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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Update from me: met a random lass who messaged me through a dating app last Sunday for a drink in the afternoon. Her pic was nice but she did look a bit different when she rocked up at the pub. Not my type.

Anyway, she sent me her number through the app after, saying we should meet up again. Text her through the week but her craic was poor. Just not really into her so not gonna bother texting her anymore.


I did decide to join eHarmony though owing to a fair few lasses on the dating apps not really being my type and being a lot younger than what I was looking for. Anyway, saw a profile on there and she was just gorgeous in looks and personality. A cross between Emily Blunt, Uma Thurman (IMO) professional, late 30's. She lives a fair way away but figured she was worth the travel. So yeah, she liked me too and we shared questions and chatted for ages and had tons in common based around our values, beliefs, views of the world and more.


Anyway, she's asked if she can come see me this Wed for a day out together. Gonna have to get the day off work. No biggie tbf. Either way, she sounds awesome - so... fingers crossed. Just keeping realistic and hoping she turns out as nice as she seems online. If you don't hear from me in a week, call the police. :heh:

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Well met with my date yesterday. Met in a local McDonalds first to be safe...stranger danger and all that and then went seal watching and explored a forest park I like. Anyway, she looked MUCH older (nearly didn't recognise her!) and had a really old fashioned attitude - nice but totally different. Almost like an old teacher or sommat!

We had a lot in common but also a lot of differences. Had a nice day out but when we went for food she had a bad stomach which was a bit awkward but handled it smoothly.


She GRILLED me on money, kids, women, life, beliefs, career, health, music, spirituality, relationship with family, psychology, society, war, politics. Was really intense tbf and I told her a fair bit as she was easy to talk to. Did indicate she asked a lot of stuff at one point like! Anyway, she messaged me today saying she was gutted that she didn't feel any chemistry and that we'd be best as friends. Felt absolutely mind raped!

Tbf I did feel the same way and a little flat as she was clearly way older in spirit than me.


Speaking to a few other lasses. Next! : peace:

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There's always a queue @tapedeck!


Although mine is on hold at the moment, I've had a couple really good dates with a girl I met on POF. We've said we'd meet for a third and I hope it continues to go well as I fancy the pants off her. She's a really nice girl, pleasant, funny, smart... and outrageously hot too!

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I'm alive, haha. Don't think I'll be arranging another date with that girl, sorry guys.


That's it. Banned for disservices to hilarity of N-Europe. Unless you've any more lined up...? :D Need to refresh me pages more.


Well met with my date yesterday. Met in a local McDonalds first to be safe...stranger danger and all that and then went seal watching and explored a forest park I like. Anyway, she looked MUCH older (nearly didn't recognise her!) and had a really old fashioned attitude - nice but totally different. Almost like an old teacher or sommat!

We had a lot in common but also a lot of differences. Had a nice day out but when we went for food she had a bad stomach which was a bit awkward but handled it smoothly.


She GRILLED me on money, kids, women, life, beliefs, career, health, music, spirituality, relationship with family, psychology, society, war, politics. Was really intense tbf and I told her a fair bit as she was easy to talk to. Did indicate she asked a lot of stuff at one point like! Anyway, she messaged me today saying she was gutted that she didn't feel any chemistry and that we'd be best as friends. Felt absolutely mind raped!

Tbf I did feel the same way and a little flat as she was clearly way older in spirit than me.


Speaking to a few other lasses. Next! : peace:


Sounds a bit crazy even if you did get on! Need to be starting out a bit lighter than that imo!

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The great thing is, myself (the devil) and my (equally evil) friends (who use terminology that you all find so hilarious) all seem to find women and have sex regularly.


However all you wonderful and totally not socially awkward people never seem to be able to get anyone to date you, let alone actually manage to get sex.


Weird that, don't you think?

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I feel like I have to spill some beans here.


I might've left some vague comments and some more explicit ones months ago, but things have changed, as they always do and I guess I can say that I am going through a bit of a rocky time in my life.


First of all, let me give you guys a quick bullet-point summary of the ol' love life starting somewhere in this year's February:


*My girlfriend who I've been with for 4 years tells me that she cheated on me way back when we had about a year right before she wanted to break up with me.

*I had a hard time with this, but was able to forgive her because at that time she already wanted to break up with me.

*However, I suppose this kind of stuck by me and, along with my newly found confidence, I started flirting with other girls here and there on the internet and in real life.


*In real life, this led to some touchy-feely stuff with a girl at my badminton club, but we both know we were in the wrong so we stopped doing that and meeting-up.


*Eventually this all came to the surface as things seemed to be going well in my life, but not in my girlfriend's life and I continued to not really be loving or caring towards her during that period.

*When all was said and done (about my flirting with said girl) we still couldn't part from each other.


*We had already planned to go to Japan together (I would stay 1 month, my girlfriend 18 days) and I still really wanted to do that to see if we could reignite a spark. Though, to be honest, her love for me was there, it was me who was having doubts and wasn't able to handle this new found confidence and attention from girls.


*So we go to Japan in July and August, both with different expectations (seeing as I've been studying it for over 3 years now, I was nervous whether or not I would actually like is).

*Once we got there, everything was amazing to me, pissing off my girlfriend, because I had too much eye for Japan than for her. This made for a bit of a rocky start in the beginning.


*Then it goes downhill quickly.


*When she left, I had arranged a meeting with a girl in Nagoya who I had met over the internet and yes, I cheated on my girlfriend with her.

Pure sex and having a good time together, nothing more, really.

*Then there was also this other girl who I had been meeting during my stay in Japan who I also really liked, but knew that I was now taking on way more than I could chew, so I just flirted a little here and there.

*They both had boyfriends by the way...but were very susceptible, I guess...


*So when I came back home in The Netherlands, I wasn't planning on telling my girlfriend I had slept with someone else, instead I just told her that I didn't want to put any more energy in the relationship.

*I did however told one of my mates about my adventures in Japan, but he also sees my girlfriend from time to time and he told her that I cheated on her.

*He felt very ashamed and foolish after that and we've settled things now, but a very strange move still...


*Then I went over to my ex and we had a chat and she hit me and it was all pretty awful really.

*During that time, I suddenly realized what I had been doing and how I had been treating her and I just felt gutted, absolutely gutted that i had now lost her and that I had been a terrible person all together.

*So we had some chats after that about me wanting her back, and she was happy to hear this, but for the moment it was better if we did not see or speak eachother.

*Terrible few weeks those were, absolutely terrible.


*Eventually she told me she missed me and that we could start trying hanging out together and see where it would go from there.


*That's sort of where we are now, but this afternoon we talked about how things are pretty different, obviously, and that she really likes me and wants to be with me, but at the same time she also has this urge to perhaps keep more distance, looking at the bigger picture, and trying to get our own lives together separate from each other.




On top of all this I just feel like I don't have any friends anymore for some reason. The only person I kind of can rely on is my sister, who has been a real help and a wise woman for me.

Old friends are hiding from their problems in drugs, partying, alcohol and women, whilst new friends are okay, but only for certain parts, if you know what I mean.


For the first time in my life, as the end of my bachelor approaches, I honestly have no clue as to what I am doing or where I want to go from here.

I have passions, sure and hobbies too, but for some reason I feel kind of alone and unable to grasp the root of the problem.


I am confident that I will get out of this, however, as I don't tend to bury myself in self-pity or drugs or what have you, and by meeting the right people, things will be alright, I'm sure.


It's just that now, I'm in the thick of it and am unsure as to what the future will hold.

Actually, typing this now I'm pretty happy I can share this with you guys here and it already feels much better.


I'll just stop here and leave you guys with some questions:


-How do you guys deal with 'friends' who are only good for doing certain things together, but aren't really on the same level as you?

-Given that my 'ex' has these urges, should we just stay apart form each other again to shed the feeling of being each other's comfort zone?

-Or should I still meet up with her from time to time to remain a part of her life, hoping that she will 'see the light' one day?


Regarding these last 2 questions: I could defend both of them and I think I could deal with them equally. What I can't, though, is handling uncertainty, so if she starts dating then I would like her to tell me so that I know that she's started doing this and then I will be able to take more space.


: peace: Long story, and there are still more variables in the equation, but this would be the bulk of it : peace:


Thanks guys, when I have money, I will most definitely try and visit some of you seeing as I've never been to Great-Britain before :heart:

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As hard as it as and as much as you don't want to, I'd not see each other again. You've both cheated on each other, that to me says it all, you don't belong together.


I'm just dead against cheating, there's no reason for it and if you both truly cared for each other neither would do it. That's just my view.

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The great thing is, myself (the devil) and my (equally evil) friends (who use terminology that you all find so hilarious) all seem to find women and have sex regularly.


However all you wonderful and totally not socially awkward people never seem to be able to get anyone to date you, let alone actually manage to get sex.


Weird that, don't you think?




Settle it in Smash? :p





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The great thing is, myself (the devil) and my (equally evil) friends (who use terminology that you all find so hilarious) all seem to find women and have sex regularly.


However all you wonderful and totally not socially awkward people never seem to be able to get anyone to date you, let alone actually manage to get sex.


Weird that, don't you think?


Literally anything you post here now I read it in the voice of Swiss Tony.


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The great thing is, myself (the devil) and my (equally evil) friends (who use terminology that you all find so hilarious) all seem to find women and have sex regularly.


However all you wonderful and totally not socially awkward people never seem to be able to get anyone to date you, let alone actually manage to get sex.


Weird that, don't you think?


Do you have a girlfriend?

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That's fine, but he either can't or doesn't want to try hold down a relationship, right?


Just highlighting the irony about him taking the highground here when most people in the topic are probably looking for a relationship rather than meaningless sex.


Based on his previous posts (goalpost-gate), he seems like the kind of guy who views women as little more than meat to adorn his man parts. No one like that is going to do any looking down.

Edited by Sheikah
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That's fine, but he either can't or doesn't want to try hold down a relationship, right?


Just highlighting the irony about him taking the highground here when most people in the topic are probably looking for a relationship rather than meaningless sex.


Based on his previous posts (goalpost-gate), he seems like the kind of guy who views women as little more than meat to adorn his man parts. No one like that is going to do any looking down.


No, no, you've completely misunderstood. They're from up north, which is basically like down here was a few centuries ago. He needs to constantly find new mates to increase the chance of his offspring surviving the various hazards, such as predators, the harsh climate and dysentery.



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Crush on someone at work I think. Oops.


I've got a pretty annoying crush, too. One of my sister's friends - she was at my sister's house last time I visited and we have quite a lot in common, too. And she'll be at the wedding next month.


The problem is that she's over in Wales.

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All just a bit of bantz ain't it? No need to get too serious guys! I'm sure we all know how big our dicks are(bigger than everyone elses amirite?) so let's keep it light.


I am confident that I will get out of this, however, as I don't tend to bury myself in self-pity or drugs or what have you, and by meeting the right people, things will be alright, I'm sure.


It's just that now, I'm in the thick of it and am unsure as to what the future will hold.

Actually, typing this now I'm pretty happy I can share this with you guys here and it already feels much better.


I'll just stop here and leave you guys with some questions:


-How do you guys deal with 'friends' who are only good for doing certain things together, but aren't really on the same level as you?

-Given that my 'ex' has these urges, should we just stay apart form each other again to shed the feeling of being each other's comfort zone?

-Or should I still meet up with her from time to time to remain a part of her life, hoping that she will 'see the light' one day?


Regarding these last 2 questions: I could defend both of them and I think I could deal with them equally. What I can't, though, is handling uncertainty, so if she starts dating then I would like her to tell me so that I know that she's started doing this and then I will be able to take more space.


: peace: Long story, and there are still more variables in the equation, but this would be the bulk of it : peace:


Thanks guys, when I have money, I will most definitely try and visit some of you seeing as I've never been to Great-Britain before :heart:


It's good you have that confidence, keep hold of it because imo I think that's the way 'out' too.


1.) You don't. You're liking getting something you want/like, but at the same time disliking the fact you aren't. It isn't just one thing. As far as I see it - you're giving something up either way, and I do feel it's a heavy part of yourself to give/test. If it's on your conscience, then don't do it. Or do, but lose your conscience with it. I don't think you can do both.

2.) Tbh, yeah, I think you should stay apart. As Kav said, you cheated on each other already, and I don't think you'll ever be 'even'. Just let her go, can you say there's any reason you wouldn't that's non-selfish? It's all about you, and again I think it's a bit like 1 above - you're getting more and more comfortable with it.

3.) This wasn't really a fresh question, but just the counterpoint of the above. I wouldn't say they're 2 questions, just two different answers to the same one - interesting that you separate them so much from each other though. Maybe the biggest point on your mind? Even so - I'd stick with just letting her go. You don't really want to be part of her life, you want her to be part of yours - but not in a healthy way. You already essentially said it'd bother you if she started seeing someone else - why? If it's just uncertainty then easily avoid it - cut her out and let her go. Tbh really boiling it down you've actually been a bit of a bigger cunt here anyway. Yes, she cheated on you first - but even knowing that and the hurt it presumably caused you at the time - you went and did the same to her with two other girls and didn't even plan to fucking tell her. You only did because someone else slipped up - put it back round, what if that was you??



Anyhooo, enough of me being far too harsh. What happened to all your friends that you don't have any! Them, you, something else? Find some new people, good people, and try not to corrupt them with your wicked ways ;)

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