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Ain't Got No Job Satisfaction


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I'm bored of my job! Seven months in and everything.


It's not a bad job, just not going to go anywhere and not challenging me in any regards. It will be fine to stay in if I have to but looking around at others. Decided I either need to move to something more creative or, if I have to stay in a boring job, be better paid.


Just thought I'd put that out there. What about you folks? Are you happy in your job (short-term, long-term)?


I may be procrastinating from doing my CV

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Yeahhh I think I've already complained about my current job plenty of times so people will know I hate it. And I've only been there for 2 weeks (and first proper work day today)! Poor Jim has had to deal with my complaints every day already heh.


It's shit. I hate every minute there, urgh. If I didn't need the money I would quit now. The job is also stopping me from going to see my family as there are no days I can book off in the coming months. Does not help when I'm already really homesick and this month has Mother's Day, a big family reunion, my sister's birthday and my sister having a housewarming... and I can't go to any of them. =(



The sad thing is I can get some freelance stuff to work on, but I just can't get enough work lined up to earn enough. And now that I'm at work all day when I come home I feel too crap/too tired to work on my freelance stuff anyway. Pfff. I do not want to get stuck in this crappy job! =(

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I feel near enough the same way as Eenuh, being call centre myself. Back on the Tax Credit lines after 6 months off them (preferred the 6 months off the phones, work was a little more challenging and had less pressure on each case). Now i'm back on the phones, i feel like it's all samey. Same people calling for reasons as to why their money has stopped (we send letters, arn't they clear enough (or do they need to be filled in with crayon and in easy words like "you earn too much/work too little")). I know it's a job at the end of the day, i'm grateful for having a job. But i don't feel challenged and this job ain't going nowhere, as it's only a temporary position.


I am looking for other work to get me out of where i am, something with better hours will help. I'm finishing anything upto 8pm on shifts and not getting home upto anything as late as 10pm

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I'm ok with my job, but been constantly trying to get a better hour/paid position at the main store. The two previous jobs I applied for fell through as they decided they were simply going to grab people from a different department (IE no fucking point in asking for applications) and it looks like the same may happen with the third one I'm working on. They're asking for applications but don't know what the hours are, or even if there is a job there at all.


It's not too hard to get your shit together Tesco.

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I like my job. Don't love it! What we do is somewhat rewarding, even if it comes with its abuse sometimes :)


It's well paid (i'm on £9 an hour but i've been in post for nearly 7 years) so overall I can't really complain when there's people a lot less happier than I am on a lot less more, or even on jsa.

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I've been doing my current role for about 3 years and I love it. However it changed just after Christmas and I was moved onto a different team making calls to customers to confirm payment details on their instructions.


I was still doing parts of my previous job (which I loved) but as they disbanded the role slightly it meant all of my free time was put into calling customers.


Not only was it pretty crap work, but it has been nothing but manic since I went there. There aren't enough bums on seats to fulfil the work and no one seems to want to do anything about it.


I applied for a new job and was successful with that (start in 3 weeks!) but if it wasn't for the change in my role I never would have even thought to move.


That's the problem with working for a bank - changes so quickly. But as i say, I have been fortunate enough to get a new job so I should get some job satisfaction back soon enough!


It's the first time I have been really unhappy a having to go to work. I'm never like that. I like going to work normally. I hope those feelings return!

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I love and hate my job. I think I mostly love it. Having said that, it's not what I want to do. However, things are up in the air and I'm not sure my contract will be renewed at the end of the month because they are cutting back on freelancers - I'm the last freelancer standing after two had their contracts terminated last week. If they do renew my contract I think they might move me from creative to strategy...which I think I might be happy about, but I'm not sure. When it comes to it, I just have a general malaise towards everything; if they don't renew my contract, I'll deal; if I move to strategy, I'll deal; if they don't, I'll deal; if they hire me out of freelance, I'll try and resist but ultimately, I'll deal.


I've done pretty well out of uni, I should be pretty happy with myself. I nonchalantly strolled into a ridiculously well payed job, while most of my friends are struggling to find any kind of job, doing something I enjoy and yet I can't shake this feeling that it's just not enough.


GPOY: 'These were the faces of boys whose whole lives seemed to have backed up on them, they’d be a few feet away but they’d be looking back at you over a distance you knew you’d never really cross.' Etc...


Or maybe it's just all this shit weather.


/Personal Insanity

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I've been doing the same job on and off for over 5 years, any attempt at escape seems to just propel me straight back there (I've had other part-time jobs at the same time that I hoped would lead somewhere and I've done various college and OU courses to try and secure something better). I'm currently trying to decide whether to just accept that this is the path before me and push for promotion, or start setting up my own business of some sort (Probably producing and selling some sort of food. Preserves and/or bread are currently the front runners).


Thought I secured a really good job a few weeks back, but then I started to hear that the company is about to go pop, then key people walked and my enthusiasm disappeared. Most of the things that attracted me to the job in the first place are gone (and it was a pay cut...).

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I really enjoy my job and it let's me live in an amazing place - I'm not 100% happy at the moment. I'm massively underpaid for what I do but I'm having to take the hit as the company basically own me at this point. I'm strategically trying to get them to apply for a green card for me and may be in line for a quite nice pay rise in the next month or so. If those two come up I'll be very happy once again - I think I need those longer term targets which right now I just don't seem to have.

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I think I've discovered that no matter what job people do, most will find a way/reason to be unhappy with it. Tbh, I have a fairly good 'job' at present, I'm paid by the hour so I can go and come as I please, left mainly to my own devices, work in a fantastic office sort of environment with very little politics and overall I kind of enjoy all the above.


Yet I still find myself complaining at times, and obviously I lack job security(no contract per se), but really when I think about it I can't be complaining too much. Plus my commute is like 15-20minutes in the car.

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I work in the foodstore next to the university, so for 6.25 an hour I get to spend 6-8 hours a day tolerating the sense of entitlement that hasn't been ground out of people yet. I think you haven't gotten a real sense of the division in the world until you've watched somebody in snow hat & shorts rifling through cans of Monster trying to find one that's the "right" temperature, then seeing some poor bastard settling down in a tatty sleeping bag for a rainy night in the entrance to Topshop on your way home (true story).


I work with a throughly decent bunch of people luckily - that really makes a world of difference in this sort of work.


One point of interest - you get a good overview of what's happening in the "youth" fashion world. Remember those bizarre tight & loose trousers everyone was wearing six months ago? Those seemed like a really good idea for all of 5 minutes didn't they? Abercrombie & Fitch will probably just blink out of existence before the end of the summer.

Edited by gaggle64
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It's sad to see so many unhappy.


I like my job, I do, but I find sometimes it's frustrating and since going to Stockholm, it's a stark reminder of how things could be different.


After 8 months (gosh how time flies.) I'm still ok, but I certainly need more money, Cambridge is either get a partner or share with professionals and I can't live the next 12-24 months like that.

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I had my perfect job, it was challenging, well paid and had great staff. Only problem was that they committed fraud and the staff paid the price for the management errors. Yes, management got fines and short-term jail sentences. But it was the staff (like me) who lost out big. With their jobs and lively hoods.

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Myearggh. Its okay. Its good I guess. Pay is okay, but then again it could be better (Claire's sister, 18 last week just got made permanent from a temping job she is doing, very general administration and she is now on I believe higher pay than me) so its things like that that I look at with irritation (25 years old, 7 years experience and a technical role), I mean...yeah. Whatever.


Anyway, its a good company, I do phones one week, and admin the next, phones like most customer service jobs is just...meh. Admin side is more challenging and relaxed/easy/go at your pace type work. The people are good. But at the end of the day, any job I can do will not be my dream job, which I will continue to work on and at some point in the near future do something about.


Meh. Everything is just so expensive.

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I managed to get TODAY off, which is mad considering Saturdays are like... sacred. Not too eager about my current job but certainly impressed about the fact I'm barely there for a while. I booked off a holiday in Janurary and just remembered... so two weeks off after tomorrow :D

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My job is ok. I am 25 and it is probably the first decent job I have had. I gained my CCNA networking qualification in July last year after studying networking for 2 hours every evening for 6-8 months and that led me to getting my current job.


I am a trainee for a company deploying Cisco Unified Communications technology, so I am basically learning how to build and deploy the VOIP telephony/contact centers for companies around the country. I am also in charge of our company lab any everything network related in our office. I am getting hands on experience with routers, switches, servers and etc, so I am really lucky in that respect. I did want to get into a proper networking position and had little interest in voice, but here I am.


The company is very relaxed, so I work half an hour less each day than I am contracted to and I haven't really done much work in the last 6 months.. Every day is pretty much just me figuring out what to play with in our lab each day... I create virtual machines and mess around with them. I kind of feel my role is redundant as nobody needs me and I have got a feeling the company is eager to promote me as soon as possible so that I actually have a purpose, so I am just rolling with it at the moment. I am getting paid for doing pretty much nothing each day and its the first time I have got promotion prospects.


My life does feel a bit meaningless with nothing much to do at work.


I've been doing my current role for about 3 years and I love it. However it changed just after Christmas and I was moved onto a different team making calls to customers to confirm payment details on their instructions.


I was still doing parts of my previous job (which I loved) but as they disbanded the role slightly it meant all of my free time was put into calling customers.


Not only was it pretty crap work, but it has been nothing but manic since I went there. There aren't enough bums on seats to fulfil the work and no one seems to want to do anything about it.


I applied for a new job and was successful with that (start in 3 weeks!) but if it wasn't for the change in my role I never would have even thought to move.


That's the problem with working for a bank - changes so quickly. But as i say, I have been fortunate enough to get a new job so I should get some job satisfaction back soon enough!


It's the first time I have been really unhappy a having to go to work. I'm never like that. I like going to work normally. I hope those feelings return!


I also worked for a bank (office environment) and left after 3 years. Time flew past and I stayed there for so long because it was quite a comfortable role and wasn't that demanding. I also didn't know what I wanted to do in terms of a career. I kind of look back on that role as a waste of 3 years of my life. I utilised my last year by studying web design in my evenings and gaining a foundation of knowledge for a more technical role in the future.


I worked at Barclays and all they cared about was getting rid of people and cutting costs and they took this to the extreme. They had people going round each department timing how long things took with a stop watch in order to calculate how quickly different jobs could be done in order to get rid of as many people as possible. By the time I left, I was doing the jobs of 3.5 people and I was treated like dirt.


Banks don't care about their employees, they only care about money and bonuses. They prevent all the hard working people from getting a bonus by setting crazy targets in order to maximize the bonuses for the managers and executives of the company that do the least amount of work. If you want to get far in a bank, the key is to do as little work as possible, then complain as much as possible about how much work you are made to do. This, coupled with wearing a suit to work = promotion. Two people in my department were promoted just for dressing smartly each day.

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I suppose I can say that I do love my job. I'm a bit of a workaholic though and regularly do around ten extra hours a week compared to what I'm paid for.


My job has it's frustrations like any job...putting up with slackers, playing politics with people that shouldn't really be in charge of a paper bag etc, but ultimately, I wouldn't want to change jobs again for a few years at least.


I'm an ethical hacker/performance engineer for a large Irish company and my day usually entails trying to break the website in as many different ways as possible and mitigating against customers doing that. I used to be a sysadmin in a previous job but I've had to learn a lot of other stuff for this one (a few different computer languages, cisco stuff, DB admin, web development etc).

There is hardly a month that goes by that I'm not learning something new (part of the job really) so it stays fresh every morning at least.


My previous jobs have been far from ideal but at 36, I think I'm in my dream job now.

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I just moved onto a new campaign at work and after a day and a half doing it, I just know the ordeal is going to destroy my will to live. I spent ages complaining about how demoralising previous campaigns were, but I'd jump right back onto those in a flash if they still existed.


In short, I need a new job.

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I hate how telephone companies and football commentators use the word 'campaign' as if they're dealing with military exercises. @Guy forgive me if you're not associated with telephone work, it just reminded me of when I was on teh phones all day, dreading the EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.


Currently I get paid the equivalent to minimum wage for a live-in au pair job. The pay would be double this but it's split between me and my girlfriend. The plusses to the job; living with family, girlfriend, no bills, no food worries, no rent, in sunny sunny Oz.


However! My girlfriend is crazy, my free time is inconsistent; rarely a long enough stretch to do something meaningful with... But mostly I just panic because I'm 25 and I have no career to speak of...


But reading about everyone elses fears does kind of allay the pressures I've put on myself :P Cheers guys!

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