolute masterpiece and must now go and play it! DO IT!


And with that...

Lufia: The Legend Returns - GBC

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - WiiU (Not 100%)

Demon's Crest - SNES (Not 100%)

The World Ends With You - DS

Gunman Clive - 3DS

Gunman Clive 2 - 3DS

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - 3DS

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D - 3DS

Dedede's Drum Dash Deluxe - 3DS

Banjo-Tooie - N64

Metroid Zero Mission - GBA (Not 100%)


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